The Sabin Star
May 6th, 2024 Volume #2 Issue #14
Message from the Principal
Making sure each child is seen and heard is something that Sabin staff pride themselves on. That means knowing your child, their needs, their methods of communicating their needs, and genuinely listening and hearing what your child shares. When a child feels seen and heard and recognized for who they are they begin to trust and grow as learners and citizens of an important community.
But that is not enough.
You are the caregiver and we are your co-parent and support. We want your needs to be known and addressed and the best way to do that is through communicating. Please feel free to email your child's teacher with what's going well, what you and your family may need and anything else that helps us understand your child and family better. We have lots of support services as well and you can connect you with our school counselor, Erika Moller emoller1@pps.net, and social worker, Janessa Willie jwillie@pps.net. As your school administrators we are also here for you. Assistant principal Katy Vawter, kvawter@pps.net. I am also available via email, Michael Diltz, mdiltz@pps.net and cell phone or text at (971) 378-9597. Finally, you can reach our office at (503) 916-6181.
We value your partnership with us and want you to feel connected to our school and community. Reach out. We are here for you and your family.
Tubman Dance program
Tubman students and a couple Sabin Alumni too!
Our students love to experience performing arts opportunities
IMPORTANT: Annual Successful Schools Survey: Your Input is Valuable
Sabin is not a community without you and your input. We use the information from this survey to drive change, reflection and improvement school-wide. We hope you will consider taking time to share your feedback on how we are doing for your student, your family and our community.
Our district values your feedback! On Monday, you should receive an email from Panorama asking you to take a brief survey to tell us about your experience with PPS and Sabin. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think.
The survey window will begin on May 6th and close on May 31st. Your family will be able to take the survey online at home at your earliest convenience. If you do not receive an email with a link to the survey , you can go to the following link to take the survey:
Click here for helpful information and instructions for the survey.
A Sabin student helps keep our campus clean
Second Grade trip to Whitaker Ponds
Learning about the environment is fun!
PTA Corner
Join us at Oakshire Tuesday, May 14th for the next Dine Out for Sabin Night! Oakshire will donate $1 per pint for Oakshire beer and 10% of Brewfare Pizza sales all day, Tuesday, May 14th when you mention Sabin!
Virtual Bulletin Board
This is a unique opportunity to come and tell our school stories to the people who make the funding decisions! We must show our legislators that education funding matters to us. And if you can't make either date, we have an easy action alert for you. The Oregon PTA is collecting stories on our underfunded schools. Share your story HERE before May 28th. The collected stories will be delivered to the State Legislature the next time they meet in Salem, May 29-31.
May is AANHPI Heritage Month
Check out local AANHPI artist Jax Chow here: https://www.jaxchow.com/about-1
Tubman Performing Arts Visits Sabin
A Message from Ms. Wright
Mrs. Wright, a.k.a. Ms. Anderson in kindergarten is continuing her leave to recover from a head injury. She wants all to know she misses Sabin dearly. She will return when she is cleared by her medical team.
Dinner Table Questions
- What made you smile this week?
- Describe a time when something was hard but you didn't give up?
- What is your ideal weather?
Coming Up...
May 6th - 10th Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8th National Bike and Roll to School Day
May 8th SES Family Night @ 3:30
May 8th Kinder Connect @ 5pm in auditorium
May 14th 5th Grade to OHSU, 9:30 am
May 14th 5th Grade Family Night @ Tubman, 6pm
May 14th Dine out for Sabin @ Oakshire, NE 42nd
May 15th 5th Grade to Harriet Tubman MS, 9:20 am
May 16th 2nd Grade to Learning Gardens Lab, 9:00 am
May 17th, Dia del NiƱo @ 2pm - 3pm [rescheduled from April 30]
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net