Weekly High School Updates

This Week at Central York High School
Monday, August 26, 2024
Flex Cycle
Monday: Day 4
Tuesday: Day 5- Return to CLC for Flex
Wednesday: Day 6- Return to CLC for Flex
Thursday: Day 1
Friday: Day 2
CYHS Calendar Reminders
Monday, August 26th- Senior Release Begins today! 🙂
Monday, September 2nd- No School- Labor Day
Friday, September 6th- Senior Class Picture- 9:30am at the Stadium- BE ON TIME, Please!
Thursday, September 12th - Open House Central York High School 6 -8 pm
Friday, September 20th- Fall Pictures grades 9-11; 1/2 day Teacher Inservice
Wednesday, October 23rd- Picture Retakes grades 9-11
High School Updates
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Safety Drills
On Monday, August 26th, Central York High School will conduct a Fire Drill. This is a monthly practice drill.
On Tuesday, August 27th, Central York High School will conduct a Weather Emergency Drill and Lockdown Drill.
School fire, weather, and lockdown drills are practice exercises to ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency.
High School Open House
Thursday, September 12th- 6-8pm
6:05-6:15- CLC
6:20-6:35- Period 1
6:40-6:55- Period 2
7:00-7:15- Period 3
7:20-7:35- Period 4
7:35-8:00- Open Classrooms
According to the School health Code of Pennsylvania, students are required to have certain health exams and immunizations at specific intervals during their school years.
- 11th GRADE PHYSICAL EXAM – May be completed on the first day of the 10th grade year or after to count as the 11th-grade physical. Please turn this form in by 10/01/24.
- 12th GRADE IMMUNIZATION - The Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV) booster dose (or an exception notice): To meet this requirement, the vaccine must be obtained at age 16 or older. The vaccine and the record must be turned in before the start of 12th grade. (If possible, please turn this in to the school nurse by the end of your child's 11th-grade year).
The 11th grade physical exam appointment typically includes the required vaccine, the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) that is required for entry into 12th grade. Please ask your child’s health care provider about this required immunization during the appointment.
Thank you in advance for providing this important update. Please contact the nurse’s office with any questions or concerns at 717-846-6789 ext. 1320 or email mdonner@cysd.k12.pa.us. The completed report can be faxed to the high school nurse’s office at 717-434-1791, or emailed to our certified school nurse mdonner@cysd.k12.pa.us.
School Lunches Update
High School lunches are $2.90 each day. A la carte items from other food lines are available at an additional cost.
Students with a negative food account balance of $5.00 or more cannot add the additional a la carte items from the alternative food lines to their meals. The daily lunch menu meal will still be available for these students.
If your student has a negative account balance, which can be viewed in Skyward, you may deposit funds to their account using the online Revtrak system (Deposit Meal Account Funds Online) or by sending a check with your student to school. Please make checks payable to “Central York School District.” Checks may be given to the cashiers in the cafeteria for deposit into the student’s food services account. If you cannot log in to Skyward, please email familyaccess@cysd.k12.pa.us to update your contact information or reset your account password.
Please complete the Free and Reduced Meal Program application if you need assistance, Free and Reduced Meal Program. If you need additional information or assistance, don't hesitate to contact your student's school counselor or assistant principal.
Get Involved and Join a Club!
Club arena scheduling is right around the corner!
Check out what is being offered this year: 2024-2025 Clubs and Organizations
Math National Honor Society
Mu Alpha Theta, the national math honor society, is currently accepting applications for this year.
To be eligible for membership you must:
1) have completed two years of mathematics, including Algebra and/or Geometry
2) be enrolled in or have completed a third year of college preparatory mathematics
3) have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.0 in your math classes
Applications can be found outside of Mrs. Hoke (539) and Mrs. Lutz (530), and are due back to either teacher by Friday, September 13.
Technology News
Our CYHS iTeam Website has many resources created by our members for staff and students to learn about their computers. The Tech Bytes slideshow is helpful, and if would like any individual slides as flyers, I can provide them. There is also a knowledge base and many resources for students interested in technology and programming.
Please remember that our MacBook Air computers are fragile; displays break easily - do not pick up by the display (presentation about caring for your MacBook). Below is a QR code for the computer handbook and a flyer about the Device Protection Plan and chargers
From The School Counseling Office
Please contact the School Counseling Office with any questions regarding this information.
We look forward to supporting our students as they strive for success in school and in life. We will soon begin meeting individually with all seniors to go over graduation requirements and post-secondary plans. We will then see all ninth graders to start building relationships. As always, all students who have need to see their school counselor are encouraged to schedule an appointment anytime by completing the form at tinyurl.com/seemyschoolcounselor and then checking their email regularly to learn the time that their appointment is scheduled.
Your Central York High School counselors are:
Last names A - Co – Mr. Robert High - rhigh@cysd.k12.pa.us
Last names Cr - G – Mrs. Charlotte Utter - cutter@cysd.k12.pa.us
Last names H - Le – Mrs. Emily Cooper - ecooper@cysd.k12.pa.us
Last names Li - Pa – Mr. Eric Shellenberger - eshellenberger@cysd.k12.pa.us
Last names Pe - Sm – Mr. Tristan Zelinka - tzelinka@cysd.k12.pa.us
Last names Sn - Z – Mrs. Julie Foery - jfoery@cysd.k12.pa.us
Workforce ReadinessCoordinator – Mrs. Ellie Lamison - elamison@cysd.k12.pa.us
Students and parents are also encouraged to check out the resources we have available for you at tinyurl.com/cycounseling. We look forward to working with you!
If you are a senior who has any periods free this year -- and if you didn’t already submit the parent permission form -- you MUST submit this to the School Counseling Office ASAP. The form is at tinyurl.com/CYHSfreeperiod.
There are many details involved with this important last year of high school for you. School counselors will meet with seniors within the first few weeks of school. In the meantime, please carefully read the document at tinyurl.com/cyseniorinfo for essential senior year information, especially pertaining to your future plans. Whether you’re heading to college or technical school, going into the military, or planning to work full time, the information in this document is ESSENTIAL. Please also note that the School Counseling Office cannot send your official transcript anywhere at all without written parent permission. Please submit this as soon as possible!
NOW is the time to register online to take the SAT (at sat.org) and/or the ACT (at act.org). Students with financial difficulties are encouraged to see their counselor to learn about fee waivers for these tests. After registering, be sure to study using free test prep websites like Khan Academy.
Peer tutoring is available for students who desire academic help from other students who have experience with the same coursework. Tutoring will be available in the HUB during Flex AND can be done via Zoom if needed. Students wishing to request tutoring should complete the form at tinyurl.com/cyhstutoring. Students who wish to become peer tutors can sign up at tinyurl.com/be-a-peer-tutor.Career Center News
Registration opens September 9th! YCAL is offering the following Career Exploration Programs this fall, and it is on a first come first serve basis. Students must provide their own transportation.
Court Reporting
Criminal Justice and Forensics
Financial Services
Media Careers
Looking for a job? Check out Central's
virtual job board!
Volunteers Needed
Click here for volunteer opportunities!
Your Mental Health Matters
Need to talk with someone? Concerned about someone's safety?
Suicide/Crisis Lifeline
24/7 Support and Assistance
Safe2Say Hotline
Submit anonymous tips and safety concerns online.
Crisis Text Line
Text "Home" to 741741