Wildcat Wisdom Weekly Newsletter
Wesley Chapel High School 10/25/2024
WCHS Vision
Wesley Chapel High School provides a community in which students become life ready citizens with confidence, empathy, and perseverance.
To ensure our students are college, career, and life ready, we are:
Message from Mr. McDermott
Parents and guardians, report cards for quarter one are now available in myStudent. Please make sure you review your student's report card and discuss their progress with them. Remember, Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 will be averaged together to determine the semester grade and GPA.
Homecoming Dress-Up Days (October 28- November 1)
As a reminder our dress up days for next week are
Monday- Rhyme Day
Tuesday- Blast From the Past
- Freshman 70s
- Sophomores 80s
- Juniors 90s
- Seniors 00s
- Teachers 60s
Wednesday - Album Cover Day
Thursday- Stages of Life
- Freshman- babies
- Sophomores- toddlers
- Juniors- adults
- Seniors- senior citizens
- Teachers- Teens
Friday- Wildcat School Spirit
Homecoming 24'
We will be selling Homecoming Dance Tickets during lunches from October 21- October 31.
The cost is $35 per ticket. Guest Permission Forms are available in Student Services for students who want to bring a guest from another school. The permission slips are due to Student Services by Wednesday, October 30.
Our Homecoming Dance is Saturday, November 2, in the WCHS gym from 7 pm - 10 pm.
Homecoming Dress- up week is October 28-November 1 and we will have our Homecoming Pep Rally on November 1, during the school day. Dress up days will come out soon.
Our Homecoming Football Game is Friday, November 1 when the Wildcats will play Land O Lakes HS.
Boys Soccer Preseason Classic
There are two pre-season matches next week for Boys soccer at home. Monday, 10/28 vs Central at 7pm and Wednesday, 10/30 vs Angeline at 7pm.
Early bird sale on senior ads! Purchase a senior ad before the end of September and save 10%. Visit yearbookforever.com to view your options and make your purchase, Enter the code SENIORAD at checkout and receive a 10% discount. This offer is only good for purchases made on our publisher's website, yearbookforever.com, and not be valid after September 30th.
Ads will continue to be sold until December 23, 2024.
Extension for Senior Portraits for the Yearbook
Due to the recent storm, we have extended the deadline for senior portraits to November 15th to accommodate anyone who has not had their session with Gigante. Seniors, if you want your senior portrait to appear in the senior section of the yearbook, it must be taken by Gigante no later than November 15. If you need to rebook your appointment, contact the studio at 813-907-1078. Anyone who still needs to schedule their session should visit www.giganteproductions.com
Senior Ad Sales
Senior ads can be purchased now through December 23, 2025. Visit www.yearbookforever.com to view options and prices. You can design it yourself, upload a finished ad, or have us design it for you.
Yearbook Sales: Yearbooks will be sold until January 23, 2025. You can make your purchase using the school quick pay site or by visiting our publisher's site, www.yearbookforever.com (if you want anything special like a name stamped onto the cover or a clear protective cover), you must make your purchase through our publisher's site.
Yearbook Sales
Preorder your yearbook now through January 23, 2025. Cost is $90. Make your purchase through the student quick pay portal or by visiting our publisher's website, www.yearbookforever.com. If you want anything extra, like a name stamped onto the cover or a clear protective cover, you must make your purchase through our publisher.
