The Riverview Reader
Updates For The Week of September 2
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A Message To Families From Mr. Peck
Riverview Families,
Here we go!! Your child has met their teacher, gotten their picture taken, claimed their iPad, and dropped off school supplies. By now you should have bus information, parent portal access, and all necessary forms filled out. All that's left to do is take a cute picture on Tuesday morning and get them to school! We will take it from there!
When they get home after that first day they are sure to be tired but excited to tell you all about how their day went. All parents want their child to open up and share about their day rather than letting them tell you it was "good" or "fine". Here are some great questions you can ask to get them to open up and tell you all about their experiences at school!
1. What is something you did today that made someone else smile?
2. What do you know today that you didn't know yesterday?
3. Where there any good challenges that you got to work through?
3. What did your class do during morning meeting?
4. What was the best part of your day?
5. What did you read at school? What was it about? What are you going to read tonight?
6. Who did you play with at recess? What did you play?
7. Who did you sit with at lunch? What did you talk about?
8. Were the math questions too hard or too easy?
9. What was the funniest thing that happened?
10. Who helped you today? Did you tell them "thank you"?
By asking more specific questions than "how was school?" we can go beyond surface level conversation and get a little deeper. This is a great way for you to learn about the wonderful things that happen at Riverview each day and for you to connect with your child around their school experience. They will do better if they know that you deeply care about what happens when they are at school!
Best wishes for a great week!
Shawn Peck
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday, September 2 - NO SCHOOL; Labor Day
- Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School!
- Tuesday, September 10 - PTP Meeting at Riverview 5:30 in Multipurpose Room
- Wednesday, September 18 - Community Information Session on the Upcoming Levy 7:00-8:00 at North Trail Elementary School
- Thursday, September 26 - Picture Retake Day
- Thursday, September 26 - Family Fun Night (see flyer below)
- Monday, October 7 - Fun Run Kick Off Event
- Tuesday, October 8 - Fall Conferences
- Thursday, October 10 - Early Release From School (12:10); Fall Conferences
- Friday, October 11 - NO SCHOOL; Staff Development Day
Check Out This Video To Hear About Why We Are Proud to be Tigers!
We LOVED Seeing Our Learners Back At Riverview For Assessments/Meet The Teacher!
District Staff Welcomed Back By Award Winning FHS Marching Band
Keep On Reading Every Night at Home! It Makes a HUGE Difference!
New Staff Profile; Welcome to New Speech Language Pathologist, Ms. Leah DeYoung!
Hi, my name is Leah DeYoung. I am excited to start in the Farmington School District as a speech language pathologist. I look forward working with the students and staff! Previously, I worked with kids in a different school district and at an outpatient pediatric clinic, but then relocated to Farmington. As a kid, I grew up living in both Farmington and Lakeville until I began college. I went to school in Texas at Baylor University for undergrad and made my way back to Minnesota where I attended graduate school at University Minnesota Duluth. In my free time, I love going to the lake, reading and sewing.
Please Help Us Meet Our Goals By Saying Good Bye's Outside In The Morning
We politely ask that parents/guardians do not escort their child inside the school doors unless you have specific permission from Mr. Peck to do so. This request is really for two reasons:
1. To ensure everyone's safety. While we love seeing parents/guardians at school, we have a visitor check-in procedure set up in the main office to ensure that we know who is in the school at all times. For the safety of every person in our school, we do not allow visitors to just walk right into our school throughout the day and we want to stay consistent with this expectation in the morning as well.
2. To help our students develop a sense of independence. It takes courage for our learners to walk through the main doors by themselves and responsibility to get to where they are going independently. We want all our students to develop these skills and during morning routines is a great place to start. We know they can do it! There will be many RVES staff to help make sure all of our learners know just where to go on these first days of school!
Vaccine Clinic a Huge Success! More Opportunities Available Throughout September
Mark Your Calendars! Join Us For Family Fun Night on Thursday, Sept. 26!
Bussing Info Is Now Live on Infinite Campus; Please Check To Ensure Accuracy
Busing information for parents is now LIVE on Infinite Campus. Please log onto your Parent Portal and review busing information at your earliest convenience. Contact Marschall Lines at 651-463-8689 right away if something is wrong.
A Message To All RVES Families From PTP President, Tamara Barum
Hello PTP,
I’m Tamara Barum, the PTP President for the 2024-2025 school year.
I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has shown interest in joining our amazing team! This email will provide you with an overview of who we are, what we do, and what you can look forward to next.
WHO WE ARE - We are the Parent Teacher Partnership (PTP), dedicated to supporting Riverview Elementary’s students and staff throughout the school year. Our mission is to raise funds and allocate them according to teachers’ requests to ensure all students have what they need for a successful year. We also organize fun events, foster community spirit, and strive to make a positive impact within the school.
Our team includes an elected board and a network of ‘members at large’ who contribute to discussions and provide support. We form various committees, such as Book Fair, Conference Meals, PIE, and more, and we are always in need of enthusiastic volunteers!
The elected board, which will be introduced at our meetings and highlighted on social media, includes:
* President
* Vice Presidents
* Treasurer
* Secretary
* Book Fair Chair
* Tiger Pantry Chair
* Spiritwear Coordinator
* Webmaster
* PIE Coordinator
WHAT WE DO - Our main goals are to raise money and have fun while doing so! We collaborate with teachers to determine the best use of funds, which can support field trips, bussing, classroom materials, and learning space organization, special guests and more. Our monthly meetings allow us to assess school needs and identify ways to offer support, including planning meals and events such as conferences, book fairs, and teacher appreciation activities. We also organize community-building events like Family Fun Night, Movie Night, dining outings, and bowling.
