Happening In HR
December 2024
Risk Management
Medical Care A Call Or Click Away
You’ve got Teladoc Health! Talk to a doctor anytime, anywhere by phone or video. Set up your account today to talk to a U.S. licensed physician for non-emergency medical conditions like the flu, sinus infections, bronchitis, and much more. So when you need care, a Teladoc doctor is just a call or click away. Individuals enrolled in PPO Select or PPO5 have free access to Teladoc.com
Enrolled in Kaiser? Kaiser offers 24/7 E visits with a clinician for non-emergent care. To access, log on to your Kaiser member portal.
Having trouble accessing either Teladoc or Kaiser? Please contact CEBT Customer Service at 800-332-1168.
Winter Reminders When There is Snow and Ice
- Early morning plowing can occur at your district location when you arrive at work. Please make sure to give the plow crew extra space in the parking lots. If there is a section that has already been cleared, please park there first as it makes it much easier for the plow driver to safely complete their task of clearing the lot.
- Use common and cleared walkways to travel to and from your vehicles and around the building. Avoid areas where snow and ice have accumulated.
- Wear appropriate footwear.
- Maintain 3 points of contact (door and frame of vehicle) when entering and exiting your vehicle.
- Keep your hands free and take smaller strides at a slower pace (walk like a penguin).
- Report concerns.
- Close playgrounds when the surface under the equipment may be frozen. And, never stick your tongue on metal surfaces when the temperature dips below freezing!
EAP (Employee Assistance Plan) Update
Effective January 1, 2025, Triad EAP will be doing business under the name AllOne Health. This is simply a name and logo change. You will continue to access your benefits by calling 877.679.1100 or through the member portal at www.triadeap.com.
Portal company code and registration instructions:
First-time visitors will need to create an account for the member portal by following
these steps:
1. Visit www.triadeap.com
2. Select the “Sign-Up” link
3. Enter the company code: cebt
4. Enter your preferred email address and password
As a reminder, your benefits are available to you, your spouse or domestic partner, and dependents ages 6 – 26 and include:
Confidential Counseling (6 visits per issue, per rolling calendar year)
Life Coaching (6 visits per year)
Legal Referrals and Resources
Financial Consultation and Resources
Work-Life Referrals and Resources
Personal Assistance
Member Portal
Accounts Payable/Payroll Information
Important Upcoming Dates
All submittal information for the December 19, 2024 check run needs to be received by Accounts Payable no later than December 16, 2024 in order to process a check prior to Winter Break.
Normal check run dates will resume after Winter Break on January 9, 2024.
December pay date will be 12/24/2024. Timesheets for November dates are due no later than December 6, 2024, Timesheets need to include director signatures and budget codes in order to be paid. Timesheets received after December 6, 2024 will be paid in January, 2024.
Please have your reconciled p-card statements turned in to Accounts Payable by December 6, 2024.
Professional Development
Aspiring Leaders Program
Are you (or someone you know) interested in developing leadership skills? Apply for the Fall/Winter Aspiring Leaders Program
Classified Staff Cohort:
Session begins on December 11, 2024
APT & Licensed Staff Cohort:
Session begins February 20, 2025
- View course syllabus
- Applications will open in January 2025
District Professional Development Day
When: Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Who: All District Employees
Classified Staff: Conference-style PD sessions will be offered at Mountain View High School. Session options will be sent before winter break.
Licensed Staff: Building-based focus.
General Information
Top of Thompson/Community Champion Awards
Congratulations to our November Recipients:
Top of Thompson
Pam Petrey - Secretary, Mountain View High School
Bill Moudy - TCC Manufacturing/Design Teacher
Erin Taylor Student Engagement Specialist
Community Champion
Boomer Music
PMI - Licensed Staff
Performance Management Incentive (PMI) is open to all licensed staff who currently have a Thompson School District evaluation "on-file." Summer/Fall hours will be open for submission December 1st-31st via the submission form on the website.
If you would like to participate in PMI, please visit our website: - https://staff.tsd.org/pmi.
If you have any questions, you may e-mail pmi@tsd.org