Weekly Family Email
Westgate Elementary - Friday, February 14, 2025
Upcoming Events
14 Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
17 President’s Day - Professional Learning - NO SCHOOL
28 Westgate Family Night 5:30-7pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Westgate will again be using Sign-Up Genius to schedule all parent teacher communication meetings. We will be offering 20 minute in-person or WebEx parent teacher communication meetings.
Conferences will be held on:
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 from 4:00PM to 8:00PM
Thursday, March 6th, 2024 from 8:00AM to 4:00PM
The Sign-up Genius portal will be open for scheduling TODAY. Please click on the teacher’s links below to schedule your parent-teacher communication meeting.
Important Reminder:
Please note: If you have more than one child, you will need to use each teacher’s link to determine a day and time. We cannot guarantee back-to-back teacher conferences, so please do not delay in signing-up for conferences.
Westgate Gator Spotlight!
WE-SIDE Multicultural Fair
Westgate Community Club
Hello fellow Parents!
Please check out the two volunteer opportunities below, as we are in need of additional folks to pull off each event.
Our annual Pizza, Book Fair, and Bingo night will be held on Friday, February, 28th in the Westgate gymnasium. Each family will preorder pizza for their family; pizza and bingo will be in the gym; and the book fair will be set up in the library for families to browse. Follow these links to Volunteer or Donate Bingo Prizes.
Please sign up today to make sure this is a successful event!
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Community Club President
Book Fair
5th & 6th Grade Band-O-Rama
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming instrumental music extravaganzas!
Band-o-rama will take place on Monday, April 7 at Westside High School. This evening will feature our district wide fifth grade, sixth grade, and our seventh grade band students as well as our award winning Concert Jazz Band.
WestFest will take place on Tuesday, April 8 at Westside High School and will feature our elementary, middle school and high school string and orchestra performance groups!
Participating students will attend a rehearsal during the school day to prepare for this event. These evenings are an amazing celebration of music education and we hope to see you there!
Westgate Construction Updates - Updated 2/14/25
New Construction Photos!!
Absence Due to Illness
Cold Weather Gear
Birthday Treats!
We do allow students to bring treats for celebrations such as birthdays. However, all treats served during the school day must come from our district approved snack list. Please click the button below to access this list. Thank you!
Enrollment information from the Welcome Center
Kindergarten enrollment for District residents for the 2025-2026 school year begins approximately late February 2025. Please check our website at westside66.org to start your enrollment online.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2025. Parents may wait to enroll their child(ren) in kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska law requires that child(ren) who reach the age of six prior to Jan 1st of the then current school year must be enrolled in school.
For questions about enrollment, please contact the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100 or enrollment@westside66.net
If you live outside of the Westside district and have a child eligible for kindergarten in 2025-2026 who has a sibling attending our schools through the Option Enrollment program, you must submit an option application for your kindergartener. The deadline to apply for Option Enrollment is 4:00 pm on March 15th.
In addition to kindergarten, you can apply for any other grade level by the same deadline, 4:00 pm on March 15th.
Option Enrollment forms can be completed using this link:
Questions about Option Enrollment, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Are you a District resident and would like your K-6 grade child(ren) to attend an elementary school in Westside other than the area where you live? The deadline to submit an In-District Transfer request for the upcoming school year is 4:00 pm on March 15th.
An In-District Transfer request form must also be completed for any child starting kindergarten next year who has a sibling attending an elementary school outside of their home attendance area.. The deadline to submit this request is also 4:00 pm on March 15th.
In district transfer forms can be completed using this link: https://forms.gle/yZw6581gWrtRBhgB9 Questions about In-District Transfers, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance to kindergarten must turn 5 years old between August 1 and October 15, 2025.
For further information regarding early entrance testing, please contact Early Admissions at 402-390-2142.
Happenings Around The District…
Multicultural Fair
Sign up to showcase link here or scan the QR code above
Student and Family Services
Mr. Becker - Principal - Westgate Elementary
Email: Becker.scott@westside66.net
Website: https://www.westside66.org/westgate
Location: 7802 Hascall Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-390-6495