Panui Week 7 Term 2
Waikawa Bay School Thursday 17th June 2021
Contact Us
Location: Waikawa Bay School Waikawa Road, Waikawa, New Zealand
Phone: 64 3 5736636
Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Tēnā koutou
Teacher Only Day
On Monday the 28th of June our school, as well as the other schools in Picton will all be closed for a ‘Teacher Only Day.’
I realise this could be an inconvenience for some, but the benefits the staff will gain from the Professional Learning will be fantastic.
Staff from Picton School, Queen Charlotte College, preschools and our school will all be joining together at the Waikawa Marae for a day of lectures and activities based on our local histories and environment, which will build our capabilities in formalising our own unique curriculum.
On Tuesday the 6th July school will be finishing for students at 1pm so the Teachers can be available for Mid Year Conferences, which will run from 1.30pm until 7pm. The senior children will run their conferences, with the teachers available to assist when needed. There will be no need to book a time. The junior classes will be sending out booking information shortly.
Your child's Mid Year report will be given to you at the conference.
Cyber Safety
I would like to remind everyone about the importance of keeping our children safe on the Internet. At school we have safety programmes and monitoring available to us, but these do not reach to the children's use of devices outside school hours. Most of our students have school based google accounts so they can access some school apps, which can be used on devices at home. It is very important that the students never share their passwords or any personal details to anyone, talk openly with your child about their online activity and keep screens and devices where parents can see them
Practical advice on internet safety for parents from Netsafe:
Spend time online with your children and explore websites together. Take an interest in what they like to do online.
Help your children use the Internet as an effective research tool – learn about handy homework tips for children and also good searching ideas.
Be aware of you children communicating with people they don’t know, particularly in chat rooms. Set house rules about what information your children can give out.
Put the Internet enabled computer in a public area of the home, such as the living room, rather than a child’s bedroom.
Talk to your children about their Internet experiences – the good and the bad. Let them know it is OK to tell you if they come across something that worries them and that it does not mean that they are going to get into trouble.
Teach your children the ways to deal with disturbing material – they should not respond if someone says something inappropriate and they should immediately exit any site if they feel uncomfortable or worried by it.
Teach children that information on the Internet is not always reliable.
Encourage children to treat others in the same way that they would in real life by giving them an understanding of netiquette.
Know the best ways of avoiding spam and how to identify it when it when it first appears.
Set some appropriate guidelines for Internet use and discuss them with the children in your care.
Thank you for your support
Enjoy the weekend
Ka Kite anō
Peter Knowles
Maramataka - Dates for your Diary
- 28th June - Teacher only day
- 30th June - Lantern walk to Shelley beach
- 6th July - Student Led Conferences, School finishes at 1 pm
- 7th July - Atarangi at ASB Theatre, whole school attending
- 9th July - End of Term 2
- 26th July - Beginning of Term 3
Student Profile
- Name - Lenix
- Age - 10
- Family - Mum Michelle, Dad Daniel, brothers Hudson and Zane
- Interests - Motor bikes and scootering
- Hero - Dad
- Fav Subject - Maths
- Fav Sport - Soccer
- Fav Food - Butter chicken
- Fav Holiday - North Island
- I like Waikawa Bay School because - its really big and open and we do cool trips
Kea Class have writing poems about Kiwi's, there's a selection included in this Newsletter for you to enjoy
Garden mulch available
New Bee Garden
Pre-enrolments for Children turning 5 in 2022/2023
Have you moved or changed contact details recently?
On June 30th at 5:30pm our school will once again be having our annual Matariki lantern walk to Shelley beach. The tamariki will be making lanterns at school and require rinsed fizzy drink bottles for these. If you have some transparent bottles you can drop off at school we would appreciate some extra’s. Thanks.