Roosevelt Wildcat Weekly
October 7, 2022
congratulations to our RMS employees of the month!
Here are some reasons she was chosen as a certified employee for the month of September:
- Liz is a tremendous asset to RMS. She has taken on a leadership role for the 8th-grade team.
- Liz always goes above and beyond in everything she does.
- Lis is taking RMS by storm in her new position as one of the three Artful Learning coordinators.
- Her continuous efforts to make RMS a better learning environment for students are noted and deeply appreciated by her peers.
- Liz has been the hardest-working individual I've ever met. She strives for success and is willing to sacrifice so much for excellent results.
- She demonstrates a passion for being a teacher.
- Liz is a superstar!
Here are some reasons he was chosen as a classified employee for the month of September:
- Ruben has been such an excellent addition to our campus over the past few years. He is always positive, joyful, and hardworking.
- If something needs to be done, you can always count on Ruben to follow through and check in to make sure things were done right.
- Ruben is very helpful with requests and makes sure things are done correctly.
- Ruben has been working extremely hard and doing an amazing job keeping this campus clean and safe.
- His presence is vital to the smooth running of Roosevelt's campus. He is so good at his job and readily jumps in to help teachers or solve facilities issues.
- Ruben is kind and hardworking, takes his role very seriously, and makes our campus better.
Thank you for being a wonderful custodian, Ruben!
The Roosevelt Middle School Concert Band and Wildcat Band will have our first performance of the year on Wednesday, October 12 at 7 pm in the MPR.
They will perform a variety of music including Maximum Mallets, Fires of Mazama, Zombies Knocking at Your Front Door, All Aboard (a train themed song), and a medley of Star Wars and Jurassic Park songs.
The concert will last for approximately one hour.
Great informatition from PE!!
Register for the Wildcat Weightlifting Club!
W.W.L. Club (Wildcat Weightlifting Club)
ASB card
This is the last week to buy an ASB card which pays for entrance to all 3 dances this school year. They are only $11, which means a savings of $6! They can be purchased on the RMS Webstore or ask for Martha in the main office.
This October, all students, and staff are invited to participate
in RMS’ first creativity challenge of the year, “ROARtober”!
Each day, draw, write, craft, compose or create something
based on the prompt. Then share to social with #roartober,tag @rms.artfullearning on Instagram, or email to Earn cool lanyard pins for
completing all 31 prompts! (Visit Mrs. Brayshaw, E-3)
Let’s make this October the most creative yet!
Students IDs
Students will get their school IDs next week. Once students receive their IDs, they will be required to wear their IDs at all times while they are on campus.
Please Fill Out the Income Verification Forms to help provide RESOURCES FOR VUSD STUDENTS!!!!
Please take a moment to complete an Alternative Income Verification form, following the instructions provided in the Superintendent's Notification of Alternative Income Verification memo. This provides critical information to provide our student meals and other support programs across the district.
Kona Ice
Clubs, Clubs, and more clubs at RMS!
We had a successful club rush on Thursday. Roosevelt has many clubs, from sports to arts to chess and video games.
great folkloric club!
Our first school site council meeting
The School Site Council is an elected group of parents, teachers, students, and staff who work together to improve RMS’s educational programs. School site councils were developed in response to California law, which requires them to allocate the school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement.
At RMS, Site Council members are also responsible for keeping informed on legislative changes affecting education, allocating intervention funds, and advising the administration on important campus issues.
Thank you, teachers, parents, and staff, for attending our first meeting yesterday.
Congratulations again to Ms. Liz Hernandez, our VUSD AND RMS STAR!
RMS Tech. workshop for parents
This week, parents obtained the class's lesson plan for the first level of the Technology workshop. Also, they learned about the Internet Glossay to understand the terms associated with the internet that are unique. We've gone over a list of common internet-related words they'll hear. Those terms include Blog, Bookmark, Cloud, Domain, Hyperlink IP address, server, spam, website, Wi-Fi, and many more! Parents learned about the importance of some rules of Netiquette, describing the rules of conduct for respectful and appropriate communication on the internet.
Festival of the Arts October 22nd
Our first dance of the year is coming!
Our first dance of the year is coming! The Lights Out, Frights Out dance will be held on Friday, October 28th, from 3:30 - 5:30. Tickets will go on sale the week before. Save the date!
Dippin' Dots at RMS every Friday!
Blast After-School Tutoring Started Tuesday, September 6th
AM program at RMS
An important RMS Library message
Attendance is the key to student success!
If your student was accidentally marked absent or if you are planning a trip in which your student will miss three or more school days, please notify the attendance two weeks in advance to set up an independent study contract.
ASES 2022-23 Application
Fall Menu (click the link below)
VUSD Community Update 10/4/22
Hello Wildcat families!
You still have time to register for the RMS parent's workshops! See the options in the following flyer, or use the QR code. Choose the parent workshop of your preference: click here
Our food pantry is available for students who need to take some food home. You can visit the Parent Center and ask for Ms. Gabby.
Find and connect support financial assistance, food pantries, healthcare, and other free or reduced-cost support:
You can email your Roosevelt Family and Community Liaison, Ms. Gabby Thompson, at or call extension 63013 for any needs your family may have.
