NBJH Weekly Update 2/07/25

February 7, 2025
Principal's Message
Hi folks,
I mentioned last week that February would bring us several special events for our students to showcase their talents in a variety of areas. I failed to mention that February is also Kindness Month, so we feel it's an opportunity for our staff and students to show off another important attribute -- kindness. While we should do our best to act in a kind manner at all times, we want to make a special effort to do so next week with our Random Acts of Kindness campaign. Random acts of kindness are closely tied to belonging -- one of our goal areas this year -- and we hope this will be a way to spread positivity and create connection throughout the school.
We will be introducing a "Daily Dose of Kindness" on the morning news throughout the week. We will be sharing inspirational quotes as well as ideas of how we can live out these actions in our daily lives and spread random acts of kindness throughout the week. This will coincide with Student Council sponsoring a Valentine's Day sucker sale so staff and students can send Val-o-grams to express their gratitude for one another. We're looking forward to a positive week ahead!
Good luck to our student musicians who will be participating in our Solo & Ensemble Festival tomorrow. And enjoy the Super Bowl on Sunday!
Take care,
Trojans Of The Month
Congratulations to our students and staff who were named Trojans of the Month for January. Staff teams nominate students and colleagues "For exhibiting behavior that contributes to a positive learning environment at Northbrook Junior High.” Student recipients were Grace B, Kai T, Asher A, Max D, Claire F, Sara O, Abdullah A and Ari F. Staff honorees were 7th grade math teacher, Mr. Treiber, and our front office extraordinaire, Mrs. Gail!
Shout Outs
- Congratulations to the NBJH MathCounts team for their performance last weekend at Oakton as they placed 8th in the team competition. A special shout out to 6th grader Eduard V who placed 5th overall out of the 120+ students who participated in the event. A special thanks to our co-sponsors, Mrs. Heller and Mrs. Pukzsta.
8th Grade Electives Classes End Today
Today is the last day of Session 3 elective classes for our 8th graders. Starting Monday, 8th graders will move to their Session 4 elective class.
Hunger Free Northbrook Provides Food Security
A part of the Hunger Resource Network, Hunger Free Northbrook is a community-based coalition representing local businesses, religious groups, civic organizations, schools and healthcare organizations. The coalition is focused on improving the food security of seniors and children in our community. District 28 partners with Hunger Free Northbrook to improve student food security. Families experiencing food insecurity may sign up via their school’s main office to receive monthly grocery bags including food and personal care items, delivered to school, for each child. Contact your school’s main office for more details. Are you interested in learning about how to volunteer or support Hunger Free Northbrook? Click here for more details.
Lunch Menu *repeat*
February brings a new menu of lunch items! Here is the February lunch menu, but remember that you can always locate it on the NBJH website under the 'Lunch Information' tab.
Listen to Podcast on "The Anxious Generation" *repeat*
If you missed the family engagement series book discussion on "The Anxious Generation" with Dr. Scott Meek and Dr. Ginny Hiltz, now you can listen to it on our latest podcast episode. Hosted by Superintendent Dr. Jason Pearson, this 20-minute discussion offers valuable insights and take-aways from the New York Times non-fiction #1 Bestseller. Download it here or find it Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music or Spotify.
8th Grade Yearbook Baby Pictures *repeat*
Looking to include a baby picture of your soon-to-be-graduate in this year's yearbook? The deadline for submission is February, 27, 2025 for photos and an accompanying message. Read more about the Yearbook Baby Pictures for specific instructions on how to upload and submit a photo.
Important Dates
How Many Kindergarteners Will We Have?
Kindergarten registration is underway! Each year we welcome a new class of learners to District 28, but we actually do not know how many 5-year-olds we will welcome in August until we have them registered. We use this early registration to prepare for the next school year. We need to plan for staffing and classroom space. Please help us out by registering this week, and sharing this information with any friends or neighbors who have a child who will be 5 years old on September 1st. No fees are required until April.
Parents can prepare for online registration by downloading and completing the registration forms listed on the Kindergarten Registration webpage. If you are unsure which school your children will attend, review the the district boundary map.
Please visit the Kindergarten Registration webpage for more information.
This Week...
