Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 16 - 1 November 2024
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACH Goal Week 3: Being prepared for outdoor activities by wearing your pōtae and sunscreen.
Principal's Kōrero
Kia ora everyone,
Today, we celebrated Gumboot Day, a special day to raise awareness about mental health. It was heartwarming to see so many students and staff dressed in their gumboots, showing their support for this important cause.
Some of our senior students have been busy and accomplished great things. They recently planned and executed an impressive hangi as part of their inquiry learning. This extended learning opportunity allowed students to delve deeper into Māori culture and tikanga, celebrating the richness and significance of these traditions. By participating in the hangi, students gained a valuable understanding of the cultural practices and values associated with Māori food preparation and sharing.
We're excited to share that our school production is well underway! Our talented students have been diligently practising and can’t wait to showcase their skills on stage. Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming performance.
What a fabulous Junior Athletics Day we had! A big thank you to our Panitahi team for their hard work and to all the whānau who came to support. We're looking forward to our Senior Athletics Day on Tuesday.
Yesterday, the Ministry of Education released the new curriculum. As a staff, we will be closely examining this on our Teacher Only Day on Monday, 4th November. Please remember that school will be closed for instruction on that day.
A Note of Thanks - Safety at the gate
We want to express our sincere gratitude to all parents and caregivers for your cooperation in keeping our tamariki safe at the school gate. We kindly request that you avoid blocking the school entrance. Just a reminder that the school blue gate will be shut at pick-up time so recommend avoiding parking in the dental clinic area. Clear visibility is essential for the safety of our children.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead!
Nga mihi
Juliet Vickers
Staff Only Day
School is closed for instruction on Monday 4 November. The is a Ministry of Education Curriculum Refresh Day.
Students of the Week - Term 4 Weeks 2 & 3
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Isla Browne
For showing a huge improvement in her very neat and tidy writing. Also great finger spaces!
Ka pai Isla!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Mariah Byles
For your amazing attitude towards your mahi, consistently showing your REACH values and being a great role model in the classroom this week. Ka Rawe Mariah!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Lona Pike
For always having an awesome attitude towards school and giving everything his best. Mahi pai Lona!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Ayla Brine
For being a great REACH role model who consistently works hard to achieve her goals and produces high quality mahi.
Mīharo Ayla!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Marley Putt
For working hard in reading and showing me what she can do. You are a hard worker and a great friend. Ka pai Marley!
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Lucy Ranford
For being a helpful friend to our new children in Moa Iti! Tino pai rawa atu, Lucy!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Mia Wilmshurst
For trying really hard to improve her handwriting and making great progress. Mihare Mia!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Tilly Smith
for always being ready for learning. She has a positive attitude towards all school life. What a great REACH model you are!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Aubrey-Rose Manu-Millar
For having amazing REACH values all of the time and always striving to do her best in all of her mahi.
He whetu whiti koe.
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Teo Kim
For always doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. You demonstrate all of our REACH values every single day. Thank you for being a wonderful class member.
Please support our Student of the Week Sponsors
School Roll
Our current school roll is 418.
Welcome to Kendall Knowles, Sayla Picton-Leatherby, Rhylan Picton-Leatherby, Chloe Ward and Hunter Pittwood who have joined us at IPS.
Kids Art Work
This week a flyer came home with all students. To place an order go to www.kidsartworks.com and enter your child's unique entrance code. This will enable you to see their amazing artwork. Please order by 24 November at 11.30pm.
Sun Hats
A reminder during Term 4 all students must wear a hat during break times. If students are not wearing a hat during break times they will be asked to play in the shade.
Spelling Bee Finalists
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee finalists.
Year 3
1st - Tomas Gibson & Hamish Richardson
2nd - Meila Fabish
3rd - Mia Young
Year 4
1st - Cooper Beard
2nd - Paige Pearse-Otene
3rd - Thea Voss
Year 5
1st - Keira Quigley
2nd - Darci Wilson
3rd - Eva Jamieson
Year 6
1st - Elise Andrewes
2nd - Lusiana Nakuta
3rd - Quinn Muir
Year 7
1st - Kahui Dalliston
2nd - Nonoi Fruean
3rd - Caleb Oliver
Year 8
1st - Bryson Gyde
2nd - Eli Hemi
3rd - Eleecia Young
A Night With Walt Disney School Production
Tickets will go on sale next week for $5 per seat. The production will be held on the following dates in our school hall.
