Adventure Elementary
Language is an asset. Biliteracy is a gift.

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**To translate this newsletter to another language, please click "translate" and select your language.**January 24 Family Newsletter
A Note from Mrs. Kopperud and Ms. Abreo
Dear Adventure Families,
Incredible everyday learning is pretty exciting in our school! PK-3 students had an INCREDIBLE time at the 123 Andrés concert earlier this week. If your child hasn't already talked with you about it, be sure to ask about Cristina singing and dancing to La vaca Lola with them and Andrés "learning" how to correctly play his saxophone. We learned lots of vocabulary using English, Spanish, and American Sign Language; we learned signs for "again," "help," "community," "music" and several others.
Students in the upper grades are also practicing for our school's English Spelling Bee next Tuesday morning. Our first Spanish Spelling Bee will be before Spring Break! Reach out to Ms. Chavez if you're interested in learning more!
Aside from the rest of the everyday fun at Adventure, students have been successfully performing their best on some state language tests this week and will wrap them up next week. Our after-school clubs are up and running. Some guest speakers and field trips are coming up. A group of students has begun working on a Black History Month display for our school library. There's lots of important and fun learning happening inside our school that we can all be very proud of!
Sarah Kopperud
Marisa Abreo
Assistant Principal
Important Dates
- Jan. 28 - New student enrollment tour, 8:30
- Jan. 28 - Adventure Spelling Bee, 10:00
- Jan. 30 - Discovery Fair at John Dewey Student Center (Global campus), 4:00-6:00
- Feb. 5 -- New student enrollment tour, 5:00; Dual Language enrollment presentation, 5:45
- Feb. 5 - Mapleton Spelling Bee
- Feb. 7 - Miner of the Month assembly, 8:15
- Feb. 14 and 17 - No school, PK-6
- Feb. 19-20 -- PK parent/teacher conferences, 3:30-7:30
- Feb. 21 - 1st grade field trip, "Lyle the Crocodile"
- Feb. 21 - PIE meeting, 8:15
- Feb. 28 - 5th grade guest speaker, Molly Brown Museum
Know Your Rights
If you or someone you know can benefit from any resources to support your family, please click here. Additionally, the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition can be a great resource for both families concerned about their rights as well as anyone wishing to volunteer and help the cause. Next week, there is a Know Your Rights workshop at a local school in Thornton. The event is open to the community. Please consider attending.
And, as always, Adventure is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all students. You can reach out to Ms. Abreo or Mrs. Kopperud with any questions. Our school social worker, Enid Nieves, is also available to support or answer any questions. (303-853-1416, NievesE@mapleton.us)
2025-26 Enrollment and Annual Update
Enrollment season is in full swing! All families will need to complete the annual update process between January 13 and February 14. This is also the priority placement window for students in the district. You can watch this video to help you complete the process; if you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to our front office staff. The best time for them to help is between 9:00-2:00, to avoid the business of arrival and dismissal.
Assuring that your child's emergency contact information is up to date is one of the best ways you can help us maintain their safety at school. In the event that we need to reach someone quickly, we will call all the people you've listed. The sooner you update this information, the better!
If you have or know a student entering PK, Kindergarten, or 7th grade, it is time to select a school for next year! Mapleton has one more Discovery Fair, next week on January 30. Families can learn about each Mapleton school at the Fair. Schools are also offering several tours in the weeks to come, you can find more details here.
Adventure's enrollment flyer can be found below!
An Update about Semester 2 Conferences
Instead of hosting traditional parent/teacher conferences, K-6 teachers will host a Celebrate Adventure Open House in each classroom on April 17 from 4:30 to 6:30. Classroom teachers may also invite some families in for a check-in meeting during the evening of March 5.
**PK teachers will hold traditional parent/teacher conferences on February 19 and 20. Your child's teacher will reach out soon to schedule an appointment.**
Parking Reminder
Please remember to avoid parking on the west side of Conifer Road as that congestion greatly impacts the flow of the Hug & Go lane. Thanks for your cooperation!
Extracurricular Clubs Update
From Ms. Xóchitl Ruiz, CCLC Grant Coordinator
What an amazing start to our clubs this winter season! Thank you all so much for your support.
We still have some room in some clubs open to join:
Grades 3-5: Math Club - Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm (6 spaces available)
Grades 3-6: The "ANY" Book Club - Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm (10 - 15spaces available)
Grades K-6: Power Hour with 4-H - Thursdays 4:30 - 5:30 pm (13 spaces available)
Grades K - 6: Chess Club - Fridays 3:30 - 4:45 pm (Space available)
Kindergarten: Click here to complete registration formGrades 1-6: Click here to complete registration form
Just a reminder, if your student misses 2 times, they will no longer be in the club, and we will ask a student on the waitlist to take that spot. I will be checking attendance in the coming days and if necessary, making changes to our clubs.
To our K-3 Sticky Fingers Cooking Club (meets Mondays 4:30):
Our Chef is requesting for this club to be released at 5:45 pm so your students do not feel rushed to eat the food they cooked.
If you need to reach me during programming, please call me at (303)853-1445; the front office closes at 4pm. Starting next week, I hope to have access to Talking Points, in which case, parents can text me during programming since I am out and about in the building while programming is happening.
Please contact me if you are interested in signing up students. Email works best, so please email me at ruizx@mapleton.us. Thank you all for your continuous support. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
What is my child learning at school?
PIE Volunteer Corner
Get Involved! Help us help the students!
Our next PIE meeting is Friday, February 21 at 8:15. Please join us! Also, our PIE has their own brand new Facebook page! The purpose is for members to communicate and coordinate school projects and events. Please join!
Adventure Elementary
Email: kopperuds@mapleton.us
Website: https://adventure.mapleton.us/
Location: 7725 Conifer Road, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: (303)853-1410