Aviator Air Newsletter
Maple Dale Elementary's Parent Communication
Friday, September 22, 2017
Our Flight Plan
Attendance Line: (513) 686-1756
Mark your calendars!
September 28 - Maple Dale Family Math Night 6:00-7:30 PM
September 29 - No school
October 13 - End of 1st Quarter
October 16 - No school
October 18 - All Pro Dad Breakfast
October 19 - PTO Meeting 9:30 am - 11 am
October 19 - Glow Run
October 20 - Report Cards go home
October 26 - Evening Conferences
October 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL)
October 31 - Harvest Parade @ 2:30 pm
Grandparents/VIP Day Success!
Below is a picture of FOUR generations of family.
(From left to right: Great Grandma, Grandma, Mom, Camryn, and Grandpa)
2017-2018 PTO Directory Update
It's time to get your information into the 2017-2018 Maple Dale Directory! Don't miss out on being in the most-used publication of the year! Head over to http://mdpto.3dcartstores.com anytime between now and September 29th to fill in your information, for any new students and updates to the directory. If you are happy with your information from last year's directory, you do not need to submit an update. All PTO members will receive a copy of the directory in October. You may also fill out a paper copy sign up. Please return with your student no later than October 2nd.
Green Team Tip of the Week:
This weekend, September 23 & 24 is the Cincinnati Great Outdoors Weekend. There are a ton of great free, family events taking place all around town. For more information go to http://www.greatoutdoorweekend.org/
Family Math Night Invitation
On Thursday evening, September 28, 2017, from 6:00 –7:30 p.m., Maple Dale Elementary will hold an exciting event called Family Math Night! Students, parents, siblings, and other relatives are invited to attend a fun-filled evening of mathematical pleasure. The intent of Family Math Night is to participate in math standards in action as we strengthen the mathematical application, problem solving, and communication skills of students through the power of family interaction. We encourage you to continue to support your child’s mathematical growth through your participation in Family Math Night.
Light refreshments will be served as well as the opportunity to win two math games, Equate and Money Bags. A special reader will be reading two engaging books during the evening that will be raffled off.
Within the next couple of weeks, be on the lookout for more correspondence about Math Night, Math Spirit Week, and the agenda for this awesome venture!
If you have any questions email Mrs. Cooks, cooksc@sycamoreschools.org.
Math Spirit Week: September 25 - 28
We’ll be counting down to our special event!
Monday: Wear 3 of something to school (bracelets, pins, headbands…).
Tuesday: Wear 2 of something to school.
Wednesday: Wear 1 of something to school.
Thursday: Wear your favorite number to school
And then to……..
Family Math Night
September 28th
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Be there or be square (or a trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram…)!
Maple Dale Glow Run
My Energy Kit Challenge
Hello, Maple Dale Elementary Families!
Kilowatt Kitchen is set to visit your school on 10/12/2017. This program is designed to help your children save energy through a fun educational experience—and we know your children will have a blast at the show.
But we have an important goal in mind: we intend to save
10 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy this school year. That may seem like a lofty goal – but we've done it before with the help of participating schools, and we intend to do it again!
To achieve this goal, every family at your school can request a FREE energy efficiency kit for their home from Duke Energy. When your families and staff request and use these kits in their homes, energy is saved – and we can measure it.
We invite your school to take the My Energy Kit Challenge:
save 20,000 kWh by reaching 100 kit requests.
Every school that meets the challenge will automatically win $250.
Plus, your school will earn another $250 for every additional 100 kit requests. And, in December 2017, the school that has requested the MOST kits will win the grand prize of $2,500.
To request your FREE kit and credit your school:
Go to MyEnergyKit.org
Call 1-855-386-9548
We can't wait to perform for your students! See you soon for Kilowatt Kitchen.
The National Theatre for Children
*Duke Energy provides one Energy Kit per household over a 36-month period. Every unique kit request between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 will count toward school rewards. Non-Duke Energy customers can sign up to receive a partial kit. For complete more information, visit MyEnergyKit.org.
Follow My Energy Kit on Facebook for videos, news, and shareable updates for your school!
Looking to volunteer during the day???? The Buddy Program has grown!!
We are looking for volunteers to come in each week for thirty minutes to work with a specific child or small group of children. These volunteers need to be willing to commit to the same time and day each week. We do understand that things come up, however, our goal with this program is not only to improve academics, but also build a positive relationship with an adult role model. So consistency is key! This year we have expanded beyond just reading buddies.
Reading Buddies- work one-on-one with a child on reading skills.
Math Buddies- work with a small group of children on math skills.
Homework Buddies- help some of our students that go to champions complete their homework.
Each buddy will be provided with a basket of activities, work to complete, books to read, and more. All you have to do is love our kids and show up each week! Sign up for one session, or as many as you would like!
Please fill out the following survey (BELOW) and we will get you set up with a buddy or buddies as soon as possible!
Sycamore High School's City BBQ Fundraiser
Don’t throw away money! Save your Box Tops!
Great news! S'more has added a really great new feature:
About us
Email: reinkea@sycamoreschools.org
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 6100 Hagewa Drive, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: (513)686-1720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mapledaleaviators/
Twitter: @MapleDaleElem