Troy Times
September 16
The Week Ahead
Monday: Running Club - 5th grade (pick-up @ 3:15)
Wednesday- Running Club- 6th grade (pick-up @3:15)/ Eager Artists 2:35-3:35
Thursday- Full Choir 2;30-3;15
Friday- LoCo for HoCo
Saturday, September 21: Join us for the Homecoming parade! Meet in the high school parking lot at 10am if interested in walking with Troy admin, PTA and students. The more the merrier!
Spirit Week- This week!
· Monday: PJ DAY - Wear your favorite PJs or comfy clothes to school.
· Tuesday: Tropical Tuesday - Sport your shorts, Hawaiian shirts, leis, and sunglasses!
· Wednesday: Sports Day - Show your team spirit by wearing gear from your favorite teams (Guardians, Browns, Ohio State, etc.).
· Thursday: RED, WHITE, and BLUE - Let's show our patriotic colors!
· Friday: Avon Lake Colors - Loco for Hoco! GO SHOREMEN!!!!
LoCo for HoCo
Raffle tickets ONLY will be on sale during lunch periods next week. Students will be able to purchase until Thursday.
Friday is LoCo for HoCo! Students will receive a wristband Friday morning that indicates they are staying after school for the event.
Dismissal procedure 9/20: Prior to announcements, dismissal procedures will be announced at the end of 7th period. Those students NOT staying for the event will be dismissed for bus and car at the typical times. Participants with wristbands will be dismissed by grade level to either the gym, cafeteria or media center. All backpacks will be kept in student lockers until 4pm.
Students are to be picked up at Troy at 4:00
From the PTA
Troy will have an amazing float in this year's Homecoming Parade! The theme will be "Starry Night" (think Van Gogh) to go along with the High School Homecoming theme of "A Night in Hollywood". Students are welcome to ride or walk with the float! Seats on the float will be available on a first come basis.
Please have your student meet at the float staging area in the North Parking Lot of the High School at 9:45 am on Saturday morning. Please have participants dropped off at library or south lot (by the stadium) and walk over to the North Lot (by the Performing Arts Center -- if you get lost, just ask a parking attendant where the Troy float is located) .
Students are encouraged to wear Maroon & Gold and BRING PLENTY OF CANDY TO TOSS if you would like! Parents are also welcome to walk with the float!
The parade will end back at the High School, where students will need to be picked up (typically around 11:15 or 11:30).
Please feel free to contact Katie McClain at kmcclain811@gmail.com or (440) 506-4807 with any questions. Thanks and Happy HOCO Week!
Outdoor Classroom
We are excited to share some wonderful news with you! Our outdoor classroom is now complete, thanks to the incredible efforts of Mr. Walsh and our dedicated student volunteers who worked tirelessly during recess. This space provides our students with a unique learning environment where they can engage with nature, explore new concepts, and enjoy a refreshing change from the traditional classroom setting.
Student Fees
To pay student fees, visit PaySchools (linked below) OR drop off a check made out to Troy Intermediate School in the designated drop box in the Troy Main Office atrium Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:30 pm. Checks should be placed in an envelope labeled with your student's name and grade level.