MSHS National Honor Society
Adviser: Amanda Kerrigan
Congratulations Class of 2022!
EXEC. BOARD 2022-2023
Lairden R. (President), Jack E. (VP), Elanor F. (Secretary), Meghan T. (Historian)
Upcoming Meetings and Announcements
Current Projects:
Voter registration
Mustang Boutique for Homecoming
Meetings begin promptly at 11:50 in Mrs. Kerrigan's room
Congratulations to our new members!
These new members will be inducted into NHS at the end of January!
Grace A.
Ella B.
Emily G D.
Melina D.
Sierra D.
Jack E.
Theron H.
Anya N.
Reilly O.
Erica S.
Meghan T.
Fall Projects!
Community Clean Up
Trail Work Day
Trail Work Day
Staff vs. Student Basketball Game to raise money for The Place
The Game
The Staff Team
We raised $441!
2020-2021 Year in Review
NHS members invested 1, 341.75 hours in SERVICE this year!
NHS members collected 500 lbs of food for the MSSD14 food pantry and
One Nation Walking Together!
NHS members ran online tutoring session during hybrid and remote learning, a free prom dress boutique, teacher appreciation, and Veteran's Day appreciation!
The PANDEMIC didn't stop us!
Virtual Induction Ceremony
Congratulations, New Members!!!
Gideon A., Anton A., Atticus B., Bella C., Hannah D., Elanor F., Weatherly H., Macey L., Elsa L., Madrid M., Kylie M., Cian M., Stuart M., Lairden R., Jason S., Payten S., Ella V., & Henry W.
Manitou, YOU MATTER!!! #MustangStrong!!!
2020-2021 Service Calendar
October: Admin communication about student struggles
November/December: Study Groups/ Veteran's Day
February: Formal Wear Drive
March/April: Food Drive/ Individual Service Hours Due April 26th!
May: Graduation
- Love, Mrs. Kerrigan and MSHS NHS
"This award, created in 2016, is named after Eliza Pickrell Routt, the first woman registered to vote in Colorado after the state's passage of women's suffrage in 1893. Eliza served as Colorado's first First Lady -- her husband John Routt was elected as Colorado's first governor in 1876. In this role, she dedicated herself to equal rights for women and the passage of women's suffrage. Routt helped Colorado become the second state to allow women to vote, the first by popular vote. In honor of her commitment to the passage of women's suffrage, Routt was the first woman registered to vote in Colorado. This award is given to Colorado high schools that have 85% or more of eligible seniors registered to vote." - Colorado Secretary of State website
NHS During School Closure
Congratulations to Jackson D., Anna K., Tess L., Sean L., Raymond M., Abigail P., Jaxen S., Kody S., & Colton T.
Register Now for NHS College Planning Webinars!!!
NHS wants to help you get read for the future - college, career, and wherever life takes you. WE coined a term for it to bring your fitter together with your preparations: #Futureready.
Follow the link for 5 modules that will help you be #Futureready!
Goal Setting
Time Management
Exploring Careers
Mastering Interviews
(NHS has made this resource available to all students, teachers, and their families)