Bulldog Bulletin Weekly eNews
Here is what is on top for January 29, 2025
January 29, 2025
Good Evening Buena Vista Families,
Gung Hay Fat Choy! I hope you are all doing well. Today our PTA sponsored an assembly for our whole school that invited the Tomizaki's Champion Kung Fu Institute to come and share about the Chinese Lunar New Year traditions and the story behind the Year of the Snake. The students enjoyed the story, lion dance and drums. Please see the pictures below! I am so grateful that your donations to our PTA that have helped fund many of our community and cultural events and Buena Vista! Thank you to all of you who support our PTA! Today was spectacular!
While we are talking about our community partners, I would like to remind you all that WCEF's Turn up the Heat red envelope campaign starts next week. Please watch for more information to come from your child's classroom teacher at the start of next week! WCEF funds our art, music and science lab specialists! We would not have these wonderful programs without your and their support!
We are also in the middle of our WCEF Kindness Campaign. Each class is working on performing 100 acts of kindness to become a Kindness Certified Classroom! As you walk around campus before or after school, you can see all the kindness hearts spreading around.
February Is Black History Month
This coming month teachers will be including lessons and read alouds to learn about, and celebrate, the contributions and achievements of Black Americans. We will also have a spotlight on authors and illustrators when students visit the library to help us learn and celebrate.
Youth Truth Survey
WCSD has partnered with YouthTruth, a nonprofit organization that supports hundreds of schools and districts across the country, to conduct an anonymous survey on our behalf. Families can complete our YouthTruth Survey which will help us improve our school beginning Monday, February 3. Please take the survey before it closes on February 28. It should only take 15 minutes to complete. The survey link will also be sent to families via email on Monday, February 3. Please note:
The survey needs to be completed in one sitting.
We ask that one member of each household fill out the survey.
If you have more than one child who attends our school, you may respond to the survey multiple times - one time per child.
If you write any comments, please do not include your name or anything else that might identify you. Your responses are anonymous, and they will be combined with the responses of other parents and guardians before being shared back with school and district leadership.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your response is incredibly valuable to us. If you have any questions about the survey, or our plans for how we will use your feedback, please contact me.
Multilingual Newcomer Night
Our district will be hosting a Multilingual Newcomer Night on Thursday, January 30 from 5:30-6:30pm at our district office for parents to learn more about our Walnut Creek schools and to meet other parents from our school and community. We hope to see you there.
Are you returning to Buena Vista next year?
In order to effectively plan for next school year we need to know if you are intending to return to Buena Vista in August for the 2025-26 school year. Please complete this form by Friday, January 24th to secure your spot.
The Buena Vista Science Fair is coming!
Buena Vista will be hosting their Annual Science Fair on February 20th. Mrs. Bockser is looking for parents who would be interested in interviewing students about their project from 12:45-2:30 on that day. No one wins the Science Fair, but this is a great opportunity for students to share what they have learned. If you are interested, please email Kellianne Bockser at kbockser@walnutcreeksd.org. Thank you!
TK/K Registration
The enrollment window for TK/K students for the 2025-26 school year is open and will close at the end of January. More information is available on the district website under Parent Guardian Resources>Enrollment
Student Learning
This week I was able to visit Mrs. Verma's 4th grade classroom during their Writer's Workshop block. They were working on writing literary analysis focused on character development. They spent time working in partners to determine how a character developed through a story by identifying how their emotions and actions changed. It was great to see them working together and sharing ideas!
I also was able to pop into Ms BB's transitional kindergarten class. These young learners were learning all bout the the letter "o." They were finding "o"s in their morning message and discussing words that start with the letter "o." Then they got to show off their fantastic coloring and cutting skills as they made their very own "o" octopus! Great job TK!
I also dropped into Ms. Kim's third grade class. I was able to watch their morning meeting where they were able to share all of the ways they were practicing being kind at school. Then they shifted to doing great word work. They were manipulating sounds in words to make new words, looking at affixes (both prefixes and suffixes) and using what they were learning about our language to help determine he definitions of new words. They were also using the rules they new about affixes to divide words in to syllables and help them figure out correct pronunciations. They are definitely developing in word wizards!
Important Dates
January 27th-30th-WCSD Kindness Campaign.
Thursday, January 30th- School Site Council-3pm Room 44
Thursday , January 30th- Multilingual Family Newcomer Meeting- District Office -5:30pm
Friday & Saturday, February 7th & 8th- Final Devil and Angel Desserts 5th gr camp fundraiser
- February 13 - Staff Development Day - No School For Students
February 14-17 - President’s Day Weekend - No School
Thursday, February 20th- Science Fair, 5:30-7pm, MUR
Monday-Thursday, February 24-27th- 5th Grade Science Camp
It's a great day to be a Bulldog!
Angela Gramlick
Buena Vista Elementary Principal
Lunar New Year Lion Dance
BV Spelling Bee Participants!
Congratulations to Eddie O. in Mrs. Bockser's 5th grade class. He will be moving on to the next level!
Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 20th- Science Fair, 5:30-7pm, MUR
Stay Connected
Join the PTA here for as little as $15
Follow, Like our Facebook page
Email us: President@buenavistapta.org
It’s almost time to Turn Up The Heat for our schools!
WCEF's annual Turn Up the Heat fundraiser is February 3-7. Our ask is $825 per student, but give what you can to help us get to 100% family participation and $1.6 million! Every gift counts!
Why should you donate?
1. Your donations stay at your school and fund programs and classes that otherwise do not exist - and the state does not fund.
2. Together we all support grades TK-12 - ensuring a comprehensive education from the first day to graduation day.
3. Donating is easy: donate online or via Venmo, or drop cash or a check in the red envelope with the form sent home on Feb. 3.
Every gift matters.
TODAY: Dine out with Gott’s Roadside all day!
Eat well and do good! Treat yourself and your family to a delicious meal from Gott's Roadside in downtown Walnut Creek on today, January 29 - and help support students in our community. Mention the flyer below and Gott’s will donate 10% of your purchase to WCEF.
Join Our Team of Volunteers!
WCEF is looking for passionate volunteers to help make a difference!
- Organized? Support our fundraising efforts and connect with business partners.
- Creative? Lend your skills to marketing projects and Canva designs.
- Handy? Help us with sign repairs and small projects.
- Persuasive? Assist with writing compelling grant applications.
No matter your talents, there’s a place for you here! For more information, contact us at: contact@wcefk12.org.
Community Flyers
Is your child home from school?
Parents, it is very important that you remember to leave a message on the attendance line at (925) 944-6822 ext. 3801 or email jlouie@walnutcreeksd.org if your student will not be coming to school. Emails to teachers or the Principal do not always get communicated to the office. Thank you!
Angela Gramlick-Principal
Email: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org
Website: https://www.walnutcreeksd.org/Subsite001
Location: 2355 San Juan Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Twitter: @BuenaVistaWCSD