Testing Updates
Testing Update
Please make note of the below testing dates through the end of January. All tests will begin during 1st period, and we are asking all students testing on a particular day to arrive at their testing room at the start of the school day. Further testing date information can be found on the testing calendar, located at:
10/29/24 - PSAT (1st Group)
10/30/24 - PSAT (2nd Group)
11/07/24 - Classic Learning Test (CLT) - Cost is $31, payable on the student fees site
12/03/24 – F.A.S.T. ELA Reading Retake (1st Group)
12/04/24 – F.A.S.T. ELA Reading Retake (2nd Group)
12/05/24 – Biology, Geometry, and U.S. History EOC
12/06/24 – FAST ELA Retake and EOC Make-ups
12/09/24 – B.E.S.T. Algebra 1 EOC (1st Group)
12/10/24 – B.E.S.T. Algebra 1 EOC (2nd Group)
12/11/24 – 9th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 – Mr. Beson & Mrs. Sloggett’s classes
12/12/24 – 9th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 – Ms. Coppinger & Mrs. Salter’s classes
12/13/24 – Algebra 1 and EOC Make-ups
12/16/24 – 10th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 – Mr. Beson & Ms. Billings’ classes
12/17/24 – 10th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 – Ms. Cornell & Mr. Lau’s classes
12/19/24 – Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)
12/20/24 – EOC Make-ups
01/07/25 – Semester 1 District Finals – 3rd & 6th Periods
01/08/25 – Semester 1 District Finals – 2nd & 5th Periods
01/09/25 – Semester 1 District Finals – 1st & 4th Periods
01/10/25 – Semester 1 District Finals Make-up Day
01/13/25 – 9th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 Make-up Session
01/15/25 – ASVAB Testing (Media Center)
01/16/25 – 10th Grade F.A.S.T. ELA Reading PM2 Make-up Session
01/22/25 – WIDA Testing for ELL Students
01/23/25 – WIDA Testing for ELL Students
Spring Dual Enrollment Registration
Spring 2025 Registration
Eligible dual enrollment students should utilize the Spring 2025 Registration Worksheet to find important dates and to make plans for Spring dual enrollment coursework. In order for students to be able to register online during their assigned time, students and parents/guardians must meet the deadlines listed on the online registration worksheet. Below are a few important reminders when planning for Spring Dual Enrollment.
- Dual Enrollment students can only take courses during the Spring Term II (1/13 – 5/5).
- Dual Enrollment student cannot register for PHSC courses that conflict with their current high school schedule.
- The number of credit hours that can be accessed are:
- Ninth grade students may take courses at the high school and may choose to enroll in up to one 3 or 4 credit hour course offered online by PHSC per semester: fall (Term I), spring (Term II), and summer (Term III only).
- Tenth grade students eligible to take dual enrollment classes may choose to enroll in up to seven (7) credit hours of their maximum course load in sections of courses offered on PHSC campuses or online. They may access additional sections of courses, up to the maximum course load (sixteen (16) credit hours), on their high school campus per semester: fall (Term I), spring (Term II), with the permission of a high school counselor or administrator. In summer (Term III only) they may enroll in up to seven (7) credit hours.
- Eleventh grade students eligible to take dual enrollment classes may enroll in a maximum course load of sixteen (16) credit hours in the fall (Term I) and spring (Term II) semesters and up to eight (8) credit hours in the summer semester (Term III only).
- Twelfth grade students eligible to take dual enrollment classes may enroll in a maximum course load of sixteen (16) credit hours in the fall (Term I) and spring (Term II) semesters. They may take dual enrollment classes at the high school, on PHSC campuses, or online. They are not eligible to take dual enrollment classes in the summer of their graduating year.
- Al newl DE students must complete the DE orientation in Canvas. Click here for more information on how to complete this.
If you have questions about the dual enrollment registration process, please contact your school counselor. For more information, please visit the PHSC website.
PHSC Dual Enrollment Information Sessions
PHSC will be hosting virtual sessions around general information regarding dual enrollment on the below dates. Each of these events will be through zoom beginning at 5:30pm.
- Wednesday, November 13
- Wednesday, December 11
Students and families can register by going to the link below: https://phsc.edu/about/events/campus/virtual-dual-enrollment-information-sessions
Testing Update:
PHSC Testing Services administers common placement tests on campus and through virtual proctoring. Students may schedule an exam at https://testing.phsc.edu/schedule-exam/exam. Click here for FAQs.
Click here for directions on completing the online registration process
Juniors, we are happy to announce that our Florida College Tour registration is open! We had a great time on our inaugural tour last year and can't wait to bring the Class of 2026 along this time! Visit the majority of our state universities in three full days! Spots are limited so please email me if you are interested (kfaysash@pasco.k12.fl.us). Deposits of $200 will open soon and I need your name to add you to the Rycor payment button. (The final payment will be due by January). Due to space constraints, we will not have room for parent chaperones but five staff will accompany students. This is a great opportunity to see our schools before you apply senior year! (Priority will be given to students with a 3.0 or above due to public university admissions requirements.)