COMMUNICATION - We primarily communicate via email. Additionally, we have an unofficial Facebook Page: Riverview Elementary School Parents<https://www.facebook.com/share/g/vdUyQEyGhNrqDgyg/> and a website: rvesptp.org<http://rvesptp.org>, which we update regularly with important dates and details.
* First Official Meeting: Tuesday, September 10 at 5:30 PM in the Multipurpose Room at RVES
* Family Fun Night: Thursday, September 26
Please keep an eye out for future emails and sign-ups to get involved. If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you soon and working together to make this a fantastic year for Riverview Elementary!
Best regards,
Tamara Barum
PTP President, 612-282-5100
Attendance Matters!
We understand that our learners will sometimes have to miss school due to illness and other reasons that are out of their control. However, that means on the days that they can be in school, it is important that they are! Even missing just a couple of days each month can add up to a significant impact on their learning, achievement, mental health, sense of connection at school, and more! This school year, please be mindful of when you are scheduling appointments, vacations, etc. so that your child can be in school as much as possible. WE MISS THEM WHEN THEY AREN'T HERE!
A Word About Personal Electronic Devices & The District's New Cell Phone Policy
We encourage our students to leave their cell phones and other personal electronic devices at home. All learners have access to a school issued iPad that can meet all of their learning needs while at school. However, if you feel it is important that they bring a personal device to school, it is important that you know that the district has a new cell phone policy that will significantly limit their ability to use it while as school.
From the time a student arrives at school to the time a student leaves, cell phones should be turned off and put away in the learner's locker.
WHY do we require that cell phones are off and put away during school?
We believe strongly in the power of connection and relationships: In order to be connected to learning in the classrooms students must be connected to one another and to the instructional staff. Significant research and experience has determined that student access to cell phones distract from the learning environment and create a significant barrier to the interactions and connections crucial to rich, relationship based learning.
We believe that in order to meet their full academic potential, learners must be focused on learning. We know our learners learn best when they are “present” and engaged in the learning activities. Research has determined that not only cell phone use, but even having a cell phone out, is a distraction from learning.
We believe that our number one priority is to protect the safety of our learners and staff. Cell phones as vehicles for social media access and use have proven detrimental to younger children and there have been instances where social media use has significantly disrupted our learning community.
FHS Football Game Expectations
We are very excited to welcome the community to Tiger Stadium for fall football games! We understand that football games are a social event and expect all in attendance to follow these guidelines.
It is an expectation that middle school and elementary school students have a parent or guardian at the game and remain supervised throughout the night.
Please remember to be a positive fan; cheer for the Farmington Tigers and refrain from using negative or obscene language, gestures, or interactions with fans/players from the opposing team. It is all of our responsibility to ensure our venues are safe. If someone around you is not acting appropriately, please discourage them from continuing or involve a member of our ISD 192 staff.
Also, please take note of our general Tiger Stadium procedures:
Visiting fans sit on the East side of the stadium; Tiger fans on the West
Fans should not travel between the home and visiting side of the stadium
No outside food or beverage is allowed (Including reusable water bottles)
No backpacks or oversized totes
No MSHSL prohibited items (noisemakers, megaphones, flags, etc.)
No re-entry; if you leave the stadium for any reason, you will be asked to purchase another ticket to return. After halftime there is no re-entry.
Fans are not allowed on the field before or after the game
Tailgating is allowed in the NW lot on the FHS campus from 4:30 - 7:00 pm
No alcohol or tobacco on ISD 192 property, including e-cigarettes
No open or closed fires
No footballs, frisbees, inflatables, or other similar items allowed in the stadium
No promotional or marketing activities unless pre-approved
No sales of products, food, or beverage unless pre-approved
Kid Connection Child Care (Before/After School Care)
Farmington Area Schools’ Kid Connection is your best choice for your child’s School Age Care for the Summer as well as during the School Year. Kid Connection offers quality, care at each elementary school in the during the school year and various locations each summer. Kid Connection provides enriching out-of-school-time activities before & after school, on non-school days and during the summer. We’re staffed with dedicated and trained professionals who have a combination of education and experience specific to school age children!
Click here to learn more and sign up for Kid Connection Child Care
Please Consider Joining Our Team as a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional
If you would like to sign up to sub as a teacher or paraprofessional for the Farmington Schools you will have to apply through Teachers on Call (TOC). Please email or call TOC directly to sign up as we will no longer be filling these positions through Farmington Schools. TOC also offers many benefits including, weekly paychecks, ability to easily sub at multiple districts and many insurance benefit options.
To Apply Click Here: teachersoncall.com
For more information contact Teachers On Call (TOC): 800-713-4439
This Week's School Lunch Menu (Click Image To Go To The Chartwell's Menu Site)
Attendance Line Information
Riverview Elementary School Hours
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Riverview CARES
- Cooperation
- Assertiveness
- Responsibility
- Empathy
- Self-Control
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office: 651-460-1600
Nurse: 651-460-1606
Social Worker - 651-460-1629
Food Service: 651-460-3820
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1610
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.
Read more about our Strategic Framework here.
Email: speck@farmington.k12.mn.us
Website: https://rves.farmington.k12.mn.us/
Location: 4100 208th Street West, Farmington, MN 55024, USA
Phone: 651-460-1600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rve192