Low cost student internet
Family and Community Liaison
Phone: (760) 726-8003
Twitter: @RMSLiaison
Red Ribbon Week is coming! In preparation, all Roosevelt students will be receiving an assembly on Wednesday October 19th discussing the very real threat of drug use in our communities. Rocky Herron, the guest speaker who works with San Diego County Office of Education, has years of experience working with the DEA. He is engaging and informative. CLICK HERE to learn more about his program. In addition to the assembly, Rocky will be hosting a district wide Virtual Presentation for families. The English presentation will be October 19th (in the evening, after Roosevelt students hear from him in person at school) and the Spanish Presentation will be November 3rd. More info including zoom links will be in next week's Wildcat Weekly
In addition, our 8th grade students will receive a more in depth classroom presentation from the TruLife Drug Recovery program in partnership with North County Lifeline. They will receive this presentation on October 24th. CLICK HERE to learn more about the program.
Assembly Bill No. 2246 requires schools to provide suicide prevention education to students. RMS partners with North County Lifeline’s HERE Now program to provide the SOS Signs Suicide® Prevention Program to our 7th grade students. This will take place in 7th grade science classes on October 31st. An email will go out to 7th grade parents next week with more information about the program. CLICK HERE to learn more about the program
We have wrapped up our classroom presentations on “Intro to School Counseling Supports” Your student should now be aware of who their counselor is and what supports we can offer. CLICK HERE to view the presentation slides (CLICK HERE FOR SPANISH). We encourage you to keep the conversation going at home. Ask your student what they learned!
Caseloads: MS. Licona - 6th Grade and 8A | Mr. Way - 7th Grade & 8B
Go To: to make an appointment with either of our AWESOME School Counselors :)
Follow us on Instagram @rooseveltcounseling for updates.
Use the PSST tool (THIS LINK) to report something anonymously.
Kona Ice Tuesday! The Kona Ice truck will be on campus this Tuesday, Oct. 4. Purchase for $4 and support RMS PTA.
Dippin' Dots Fridays are back! On sale for $5 during all lunch periods. All proceeds support RMS PTA.
PTA Board Meeting Oct. 19 at 3:30 pm. Please join us on campus right after school to learn more about PTA activities and how you can get involved. For more information, email
Support the PTA!
PTA connects families, schools, and communities by providing programs and services at your child’s school. PTA is the nation’s largest volunteer-led child-advocacy association working to drive improvements in the education, health, and well-being of all children and families. When you are a member of PTA, you are an advocate for your child and for all children, and you are able to vote at Association meetings held twice a year, receive benefits by being a PTA member, and most importantly, support Roosevelt Students. You can also make direct donations to support grade-level grants, which provide funds for 6th-grade Greek Day, 7th-grade Safari Park field trip, and 8th events as well as other projects and programs. Please help support our programs and students! You can join by visiting this site:
Email: Facebook: /RooseveltMiddleSchoolPTA Instagram: @rmspta
Fridays are Spirit Days!
To Buy Spirit Wear
It is crucial that your contacts are correct so that you can stay informed. We are also continuing to post information on our website, on our Facebook Group "Roosevelt Wildcats Parent Group," and through Remind calls, emails, and text messages. Check out the informative video that our counselor Cory Way created to help you troubleshoot and understand why your email might not be connected correctly.
VUSD Parents: Notification for Remind
Vista Unified School District is committed to engaging families as partners in education. We continue to refine our communication systems to provide up to date information about teaching and learning, collaboration, family engagement, and college and career pathways. One important improvement of our plan is to implement a more efficient and seamless communication platform called Remind. The information below provides a preview of this important new feature of our communication plan.....[READ MORE]
Health Office
Please send a refillable water bottle with your student every day. Roosevelt has refill stations available for your student to use. Dehydration is preventable.
The Health Office would like to remind all parents/guardians that PCR/Antigen Covid Test results are accepted as proof of testing for Covid19. Please contact with questions or concerns.
The Health Office would like to remind SEVENTH GRADE parents/guardians that the T-dap vaccine is required for all students entering the 7th grade. ALL students are required to have 2 Varicella vaccines. Please contact the Health Office with any questions or concerns.
School Nurse Contact Information:Amy McGruire: Cell:760-936-3825 Email: Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Please also refer to Health and Safety Webpage for information:
Partnering to Combat COVID-19 in Our Schools
Vista Unified will continue to follow the guidance from the SDCOE COVID-19 Decision Trees for K-12 Schools.
Individuals who test positive must isolate at home and may be released from isolation on day six, provided that symptoms are improving, they are fever-free for the past 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, and they have a negative test result from a rapid antigen test taken on or after day five.
If the individual is asymptomatic, day zero of isolation is the day the individual was tested. Day one is the first full day following the day the individual was tested.
If the individual is symptomatic, day zero of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when the individual tested positive. Day one is the first full day following the day that symptoms started.
Employees eligible for shortened isolation must continue to wear a highly protective mask at all times in the workplace around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the date of the positive test.
Students ending isolation early are strongly recommended to wear a highly protective mask when around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the date of the positive test.
PBIS Schoolwide Expectations
During our annual Pride Talks, we reviewed our schoolwide expectations for being successful, respectful, safe, and of service. Students also reviewed our personal electronic devices policy and our dress code. Please see the link below for the presentation.
- Pride Talks (Link)
We look forward to working in partnership with you as we work to provide a positive and safe campus for all students.
RMS Wildcat Pride
Spirit Fridays
PAWS of the Month: Integrity
Roosevelt Middle School
Location: 850 Sagewood Drive, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 726-8003
Twitter: @RooseveltMiddl2