Jayhawk Weekly Communication
November 5, 2023
Outside Food Delivery is NOT Permitted for Students
Student Lunch Policy - Effective immediately
Over the past few years, the expansion of easy-to-order food delivery services have risen in popularity among our middle schoolers, with as many as 30 deliveries being made for students every day during lunchtime alone. Students are also ordering food outside of lunchtime, beginning in the morning.
Outside food delivery requires the school to give entrance access to delivery drivers, adds to the workload to our front office staff who need to accept deliveries and reroute them to students, and can result in disrupted learning when deliveries are late.
To ensure the security of the school as well as to minimize disruptions to the school day, beginning on November 6, Julian Middle School will no longer accept deliveries for students from outside food delivery services.
As a reminder, parents/guardians may drop off a lunch at the main office for their student to pick up. Please know that we always have a sandwich or salad lunch option available for your student should they forget their lunch at home. As a reminder, students should eat their lunches during lunch time and not during class to maximize learning.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Panorama Education Survey
This is a reminder that students will be taking the Panorama Education Survey this week. The purpose of the survey is for students to share their perceptions on engagement, school climate, school safety, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships. Students will complete the online survey in school and it will take about 10 minutes to complete. Student responses are confidential.
Fall Book Fair
This year's book fair was a great success! Thank you to the many students and staff who shopped and supported this annual event. The library will earn 20% of total sales, and this year was our second highest grossing event since we started in 2016. Thank you to the families and students who volunteered, and the Julian staff that helped facilitate!
And thank you to the families that purchased books for classroom libraries. Thank everyone for supporting Anderson's, a local independent woman-owned bookstore, and for supporting our Julian library!
Jamie Winchell
Teacher Librarian
Percy Julian Middle School
The Boys Basketball season has begun
Game Day procedures & expectations -
In our ongoing effort to provide a safe and secure environment for all, please keep in mind the following for the upcoming home basketball game days:
- All Julian students must have their school IDs in order to attend games. Students are expected to wear their IDs to school daily. Julian students will be required to show their school ID to Julian staff before being admitted to the gym on game days.
- All former Julian graduates, current OPRFHS students, or non-Julian students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend games. We can not have high school students, Brooks students or siblings in the stands without adult supervision.
Please be sure to review the expectations with your Julian student prior to game days to be sure they have their school ID. **Students have already been reminded of the procedures since September (during the girls basketball season). We have placed additional reminders in the morning announcements as well so that all students are aware of the game day procedures and expectations.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Show your school spirit!
New Julian Gear - flash sale ends TODAY!
Just in time for the cooler weather, 1st Place Spiritwear is having a flash sale! They have long sleeve t-shirts for $24.99. Save big on this flash sale event! Choose from hundreds of designs delivered to your home in days. You'll also get free shipping on all orders over $75! A percentage of every purchase of Julian gear is donated to Julian Middle School. View the long sleeve tees catalogue, the sale ends today!
Hephzibah Children's Association
The Winter session of S.M.A.R.T. Hephzibah will be starting soon. SMART is Strengthening Math Advancement by Reinforcing Teaching. For more info, please click here or go to the website at www.hephzibahhome.org.
Amy O’Rourke, Hephzibah Director of Day Care and SMART Hephzibah (aorourke@hephzibahhome.org)
- Jim Hayward, Oak Park Teacher and Smart Instructor (mrjimhayward@gmail.com)
Maker's Fair - SAVE THE DATE
The Julian PTO will host the Maker's Fair on Friday, December 15th. This is a great opportunity for Julian and Brooks students to sell and/or display their homemade goods. More details can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mLgEckh2X1iU5eTh5CVyeIkq68ws9o_erMcYhhS6U8A/edit
Don't forget - we want to hear from YOU!
We want the family-teacher conferences to be a beneficial time for you and your student, as well as a productive time in which teachers have an opportunity to connect with YOU. Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey about your fall conference experience. The conference survey will close on Friday, November 10th. Thank you in advance for your feedback. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Michele Capio, Director of UDL at mcapio@op97.org.
