TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
April 2023
Message from the Superintendent
Dear TPS Community,
It's official! The last day of school is Friday, June 16, 2023. The last day of school is an early release day.
The Spring is an incredibly busy and exciting time of the year for TPS. There is much work to be done with end of year high-stakes testing, multiple celebrations to plan and attend, and extensive planning for next year. It can also be a time of the year when both students’ and adults’ anxieties rise in preparation for the many items noted above. While some level of anxiety is a normal and healthy response, our teachers, staff, and administrators (now more than ever) are using calming strategies and active time outside to support our students. This week’s good weather certainly has been energizing. I know I speak for all of our principals when I say that we appreciate your continued support as we partner together to make this time of the year meaningful and productive for all.
I’d also like to highlight several other important updates and decisions were made at
Wednesday's School Committee meeting.
The K-6 ELA Curricular Resource chosen and approved for adoption next year is EL Education. (see below)
The Comprehensive District Review Summary (CDR) and the Superintendent’s Entry Findings were reviewed. (see below)
Our 23-24 School Department Budget was voted on and approved.
Please also be reminded of several events that will be occurring right after vacation.
TMHS Spring Musical; Beauty & the Beast (details below)
The 39th Annual District Art Show & Concert (details below)
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12 (see below)
Finally, I wish all of our TPS community a restful and enjoyable long weekend and April break. Go Boston Marathon runners!
Brenda Theriault-Regan
ELA Curriculum Resource Announcement
We are excited to announce that after an extensive pilot project, TPS has chosen to adopt EL Education as its primary curriculum resource for English Language Arts instruction in grades K-6. EL Education will engage our learners in content-based lessons and deep studies of high-interest, compelling topics that build literacy skills as students acquire knowledge. In addition, we will also be adopting Geodes for Grades K-2, which are information-rich decodable books that provide emerging readers with an opportunity to build knowledge while practicing foundational reading skills. Implementation will begin in SY23-24. Please click here or the button above for the presentation.
Please click on the button above for the YMHFA flyer.
Ashley Pavlakos, Tewksbury town nurse, and Maria Ruggiero, Tewksbury PD Prevention Manager/Frontline Initiative and Britany Nash- Regional Community Health and Wellness Coordinator are teaming up and offering a free training. Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18.
The class will take place on April 27, 2023 from 9AM-4PM.
Class will be held at Tyngsboro’s Old Town Hall- 10 Kendall Rd.
Because of grant funding and community partnerships, they can provide this training at no cost.
For ticket information, click on the picture above.
39th Annual Tewksbury District Art Show
Friday, May 5th, 2023
6:30 pm Band & Chorus Concert
7:00-9:00 pm Art Exhibit TMHS Auditorium & Cafe
Saturday, May 6th, 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm Art Exhibit THMS Auditorium & Cafe
Please Join Us for Tewksbury Clean Up Day!
2023 Teacher Appreciation Week
Please take a moment to let your teacher(s) know how much they are appreciated during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8 through May 12.
We will continue to update our families as we build our own Summer School offerings as well.
To opt in to OneCall Now TEXT messages for school/bus notices, please text Alert to 22300 from your cell phone. Your phone must be listed as a contact number in Aspen to be recognized by the OCN system.
Please note that all dates are subject to change.
Tewksbury Public Schools
Please visit our website for up to date announcements, helpful resources, school calendars and events.
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Address: 139 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800