- NBJH Solo & Ensemble Festival @ NBJH - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
02/10 - A Day
02/11 - B Day
02/12 - A Day
- Music Parents Club Meeting - H.O.H. Community Room - 12:00 p.m.
02/13 - B Day - School Dismissed at 11:30 a.m.
02/14 - NO SCHOOL/Teacher Institute Day (Happy Valentines Day!)
Looking Ahead...
02/17 - NO SCHOOL- President's Day
02/18 - B Day
02/19 - A Day
Incoming Freshman Athletics/Activities Night at GBN - 6-7:30 p.m.
02/20 - B Day
- Flute Day - JH Room 401 - 4-5:00 p.m.
- Philharmonic and Chamber Orchestra Concert - JH Large Gym - 7:00 p.m.
02/21 - A Day
Athletics Events Next Week
- Boys' Volleyball NBJH vs. Gemini - (7/8) - 4:30 p.m.
- 6th Grade Boys' Volleyball vs. Wilmette at Highcrest - 4:30 p.m.
- Boys' Volleyball NBJH vs. Field - (8/7) - 4:30 p.m.
- 6th Grade Boys' Volleyball at Maple - 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Backpack
District 28 invites local non-profit organizations and community government agencies to promote events for families and children. Each week, some event are highlighted in the newsletter. View the complete list of events on the Virtual Backpack web page. To submit an event, please email the web-friendly flier to Terry Ryan, Communications Director. All fliers are subject to approval.
Sign Up For Spring Baseball
Registration is now open for Northbrook Baseball's 2025 Spring House League Season. All 3rd - 8th graders are encouraged to participate in the program, regardless of skill level or experience.
Registration will close in mid-February.
YMCA Hosts Navigator Nights
Navigator Nights is a monthly fun, vibrant, and secure haven for ALL middle school students in our community by offering engaging activities and a welcoming environment while simultaneously affording parents the gift of free time for self-care and relaxation.
Friday, Feb. 13, 6-9:30 p.m. at Enterrium
Friday, March 7, 6-9:30 p.m. at Dave & Buster's, Hawthorn Mall & Dinner
Winter Curling For Juniors
Through curling, Juniors (ages 10 - 18) can learn good sportsmanship, build strategic thinking and communication skills, and stay active. Kids of all abilities are invited to play this great sport. Our programs are designed to help young curlers efficiently build their skills whether they are competitive or just looking for a fun time.
All necessary equipment will be provided to those who participate.
Contact Lis Collins for more information.
Overparenting Unplugged: How To Let Kids Thrive
Are you ready to rethink what it means to support your kids? Inspired by Emily Oster’s podcast, Raising Parents, CATCH, Community Action Together for Children's Health, will tackle the challenges of overparenting in today’s world. In this interactive session via zoom on Feb. 11, we’ll dive into why the culture of helicopter parenting isn’t working and how we can shift toward a healthier, more empowering approach -to let your kids—and yourself—thrive. Register for the Zoom Presentation.
Pickleball For A Purpose CATCH Fundraiser
What: Pickle for a Purpose
When: Friday, February 28, 2025, 5:00pm-9:00 pm
Where: Pickleball4All, 2105 Johns Court, Glenview, IL 60025
Come play, nibble, get some custom-printed swag, and enjoy an evening benefiting CATCH. MANDO Consulting, a long-time friend of CATCH, is hosting the evening so that 100% of the registration fees are donated to CATCH.
NGSA Softball Needs Umpires
Northbrook Girls Softball Association needs umpires to house league games for grades 2-8. Boys or girls in grade 7 & 8 or high school are eligible, an no experience is required.
Free training will be held in March and games will be played in April and May on evenings and weekends. Earch $25 to $40 per game. A work permit is not required.
Contact Mark Harris for more information.
Community Wellness Fair
The District 27 PTA is excited to invite the Northbrook community to its annual Wellness Fair! With over 25 vendors and school-sponsored activities on site, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, engage, and access valuable resources to support your family’s well-being. Parents and kids are welcome!
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Date: Saturday, February 22 Location: Wood Oaks Junior High, 1250 Sanders Road, Northbrook
NBJH Principal