Pioneering Adventures
From the Principal's Desk
Hello Rose Pioneer Families,
January is School Board Recognition Month. We are all very appreciative of our school board members who put in countless hours supporting the students, families, and staff members of Holly Area Schools! On behalf of everyone at Rose Pioneer, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!"
Student-led Conferences are coming up this Wednesday, January 29th from 12:30 - 6:30 pm. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:00 noon. Please contact your child's teacher if you have specific questions regarding student-led conferences. This event is not only informative for parents, but also packed with fun and anticipation for students as they share their learning and growth. Our goal is always 100% participation; please join us!
Below, you will find the temporary bus cancellation schedule. As a reminder, there are two more scheduled route closure next week and the following. Please use the carline to drop off and pick up students. Preschool students must be signed into and out of school but all other students, Y5-5th grade, are to be dropped off and picked up curbside in front of the building. Other than preschool parents, please do not park and walk your child to class or attempt to walk up to the carline staff to retrieve your student at the end of the school day. Simply stay in the carline and approach curbside; it really does move along quickly and safely.
If you aren't already connected, please like Rose Pioneer Elementary School on Facebook and @RosePioneerEl on Twitter.
Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!
Michael Beattie
Upcoming Events
~1/27 - HAS School Board Meeting - 7 pm
~1/29 - 1/2 Day for Students - Noon Dismissal
~1/29 - Student-led Conferences - 12:30 - 6:30 pm
~1/30 - Vaping 101 Presentation - 4 pm @ Holly High School
~2/7 - Popcorn Friday
~2/11 - Pioneer Parents Meeting in library - 4 pm
The Leader In Me & Core Competencies
Revisiting Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Think Win-Win is the belief that everyone can win. It’s not you or me, but both of us. It’s a belief that there are enough good things for everyone. It’s being able to be happy when good things happen to other people.
At Rose Pioneer, a big part of thinking win-win is being a kind, caring and considerate person. When we do things for others, we both win. I feel proud that I helped you, and you are grateful that I cared.
When family members argue it is a great time to talk about thinking win-win. Have a discussion about what each person is seeking and come to a compromise where everyone wins. Another way to bring Think Win-Win into your home is to do something kind for another person. Talk as a family about how it made you feel, and how you think it made the other person feel.