The Buzz
Autumn Term -14th November 2024
Message from the Head of School
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our current HPP principle is resilience (with next month being pride) and therefore it has been a fitting week to reflect on those service people that support and safeguard our country. All children took part in a Remembrance assembly on Monday morning, taking the time to think about our fallen heroes and those that continue to keep us safe. I also had the pleasure of attending the Hampton Remembrance Parade on Sunday with Mrs Cook. I was incredibly proud of the children that represented the school - they did a fantastic job. Well done Philippos, Emilia and Luke!
This week HPP held the first of our parent consultations which have been well attended and feedback from parents very positive. These meetings are a great opportunity for you to find out how your child has settled into their new year group and celebrate the success of the first few months. Thank you to those parents that also took the time to give feedback to our governors. This information is incredibly helpful and will be used to further improve our outstanding school.
Also this week, we have had the year 4 brass concerts following their free lessons with Richmond Music Trust (RMT). This was a brilliant opportunity to demonstrate the skills that they had learnt and perform them to their families. If you would like your child to continue with brass lessons please refer to the information sent out by the RMT.
Next week, we are all excited as we will have a 'Digiwall' in coming to HJS which will be placed in the Rose Hall. This is similar to a climbing wall, with light-up sections which pupils try to touch. This is a fantastic resource which all classes will have access to throughout the week. Thank you to Miss Stone for organising this.
Finally, we will finish the week with Odd sock day! This is a chance for us to discuss and raise awareness of what bullying is and the importance of speaking out if it is occurring. We will be completing a short activity in class and talking about it in assembly. I also attach a link to our Anti bullying policy which includes a section on understanding what bullying is. We use the acronym T.I.M to help us!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mr J James
Stars of the Week
3G - Naomi
3S - Olivia
3B - Raph
3D - Esmae
4M - Elena
4K - Khaila
4P - Olivia
5GF - William
5D - Theo
5S - Leo
5R - Ellora
6E - Francis
6C - Oliver
6B - Simona
6A - Rosa
Autumn Term Weekly Attendance Winners
The class with the best attendance last week was 5S (100%)
The class with the least numbers of lates last week was 5S (zero lates).
Message from the office
Year 6 School Journey to Bude 2025
A reminder to year 5 parents, to complete the below eform to indicate whether your child will attend the Y6 residential visit to Adventure Bude (Monday 8th - Friday 12th September 2025). The deposit payment of £100 will be due by Friday 29th November 2024.
HISN Admin Vacancy
We are looking for an experienced and highly competent administrator to join our team at Hampton Infant School. Please share widely. Interested candidates please contact the Federation Business Manager, Lauren Drake, for an informal discussion about the role.
Christmas Paper Amnesty
HPP will be supporting Cocoon, a charity that hosts a Christmas DAY event for around 55 care leavers. Care leavers are young people who grew up within the care system within Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow. They are now adults who are aged 18-25 years and without this event they would sadly spend the day alone. This is their 8th year and HPPA have offered to help this year by collecting donations of wrapping paper as they will be wrapping for around 50 adults and 5 children. The charity are totally reliant on donations of EVERYTHING (from turkeys to crackers!) and your kind donations mean we don’t have to raise funds to buy wrapping paper. Please see their website for more information and a huge thank you from all at Cocoon for helping.
We will have a box available in the school office for all donatons of wrapping paper (be this full or half rolls of Christmas paper) the week commencing 9th December. Thank you for your support.
Sporting News
The boys' football team had an impressive first game, winning both matches in their first friendly. With strong performances across the board, the team showed great teamwork, skill, and determination. Well done boys, great start to the season. Let this continue!
Open Days
Our open days have proved very busy. It was wonderful to see so many parents and children attend. We still have availability on our December date so please ensure you sign up for September 2025 admissions.
Urgent Appeal
The Extra Mile charity provides essentials for children who are in need. Their aims and principles are to strive to go the ‘extra mile’ to help families here in our community in Hampton and beyond. They have helped over two thousand children since they were established in 2015. They are currently in desperate need of donations of good quality four year old girls’ clothing and prams for newborns. If you are able to donate please email
Robin Hood - Relaxed Performance
The Arts Centre, Hounslow, TW3 1ES
Sunday 15th December 2024, 11am
Tuesday 17th December 2024, 1:30pm
Join us for a special Relaxed Performance of Robin Hood, designed to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for everyone.
With softer lighting, gentler sound, and a relaxed atmosphere where moving around and making noise is okay, this performance is ideal for those with sensory sensitivities or anyone who prefers a more laid-back theatre experience.
Quiet spaces and support from our friendly team will be available throughout. Experience the magic of Robin Hood in your own way!
To book please contact box office by phone 02079479263 or email
Or Book Your Ticket Here:
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Virtual Tour
Contact Details
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545