Cheetah Pride Press
February 14, 2025
Head Cheetah Message
This week was full of wild winter weather and busy learners. Unfortunately, it was also full of the usual seasonal viruses. We hope this long weekend allows everyone to rest and recuperate from whatever may be ailing your family. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Wednesday, February 19th. There’s only one more month until spring!
Stay healthy!
Joey & Andrea
Cheetahs In Action
Valentine's Day
Love, kindness, and CARING were in the air at Memorial School this week!
Winter Work
It’s a winter wonderland at Memorial! The hallways have been full of snowy numeracy, literacy, and artwork!
Amazing Bus and Dismissal Race
Students who earned the dismissal incentive for the month of January enjoyed riding Cosmic and Dash!
Unified Sports
Meet The 2024-2025 Cheetah Council
Meet Avery
Her teacher is Mrs. Haydu.
She is special because she likes the color pink.
One of her favorite things is soccer.
She loves her friends best about school.
Book Shop
This week the Book Shop made $23.00.
Shop dates:
Preschool, Kindergarten and first grade-2/21
Second and third grades- 3/14
PAWSITIVE Office Referrals
A PAWsitive office referral is submitted when a staff member recognizes a student who is going above and beyond to exemplify one of our three school rules - taking care of others, taking care of self, & taking care of things.
Memorial Models
Memorial Models are chosen weekly by their teacher. These students have excelled all week in taking care of themselves, others, and things. The recipients will dine at a VIP table during lunch every Friday!
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Order Of The Cheetah
Congratulations to Mrs. Senerchia, first grade teacher, for being recognized as this week's Order Of The Cheetah! Mrs. Senerchia's positivity is appreciated by all. Her great ideas assist her colleagues and enrich her students.
Related Arts
Physical Education
Hi everyone,
It's been great to see snow on the ground, we’re sure the children are having fun playing in the snow and getting plenty of exercise while doing so!
To end January and start February we spent a couple weeks doing cooperative games with the older grades and the parachute activities with our younger grades.
We are now into our “beachball volleyball” unit, working on eye hand coordination, spatial awareness, cooperation, partner work, and small group activities. We focus on fun while learning the basic skills to hit a beachball/volleyball.
PreK children work with older student helpers/assistants, as well as the para’s, and will eventually work with other classmates. We start off using the beachballs and the whole gym space, and work our way to playing on the modified, low nets. We focus on using two hands and fingers up for higher balls and fingers down for lower balls. We will end the unit with some one hand striking of the beachballs. We appreciate the help of our older students who contribute towards making the class fun and keeping everyone very involved.
K and Gr. 1 focus on similar skills and progressions as above, except they start right away working with various partners in each class. We rotate the way the children pick partners so all students get many chances with many different partners. The children work their way up to volleying at the net with controlled hits and strong teamwork!
Gr. 2 and Gr. 3 children focus on similar skills and progressions as above, except we refine our technique and become more varied with the skill challenges. The children focus on correct setting and bumping (passing) shot technique, as well as underhand, overhand, overhand while tossing the beachball up, and jump serving. We do some spiking and blocking, and then spend the last week playing modified games and doing our “beachball volleyball serving club”!
The children all love using the beachballs and the nets. They are doing a great job learning the skills and having fun at the same time!
Our beachball volleyball unit goes until the end of February.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the long weekend!
Coach Ruel
Coach Boscarino
Notes From The Nurse
Please let your building nurse know if your child is diagnosed with any illness (such as strep, flu, pneumonia, covid, mono, pink eye, etc.) as the nurse’s office tracks illnesses. Please be specific when you notify school with any of the symptoms your child is experiencing.
Here are some guidelines that are helpful for families.
Consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
Mild headache and/or stomachache
Keep your child home for treatment and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms:
Fever (100.4 degrees or higher. May only return to school after 24 hours of no fever WITHOUT fever reducing medications)
Vomiting (Wait 24 hours after last vomit episode to return to school)
Diarrhea (may return to school after 24 hours since last episode)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness, and/or muscle aches
Frequent congested, wet, or croupy cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
Please remind your child(ren) about good hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently
Do not touch eyes, nose, or mouth
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing/coughing and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Often when a child awakens with vague complaints (the way colds and flu begin) it is wise to observe your child at home for an hour or two before deciding whether to bring them to school. Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in school. Please send in a copy of the doctor’s note if they are seen. Thank you in advance for helping to make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Health Concerns
If your child has a new health concern which you would like to speak to the nurse about you can e-mail the school nurse at their email below.
If you have any specific concerns that arise during the school year (such as stitches, concussions, broken bones/fractures, etc.) please send in a doctor’s note with dates, guidelines, and restrictions, so we can all be on the same page and keep your child safe.
The EHPS Nurses
Beth Kelpen, RN
East Hampton High School
Phone 860-365-4030
Fax 860-365-4034
Melanie King, RN
East Hampton Middle School
Phone 860-365-4060
Fax 860-365-4064
Jordan Morehouse, RN
East Hampton Center School
Phone 860-365-4050
Fax 860-365-4054
Katie Williams, RN
East Hampton Memorial School
Phone 860-365-4020
Fax 860-365-4024
Michelle Lemire Health Aid
East Hampton Memorial School
Phone 860-365-4020
Fax 860-365-4024
Save The Dates
17th and 18th - Holiday Recess
19-21st Kindness Week
21st Wear your Kindness Spirit Wear or a Positive Message
2/28- Book Fair Begins
2/28- Cheetah Pride Assembly and Spirit Day
2/28- Read Across America Spirit Day- "PAWSitively Wild About Reading" = Wear Cheetah Gear or Animal print
3/3- Kick off to Read Across America Week-"Hats Off To Reading" = Wear a Hat To School
3/3- Volunteer Appreciation Day!
2/5 & 3/6 - Early Dismissal for Parent Teacher Conference
2/7- PD Day = No School
Upcoming Events
February Breakfast Menu
February Lunch Menu
Safe School Climate
The East Hampton Board of Education and the school community as a whole promote a secure and productive school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior. Therefore it shall be the policy of the Board that bullying and/or teen dating violence committed against a student by another student is prohibited. The Board believes that a school environment in which students feel safe, supported, engaged and helpfully challenged is optimal for learning and healthy development. The Board seeks an environment in which students and adults feel socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically safe; an environment that is free of harassment, intimidation, teen dating violence and bullying. Our website provides links to various policies and reporting forms including our Safe School Climate Plan. Hard copies are also available in our main office. If at any point you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to building administration for further assistance.
Attendance Matters
Please note
When considering the number of absences your student has accrued, keep in mind that a student must be present for 195 minutes in order for the day to count! When bringing your student in late, or signing them out early if they have not been in school for a 195 minutes the day will be recorded as an absence.
Memorial School Attendance email:
memorial_attendance@easthamptonct.org * there is an _ between memorial and attendance!
Protecting Our Youth: A Community Approach to Suicide Prevention
Please Review This Important Information Below.
Students, parents, and community members have access to an anonymous tip line on the front page of the school district website to report self-concerns, mental health concerns of a friend, or concerns of violence. Simply click here or view on the website: https://www.easthamptonps.org/.
Memorial Elementary School Contact Information
Email: jbauer@easthamptonct.org
Website: https://www.easthamptonps.org/o/memorial-school
Location: 20 Smith Street, East Hampton, CT, USA
Phone: 860-365-4020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ehmemorialschool