Board Briefs
August 20, 2024

Board Briefs - September 10, 2024
Superintendent's Report
- Dr. Hart provided an update on the opening week of school and shared a presentation. Please click here to view.
- Dr. Hart shared the District's Goals for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click here to view the presentation. This years goals include:
* Academic Achievement
* Communications
* Referendum Planning
* Summarizing the Strategic Plan
Board Goals
- Board President, Dr. Camille Cerciello introduced Patricia Rees of New Jersey School Boards Association, NJSBA. Ms. Rees led the board in the creation of their goals for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The Shared Services Agreement between the Readington Township Board of Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 2024-2025 school year was approved.
- The corrective action plan for excess funds in the District's Food Service Program and authorize the Busiiness Administrator to submit to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture was approved.
- The following curriculum was approved for the 2024-2025 school year: English Language Arts/Grade 6 and Viking Broadcast Encore.
- RMS fundraisers were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- A handwriting study through a partnership with Angelique Aitken, Ph.D. , and Penn State College of Education to evaluate the relative effectiveness of four different handwriting programs for kindergarten and first grade was approved.
- Substitute teacher placements were approved.
- The following appointments were ratified and approved: Maria Llinas/RMS-Custodian, Kelli Meadows/RMS-Paraprofessional, Heather Canha/WHS-Paraprofessional, Kathy Hunter/WHS-Paraprofessional, Rosemarie Perna/RMS LTS-Paraprofessional, and Jennifer Hardison/TBS LTS-Paraprofessional.
- The following appointment was approved: Bruce Corwin/RMS LTS-LA Teacher.
- Preschool Bus Aides were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The following bus driver appointments were rescinded: Yendry Fernandez and John Gilliam.
- The following teachers were ratified and approved for additional curriculum writing/development: Angela Hicks/ELA Grades 6-8 and Nicole Maraventano/ELA Grades K-8.
- Teacher stipends were ratified and approved for participation in 2024 Summer Teacher Academy.
- Salary increases in recognition of the employee's attainment of additional credits for lateral movement on the RTEA guide were approved for the following staff members: Blair Alber Crossley/RMS, Rachel Tomson/TBS, Stephanie Armstrong/TBS, Michelle Parkhurst/TBS, Mindy Bennington/RMS, Paul Yunos/RMS, Melissa Truempy/HBS, Lauren Suriano/WHS, Laruen Mahoney/HBS, Lauren Iglesias/WHS, and Jacqueline Ganguzza/HBS.
- Special skills stipends were approved for full-time aides who are assigned to self-contained autism or BD programs or who provide extraordinary services for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Club advisors were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The following mentor was approved for the 2024-2025 school year: Lauren Greenberg/RMS.
- Facilitator stipends were approved for staff facilitating on the October 14-15 In-Service Days.
- Central Office Detention and Homework Room advisors were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- One bylaw and three policies were approved for second reading.
- One policy was abolished.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., and will be held in person in the Board Conference Room in the Board of Education office wing of Holland Brook School. To join via YouTube, please click here. Please review the agenda that will be posted on October 4, 2024.
Contact Information
Doreen Harris / 908-534-2897
Doreen Harris
Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent