Week at a Glance
Thank you Ms. Mihlfeld for 30 years of service!
Have a Great Summer!
Report cards have been published and are available via the Harmony system. If you need us to print a card for you please reach out and we can print one for you.
Upcoming Events
**Please remember that only clear water bottles are permitted in classrooms.**
Textbook fees
Please take a look at Harmony for the 22-23 book fees. We depend on these fees to pay for our electronic devices, curricular materials, and classroom supplies. Also, broken iPads are repaired and must be paid for before they are given back to the student. Payment plans are accepted as we work with families to get the repairs taken care of.
ILEARN Rescore
May 22, 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your student participated in the ILEARN assessments for grades 5-8 during the spring 2023 test window. In accordance with Indiana Code 20-32-5.1-13, parents and schools must have an opportunity to review and/or request a rescore for any eligible open-ended item(s) which students responded to on the ILEARN assessment.
If you are interested in participating in this process, you must make arrangements to visit our school to view your student’s responses to any open-ended ILEARN items and request any rescores. There is not a separate online portal for parents to access this information. Remote or virtual meetings to share or discuss test content are not allowed.
If you want to pursue this further, please contact Mr. Walton or Mr. Hobson at 659-3915.
Parents or guardians must sign and date a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) at the school before viewing any test content. All test content (e.g., passages, items, responses, scoring rubrics) is secure and must not be discussed, shared, distributed, or duplicated in any way. The rescore request window is the only time student responses to open-ended items are visible. Items and responses will not be available outside of the rescore request window. Secure test content will remain in the item pool for possible use in future test administrations.
Together with Mr. Walton, you may view images of your child’s response to each open-ended item, as well as related sample score-point responses and scoring rubrics to help you decide whether to request a rescore for the response. The principal will submit any rescore request(s) on your behalf in the online platform, if desired. A rescore request can only be submitted one time for an item. Once a rescore request is submitted, the request and/or score change cannot be reversed and the item image will no longer be visible. Pursuant to Indiana Code, ILEARN rescore requests may result in an increased or decreased scale score.
Three ILEARN rescore request windows will occur this school year to support each ILEARN assessment. Preliminary results will be available in the Online Reporting System (ORS) during each rescore request window:
Final results for all 2022-2023 ILEARN assessments will become available electronically for schools on July 1, 2023. Student results will be final at that time and reflect any properly submitted rescore request data.
Please contact Mr. Walton with any questions about the rescore request process.
Jason Walton
NHS Trip to Toyota
WRVMS JR High Baseball Team
Field Day 3 on 3 Basketball game winners
Presidential Challenge Winners
21st Century Scholars
Summer food program
2023 WRV Girls Basketball Camp
Mark your calendar for the WRV Girls Basketball Summer Camp!
Dates: May 30th – June 2 nd (Tuesday through Friday)
Times: 5:00 – 6:00pm (Pre-K – 4th ) / 6:00 – 7:30pm (5th – 8th )
Location: WRV High School Gym
Who: All WRV girls students in Pre-K – 8th grade
Cost: $20 per player, $10 for each additional sibling (includes camp t-shirt)
The focus of the camp will be on teaching fundamentals, learning skills, and having fun! Current WRV Girls
Basketball coaches and players will train the campers during the week.
Contact Information: April Settles / Head Coach – Varsity Girls Basketball / 812-629-8686 / aprilsettles10@gmail.com
Shawnee Summer Theatre
White river Valley Middle school PTA
Help Wanted at WRVMS - Substitute Teachers
If you would be interested in being a substitute teacher, please contact the MS and we will share more information.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
A Note From Nurse Kennett
Important Information
Parents: Please make sure to let us know of any changes in information so communication is not interrupted. We want to make sure we have all of the correct emails, phone numbers, and emergency contacts. This can be done through your login in Harmony or by calling the office to make this update. Thank you.
***We are updating records for all students. Please send your address verification with your student or email a copy to chostetter@wrv.k12.in.us. This can be a utility bill, water bill, or other mail correspondence. Bank statements work, but please do not include financial information as a part of this proof of residence. Thank you in advance.***
Reminder on Attendance
We have a few students who are at or are approaching the 6 day maximum for excused absences. See below for the definitions of absences.
-17). EXCUSED - Parent must notify school of the student’s absence.
These absences are counted toward the accumulation per year. Students will be allowed to make up all work and receive full credit for the work. Examples include: Staying home sick without a doctor’s visit and pre-arranged absences. If a student reaches six (6) excused absences in one year, additional absences that year will be unexcused without a doctor's excuse.
UNEXCUSED - These absences are counted toward the accumulation per year.
Students will not receive credit for work missed during an unexcused absence. Examples include:
1. Being truant from school - each class missed because of truancy will count toward the six-day absence quota per year.
2. Being late to class twenty (20) or more minutes, but upon review of the principal or designee, it can be changed or excused.
3. Returning to school without a note or call from the parent/guardian.
4. Students who bring forged notes will have their absence(s) unexcused and will be given two (2) days Alternative to Suspension.
If a student reaches ten (10) unexcused absences in one school year a report will be made to Child Protective Services and the Greene County Prosecutor.
Parents will receive notification of absence following the fourth unexcused absence per year. At 10 day non-certified
absences in one school year parents will be notified that the report will be made.
Please take a minute to view the short video regarding bus stops that was provided to me from our State Transportation Director, Mike LaRocco. Please be aware and stop for buses as we transport our most precious cargo.
Please take a look below for plans regarding our shuttle bus system for those who are not riding a bus from a regular route location. We are planning to make the usual designated stops in Worthington, WRV High School, and Lyons. If you are unsure where the designated stops are in Lyons and Worthington please call WRV Middle School to ask for these locations(these are the same stops we made in each town as last year and are described in the document below).
White River Valley Middle School
Email: jwalton@wrv.k12.in.us
Website: www.wrv.k12.in.us
Location: Lyons, IN, USA
Phone: (812)659-3915
Summer School
Summer school will start Tuesday, May 30th and go thru Friday, June 9th from 8am-Noon. Information has been communicated to each student and their parent needing to attend. Contact the middle school office if you have questions.