Seniors, the Florida Financial Aid Application is now open! This application is used to qualify for Bright Futures, the 100% Military Disability Scholarship (parent), and a few others. If you are pursuing Bright Futures, please take ten minutes to fill this out. You do not need to have met all BF requirements to fill out the application--it just gets it on file for you. See Mrs. Faysash with any questions.
https://www.floridastudentfinancialaidsg.org/SAPHome/SAPHome?url=homeLinks to an external site.
Look under First Time Applicants to "Create an Account"
Once you create the account, a blue screen will appear and then it will load the short application.
Volunteer Programs Update
All volunteers will be required to complete a Level 2 background screening every 5 years. This background screening will review records in the state of Florida as well as the national FBI database. The cost for this screening is $41.25 and volunteers will be responsible for paying this cost. The District will pay the yearly monitoring fee for each volunteer. You can access the 2024-2025 Volunteer Programs Application on July 1st, 2024. This application will be posted on the Volunteer Programs page of our website at the following link: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer.
We encourage you to complete your volunteer application and background screening early as the average review time is 30 days. Questions regarding the volunteer application and background screening process can be directed to volunteers@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Attention Class of 2025!
You can start making their appointments for your senior portraits. You will need to have your senior portraits done by Gigante no later than November 1, 2024 in order to make it into the senior section of the yearbook. More information will be heading your way soon!
Pasco County Schools will administer the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) to 10th grade students on October 29 and 30th at no cost to students. This test is used as a counseling and diagnostic tool, which can be used to foster student thought about advanced coursework and college/career planning. While this test is optional, there are many benefits for students, including:
• Grade 10 PSAT/NMSQT testing is an indicator of performance on the SAT college entrance exam. Students may choose to link their results on the PSAT/NMSQT to a Khan Academy account to receive a personalized plan for preparing for the SAT.
• The PSAT/NMSQT includes reading, math, and writing/language components that focus on the knowledge and skills that are most essential for college and career readiness and success; it is also used as a diagnostic tool to measure and follow student performance and pinpoint areas for development. • Results can help identify each student’s potential for academic success at the postsecondary level and lead to discussion about future educational plans.
• Test results will provide high school counselors with information to help identify students who may be ready to enroll and be successful in Advanced Placement and other college preparatory courses or identify students who may need additional instruction to do so.
• Every student who takes the PSAT/NMSQT is given access to multiple online resources that provide personalized SAT preparation, as well as college and career planning tools – all at no cost to the student.
• You may visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10 for more information, including practice tests and sample questions, as well as https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat10/taking-the-tests/test-day-checklist/approved-calculators for more information on the calculator policy. If your child requires a testing accommodation, please complete the Consent Form for Accommodations Request that can be found at https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/pdf/ssd/ssd-consent-form-accommodations.pdf. It is also on the back of this letter for your convenience.
Please sign and return the consent form to Mrs. Faysash in Student Services as soon as possible but not later than August 30, 2024. The PSAT/NMSQT is a computer-based test and can only be administered on site. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Faysash at kfaysash@pasco.k12.fl.us or Mr. Walensky at mwalensk@pasco.k12.fl.us. If you would prefer your student NOT to participate in the PSAT/NMSQT, please email Mrs. Faysash at the email above
Wesley Chapel High School Clubs
Testing Central
Are you College and Career Ready? Check out Mrs. Faysash’s Smore for events, scholarships, and planning resources for all grade levels!
Free SAT prep available through Khan Academy
Stay in the know, never miss an activity
WCHS ABC Program
If your family needs supports or has any needs from the WCHS ABC program, please fill out the following form. If you would like more information about the ABC program, the flyer is attached and/or call the front office, 813-794-8702.
Click on the banner below to report suspicious activity.
Wesley Chapel High School
School Information
Mr. Matt McDermott
30651 Wells Road
Wesley Chapel, FL 33545
Phone: (813) 794-8700
(352) 794-8700
Fax: (813) 794-8791
Office Hours:
M-F 7:00AM – 3:30 PM
Website: https://wchs.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 30651 Wells Road, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildcat.pride.63
Twitter: @WCHS_Wildcats