Wednesday 20 November - Matinee Performance 1pm, Evening Performance 6.30pm
Thursday 21 November - Evening Performance 6.30pm
Basketball Singlets
Please return all basketball singlets to the school office. Basketball singlets are the ones with big numbers on them.
Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Diagnosis (ADHD) for Parents- FREE PRESENTATION
Tuesday 12th November 7:30-8:30pm Inglewood Primary School Hall
Te Kahui Ako o Kohanga Moa is pleased to provide funding for a FREE presentation by Jemma Morgan for our parents and community. If your child or grandchild has a diagnosis of ADHD or you suspect your child might meet the criteria for ADHD, please come along and find out more.
Inglewood High School Bell Block Bus & Lepperton Van
On Friday 1 November Inglewood High School will finish at the earlier time of 12.30pm due to Prizegiving later that evening. Both the Bell Block Bus and Lepperton van will take the high school students home at this time. If you have a child on this service attending Inglewood Primary, please make alternative arrangements for them to get home after school.
All other buses will leave at the normal time.
Please don't forget that Friday 8 November is the final day to register your child for 2025 to catch this service. After this date, Symons cannot guarantee a seat will be available. Please contact Tracey Dempster at Symons to register.
From Monday 4 November the Lepperton van will no longer run for the year. The Bell Block bus will cover both runs as seniors are on exam leave. Please be aware that because the bus will be making extra pick ups it may be a few minutes later than normal, but please go to your stop at the normal time.
Tranzit Bus Transport
Please note Monday 11 November is a Teacher Only Day at Inglewood High School. No buses will run that day. Please make alternative arrangements for all bus students both to and from school.
ParentLink News
Please like our IPS ParentLink page to keep updated with fundraising events and meetings.
This is a fabulous group of parents supporting our school.
Outstanding School Accounts & Bank Account Change
We kindly remind you of the outstanding balance on some school accounts. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated or a regular automatic payment set up. By paying these accounts, our school uses these funds for educational resources, activities, utilities, wages and school maintenance.
We understand that financial situations can change, and we are committed to working with families to find solutions. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our school office to discuss payment arrangements.
Thank you to the families who are continuing to pay on a regular basis or have paid their account in full.
Our school bank account has now changed - 15-3946-0175681-80. Please amend your automatic direct credits. Thank you.
Term 4 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Monday 4 November
Staff Only Day - School Closed
Tuesday 5 November
IPS Athletics Day
Wednesday 6 November
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Monday 18 November
School Production - Technical Rehearsal
Tuesday 19 November
School Production - Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 20 November
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
School Production - Matinee & Evening Performance
Thursday 21 November
School Production - Evening Performance
Wednesday 4 December
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Friday 6 December
Year 8 Grad Ball - Inglewood Town Hall
Tuesday 10 December
Sports/Academic/Service Assembly -12 noon at IPS (More details to follow)
Thank You Afternoon Tea - 2.15pm
Board of Trustees Meeting - 6.45pm
Friday 13 December
Final Year 1-4 Assembly at IPS - 9.30am
Final Year 5-8 Assembly at IHS - 12.30pm
Monday 16 December
2025 Class Swap - 10am to 11am
REACH Celebration - 12noon
Tuesday 17 December
Last day of Term 4 School Closes at 12.15pm
Free Child Health Service
All schools have a Public Health Nurse who is available to provide help and advice to
children and their families with any health concerns they may have. This is a confidential
service and all families are entitled to use it. The nurse for our school is Steph and she can
be contacted on 0274064822 or through the school office. Here are some examples of some
things the nurse can help with include hearing/vision concerns, speech, parenting,
immunisations, wetting, soiling, constipation, headlice, impetigo, nutrition, growth and
development, emotional and behavioural concerns and any other general health issues.
Before and After School Care
Community Notices
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20 now $10 while stocks last
IPS School Shirt
2024 School Term Dates
Term 4
Monday 14 October - First Day of Term 4
Monday 28 October - Labour Day School Closed
Monday 4 November - Staff Only Day School Closed
Tuesday 17 December - Last Day of Term 4