Cecilton Elementary Update
October 6, 2024
Evening Session of Volunteer Training - THIS WEEK
If you are planning to volunteer in any capcity in the school or on field trips, a mandatory evening training is scheduled at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8th, in the Media Center. There are numerous opportunities to help at school, including in the classrooms, mentoring students, homeroom opportunities, and more. Thank you for helping at school when you can.
If you are unable to help during the school day, there are also opportunities to support classrooms by prepping materials and more. Please contact Mrs. Kim Morris at kamorris@ccps.org .
Calling All Veterans!
We are looking forward to honoring our Veterans at Cecilton Elementary School next month. As we prepare for the festivities, we need some information. Please forward the names and digital pictures of your veterans to Mrs. Mosier ( ammoser@ccps.org ) to be included in our slideshow presentation.
Updates from Cecil County Public Schools
Judy Center Schools:
Family Service Coordination - revised!
Little Learners Home Visiting- revised!
Playgroup Schedule - find your school’s schedule in this folder!
Parents, would you like to know more about what your child is learning this school year? Our district has provided many resources for families, including course overviews, that you can access online. Below, you will find links to access these resources. If you have any trouble, please let us know.
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
The Office of Multilingual Education will be offering virtual (zoom) parent workshops twice a month on Tuesdays starting on October 15, 2024. Time: 10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Flyer
Elementary Movers with Parks & Recreation
It's time for fall soccer! We are excited to hear that Mr. Ringgold will be returning as our youth soccer coach through the Parks and Rec program. Please make sure to sign up by using the contact information below.
5th Grade Math Facts Challenge
Through our on-going work to strengthen our instructional program, we are focusing on building automaticity in our students for recalling their basic math facts. On October 2nd, our 5th grade students, led by Mrs. Schinault, have started a math facts challenge. Family members are invited to come into the classroom once a week to help students improve their math fact fluency. We are also aided by volunteers from our local Cecilton Lions Club. Students, families, and volunteers are having fun while practicing. More events will be happening on October 16, October 30, November 6, November 20 and all families are welcome to participate in one or more events. Our students thrive when we work together.
It's That Time... TRUNK OR TREAT
If you are interested in sponsoring a trunk, please complete the form below and send it in to the main office at Cecilton Elementary School or to the Cecilton Town Hall. We look forward to seeing these spooktacular trunks! This event is being sponsored by the Cecilton Elementary School PTO, Cecilton Town Hall, Cecilton Lion's Club, Upper Bay Ruritan's, and the Cecilton Volunteer Fire Company. Please consider volunteering your time and/or talents to one or more of these worthwhile and service oriented community organizations. When we all work together, we can move mountains for our children.
Candy Donations
The Cecilton community organizations are now accepting donations of candy to be distributed at the Trunk or Treat event. Please bring your donations to the Cecilton Elementary School school office or by sending them in by "backpack express." Thank you for helping our community come together to make this event special for our children.
It's a Spook-Tacular Trunk or Treat
Grab your Halloween costumes run down to Elkton High School to attend this YES! and Drug Free Cecil sponsored event. Children can participate in a free trunk or treat event from 11-1, watch demonstrations, explore emergency vehicles from several local agencies, and more. Parents can explore the resource fair and drop off expired prescription drugs for proper disposal.
Latin Festival
Click the link HERE to the October school calendar. Click on the link in the calendar to read detailed information as it becomes available. Translated materials are also available at the link.
Changes will be made on the live calendar available at the link. Please check this link each week for any updates!
November is Election Season
In the coming weeks there will be a number of important dates related to local elections in Cecil County. On 10/9/24, the Cecil County Chamber of Commerce will host a General Election Candidate Forum beginning at 6:00 PM at the Milburn Stone Theater. This event is free and open to the public. Candidates for County Executive, County Council, and the Board of Education will be speaking.
On 10/22/24, the NAACP will host a candidate forum at Elkton High School beginning at 6:00 PM. All candidates for local office have been invited to participate.
The cutoff for voter registration is 10/15/24. Please visit the Maryland State Board of Elections for more information or to register to vote.
Local elections have a significant impact on our schools. Please make an effort to learn about the candidates running for local office and support and vote for those that are committed to supporting public education in Cecil County!
The Judy Center Playgroup @ CES
The Judy Center County Wide Opportunities
Cecil County Health Department
The Cecil County Health Department has a large number of resources for families including crisis services, mental health services, housing and emergency food support, and much more. Open the link below for contact information for any type of assistance you may need.
Food Resources
Adult Education Opportunities
Affordable Health Care