A Note From Our Admin
Dear Porter Caregivers,
It’s hard to believe how quickly the school year is flying by! We have reached the mid-term of the 3rd quarter, and we want to emphasize the importance of staying on top of grades during this busy time. Grades are checked regularly for sports and field trips, so please take a moment to review Infinite Campus for updates and any missing assignments. Your support in working with your student and their teachers to catch up on any outstanding work is invaluable.
Exciting Events in March
Our musicians have been showcasing their talents throughout the month. Our 6th graders had an incredible Red Wave Performance at the Adams Center, while our 7th graders participated in the Southside Instrumental Music Festival. Additionally, our Jazz Bands will have the opportunity to perform at the Buddy DeFranco Jazz Festival at the University of Montana.
In athletics, girls’ basketball is wrapping up with our 8th graders competing in the Copper League Tournament on March 10th, while wrestling season is just beginning. Looking ahead, track starts on March 31st, so please begin turning in paperwork and payment to the front office as soon as possible.
Our top three Battle of the Books Teams will head to Meadow Hill Middle School on March 12th at 6 PM to compete. Additionally, we are thrilled to host our Porter Showcase on March 26th, where students will perform and share their learning through music, dancing, and poetry readings. We hope to see your family there for this special evening!
School Climate and Professional Growth
A heartfelt thank you to all caregivers who participated in the climate survey. Your input is invaluable as we strive to enhance our school environment. Our staff has met three times to discuss needs within our building and chart our next steps for growth as a community.
We are also bringing new insights to Porter from professional learning opportunities. Mr. Solberg recently attended a Title 1 Conference in Austin, TX, where he gathered valuable experiences to share with our team, and Ms. Cornelius has gained key insights from her Transformational Learning observations in Arizona.
Student Volunteers – A Huge Thank You!
We want to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to our amazing student volunteers! To show our appreciation, we hosted a luncheon on March 3rd, generously provided by Texas Roadhouse. Thank you to our volunteers for your dedication and to Texas Roadhouse for your generosity—you help make Porter an amazing place to be!
Pick up and Drop Off:
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school safe. We would like to remind everyone of our pick up and drop off procedures:
- Please do not stop in the middle of the road or park in the lot, as these spaces are for staff.
- Curb drop-off is available along the north, south, and west sides of the building.
- Please keep our handicap and ramp spaces open for our students and families who need these spaces.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to a fantastic rest of the school year!
- March 11: 6th Grade Ski Trip (Gear donations appreciated!)
- March 12: Battle of the Books at Meadow Hill
- March 17-21: Spring Break
- March 26: CS Porter Showcase Night
Family Resource Center News
Missoula Food Bank
Kids EmPower Pack is Missoula Food Bank and Community Center's weekend nutrition program that helps students to stay healthy and nourished when school is not in session. Each Friday, a bag of food is provided to students who experience chronic hunger over the weekends.
Their Fresh Food Box program has boxes of food delivered to your home on the last Thursday of the month for a low cost.
Please contact Jen in the FRC for more information.
A Note From Our Counselors
Coping Strategies To Help Your Child Deal With Stress
1. Calming Techniques - Easy to Learn Approaches
- Take a Deep Breath
- Imagine a Favorite Place
- Pick a Number
2. Talk About It - Talking about the issues is one of the best coping strategies to help your child deal with stress.
3. Tweak Their Schedule - A lot of children thrive with structure, but they also need space to breathe.
4. Find Healthy Distractions - When their stress becomes that invasive, it's time to introduce healthy distractions.
5. Get Outside! - A walk through a nature preserve, an afternoon looking at flowers, or a game of catch can positively change their perspective.
Library Updates
Congratulations to Our CS Porter Battle of the Books Participants!
We are thrilled to congratulate all the Porter students who participated in the Battle of the Books on Tuesday, March 4! Their dedication to reading, teamwork, and critical thinking was on full display as they competed in this exciting literary challenge.
A special shoutout to the three teams who have qualified for the MCPS District Battle of the Books! These students will represent Porter at Meadow Hill Middle School on Wednesday, March 12, at 6 PM. We encourage families to come cheer them on as they showcase their reading knowledge and compete against other schools in the district. Best of luck to our qualifying teams at districts—we know they’ll make Porter proud!
Student Council Update
A Heartfelt Thank You from Student Council!
Student Council would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who donated snacks, drinks, and their valuable time to make our Winter Dance and bake sale such incredible successes. Because of your generosity, we were able to cover the cost of a DJ and waive the entry fee, ensuring that every student had the opportunity to join in the fun.
Events like these don’t just happen—they’re made possible by the kindness and dedication of our amazing Porter community. Your support creates lasting memories for our students, and we hope to see even more of you join us in making future events just as special. Thank you for being part of the village that makes it all possible!
Student Handbook Reminders
Dress Code Guidelines:
- Clothing and jewelry that disrupt the learning environment are prohibited. This includes items with profanity, bias, hate, racism, or sexual connotations.
- Any clothing or jewelry that presents a safety hazard is not allowed.
- Hoods should not be worn inside the building, except on designated dress-up days.
- Underwear should not be visible beyond shoulder straps.
- Clothing must adequately cover buttocks.
- Shirts must have shoulder straps and cover from one armpit to the other.
- Shoes are required at all times.
- Blankets are not permitted during the school day or at recess.
- Costumes are allowed only on special occasions, with guidelines provided prior to the event.
Cell Phones:
Students are not allowed to operate cell phones or any electronic devices in locker rooms, bathrooms, or any areas where privacy may be compromised. Additionally, the use of cell phones during classes is prohibited unless directed by certified staff for educational purposes.
Inappropriate Display of Affection:
While we encourage positive interactions, non-threatening physical contact such as kissing and hugging is not suitable for the school environment.
Reserve your yearbook today for $25 at yearbookforever.com, or at the office. Yearbooks will be delivered the last week of school. We always sell out, so ordering early is the best way to make sure your child receives one!
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Wanted!
Porter is building more partnerships with parents, caregivers, and community members. Please sign up on our Volunteer Portal for many opportunities to be a part of our school community. We are currently looking for support with: Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, and lunch support. You can sign up for individual days of the week or weekly. We look forward to seeing you soon! Please reach out to Ciana Kelly with any questions or support.
Porter Parent Council
Harassment Policy
At CS Porter, we are committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for every student. Racism, bullying, and any form of discrimination will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We believe in the importance of kindness, empathy, and understanding in all our interactions, and we expect everyone to contribute to a positive school culture. If you or someone you know is experiencing or witnessing inappropriate behavior, please reach out to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator. Let’s work together to ensure our school remains a place where everyone feels valued and supported.