November is Native American Heritage Month
Lockdown Safety Drill
We will conduct our annual lockdown drill on Monday, November 13. This safety drill will be observed by the Oak Park Police Dept. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Julian Sports LIVESTREAM
Do you know you can watch Julian games from the comfort of your home? You can catch the sports home games (for basketball and volleyball) in-person or you can watch online via YouTube!
Go Jayhawks!
- JULIAN STUDENTS MUST WEAR THEIR SCHOOL IDs, in order to attend the home athletic games (for basketball or volleyball). Julian students without their school IDs will be asked to leave school grounds.
- SPECTATORS All non-Julian students without parental supervision will NOT be allowed to attend the games. All non-Julian students (this includes all current OPRFHS students and former Julian graduates) without an adult to supervise them will be asked to leave school grounds.
- FOOD AND BEVERAGES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE GYM. Students, family members, and visitors can have water or water bottles.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding safety protocols, please contact Associate Principal, Dr. Mekita Whitfield, at mwhitfield@op97.org.
Please double check with your Julian student to see if they need a lock for their school locker. You can still purchase a lock online. Or they can bring $7 cash or check to the school office anytime between 8am - 4pm. If they need to store their belongings during their PE class, they can purchase a PE lock online as well. Students are not allowed to bring bookbags and back packs to the cafeteria/commons during their lunch/recess periods. Please contact Dr. Whitfield at mwhitfield@op97,org if you have any questions regarding the lunchroom policy.
All students are encouraged to utilize the lockers to store their belongings. Students are permitted to go to their lockers before school, during passing periods and after school.
In recent weeks, we have observed a number of students missing instructional time to come down to the first floor to meet delivery drivers at the front entrance or at the commons' doors. No child should be meeting a stranger at the door of the school or during their lunch/recess time outside. This is a major safety and security concern. Parents and Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. Also, sandwiches and salads are available for purchase from the lunchroom if a student forgets their lunch at home (it can be billed to their lunch account, they do not need cash to purchase a lunch in the lunchroom).
Effective Monday, November 6, Julian Middle School will no longer accept food/beverage deliveries for students from outside food delivery services, and students are not permitted to order GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats, etc for lunches, snacks or beverages. Parents/Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. However, students are not permitted to place orders via their chromebooks or cellphones. We appreciate your cooperation and we thank you in advance for helping to remind your student of the safety & security protocols. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Julian administrator (Ms. Butler, Dr. Whitfield or Mr. Lee).
SAFE AND HEALTHY SCHOOLS: Information about Student Illness
District 97 remains committed to maintaining safe and healthy schools. We continue to work in partnership with the Oak Park Department of Public Health, following guidance set by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).
When should a child remain home from school?
Staying home if you are ill is essential to keep infections—including the virus that causes COVID-19— out of schools and prevent spread to others. Please visit the District 97 Health Services page for more information about when to stay home. If you have specific questions, please contact your school nurse.
COVID-19 Guidelines for 2023-24
Following IDPH guidelines, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home for five days after the first day of symptoms or testing positive (Day 0). They may return to school on Day 6 if:
They are 24 hours fever free with no fever-reducing medication AND
No diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours AND
Improvement of other symptoms.
Masks are strongly recommended around others for five days (through Day 10). Per local guidance, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should also complete Oak Park Department of Public Health's Positive at Home COVID 19 Test form.
For more information, please visit: COVID-19 Guidelines for D97 Students and Staff
Please support our school nurse by LEAVING A REASON when you call your child in sick from school. Our nurse follows up on every absence call when a specific reason is not provided. If your child is staying home due to reasons unrelated to COVID-19, sharing that information in the message helps the nurse determine whether a call is necessary.
When calling the Julian attendance line at 708-665-3064 or leaving a message on the school office voicemail at 708-524-3040, please slowly state the following:
- Your Name
- Your Child’s First and Last Name
- Your Child’s Grade Level and Advisory Teacher
- Reason for the Absence
- Best phone number to reach you