Caldwell Parish
Early Childhood Programs
Registration Time!!!
NEW 3 and 4 Year old students AND 5 year olds entering school for the first time
Do you have a child that will be 3 or 4 by September 30th and you are interested in enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year? We will begin taking applications on March 31, 2021 for both Kelly Early Childhood Center - PK3 and Caldwell Parish Pre-Kindergarten Center PK4.
This is also the same application that you will complete if you have child that will be 5 by September 30th and going to kindergarten and did not attend PreK in Caldwell Parish.
Last year we were forced to do things a little differently and we did find some positive aspects! We began online registration and it worked out very well for everyone and kept all the families documents in one place!
All applications will be collected online. You will upload needed documents and you will be notified if you are accepted into one of our programs.
**As soon as we are set up to begin the process we will be sending our notifications through all schools, the district website, social media and our call system.**
What Do I Need to Complete Application?
1. Birth Certificate
2. Social Security Card - not just the number, will need a picture of actual card
3. Current Record of Immunizations ( shot record)
4. TWO proofs of residence. One MUST be a current utility bill with the name of the parent/guardian and physical address printed on the bill.
5. Proof of Income- Two consecutive check stubs for EACH PARENT or Guardian listed in the household.
6. Current Custody Papers if parents are separated, divorced or if the guardian is other than the biological parents.
7. For students applying to PK3 - a copy of medical or health insurance card.
These items are all required to apply to attend programs at either of the Early Childhood Program sites.
Income Requirements
For over 25 years, funding for Caldwell Parish Pre-K has been provided through local, state and federal funds. By combining funds from all these sources, it allows us to offer Pre-K to ALL four year old students at no cost. There are very few parishes in the state that do this. Most charge tuition for over income families or simply do not take those students. While we do have to collect income for 4 year old students families, at this time we continue to be able to serve all children.
If you have a child that will be 3 by September 30, the following represents the maximum amount that can be made by a family to qualify for our three year old program served by Head Start. When figuring your income, consider the total number of people in the household and the gross monthly income of each adult you are listing on the application. We will use the information you submit to make preliminary decisions. All financial information is only seen by those in the office verifying and it is not sent on to other schools or seen by teachers. We respect the privacy of our families and only gather the information necessary to satisfy the grant requirements.
Family Size/Gross Monthly Income
2 People ~ $1,887
3 People ~ $2,379
4 People ~ $2,871
5 People ~ $3,363
6 People ~ $3,855
7 People ~ $4,346
8 People ~ $4,838
9 People ~ $5,330
Income limits are current as of January 2021 and may be subject to change.
We are doing our best to serve the children of Caldwell Parish with a free, high quality early childhood education!!
Screening / Testing
Questions or Problems
Kelly Early Childhood Center
Mrs. Monica Coates
Director of Early Childhood Programs