Naumann Insider
March 29th
Calendar Items
March 1-31: Student Transfer Window Open for Currently Enrolled Students
March 29th: Student/Staff Holiday
April 1st: Student Holiday/Staff Development Day
April 1st: NEW Student Registration Opens (includes PreK & K-5th)
April 4th: Talent Show@6:00PM, MPR
April 16th: PTA General Membership Meeting@6:00PM, Library
Solar Eclipse
Please click this link to learn details for the upcoming Solar Eclipse.
PreK, Kindergarten & New-Student Enrollment Kicks Off April 1
We are so excited to welcome a new batch of students joining the #1LISD family for the 2024–25 school year. Enrollment for new students opens Monday, April 1.
Families can enroll online through the New-student Registration page starting April 1st. Enrollment will remain open through the summer. All elementary campuses will be open from 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. April 1 to offer an in-person registration experience for any families without online registration access at home.
PreK & Early Childhood Resource Fair
To kick off the school registration and enrollment season, families are invited to attend LISD’s PreK and Early Childhood Resource Fair Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at the LEO Conference Center. This fair introduces them to the community and district resources while also providing district families who have incoming PreK students the opportunity to register for the 2024–25 school year if they have not already registered online.
Families who plan to register their student for PreK at the fair must bring the required registration documentation.
Community resources available at the event will include:
Student Transfer Information
In Leander ISD, we believe students receive a quality education regardless of the campus they attend; however, we understand there are circumstances when a parent may desire for their child to attend a school other than the campus they are currently assigned.
The transfer window for currently enrolled students is now open. The window will be open March 1st, 2024 and remain open until March 31st, 2024. We will only accept transfer requests using our online application through Edpay. If parents or students have concerns or questions about their current campus, please contact your school’s administration for support.
To learn more, please visit www.leanderisd.org/studenttransferinformation/
For questions please email student.transfers@leanderisd.org.
PTA News
Naumann Talent Show
April 4 | 6:00 pm in the Naumann MPR (Gym)
We're so excited to host this amazing event again for the first time in five years!
Next General PTA Meeting
Tuesday, April 16 | 6:00 pm in the Naumann Library
We invite EVERYONE to join us for the April General PTA meeting in the Naumann library.
*Agenda items include the election of the 2024-25 PTA Executive Board, budget adjustments and other important upcoming updates for the remainder of the School Year.
Friendly reminder: If there is an item that needs to be voted on at the meeting, you must be a current PTA member to participate in that vote. Join PTA for $8 today if you haven’t already!
The Nominating Committee is still campaigning for nominations for next year's PTA board.
We truly need YOUR help to make next year a success! PTA has MANY positions to fill. We are thankful for the handful of responses to our call for volunteer leaders for next year! But, we need many more to be able to operate and successfully serve the Naumann community next year.
Show your interest in any of these positions by filling out the nomination form today.
The immediate need is to hear back from those who are interested in member-elected officer positions.
KEY PTA positions no one has showed interest in yet:
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Secretary
LISD PTA Clothes Closet | April 16, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm | Sign Up
Three (3) volunteers are needed from our campus for Naumann's next assigned day at the Leander ISD PTA Clothes Closet. Help sort and hang donated clothing by size with other friendly community members at
River Place Elementary
6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd, Austin, TX 78730
Drinks and snacks are provided!
Clothing of all sizes is available to all LISD students at the Clothes Closet, no qualification or voucher needed. Detailed shopping schedules for both locations can be found on the LISD PTA Clothes Closet Website.
Glenn HS Girls Basketball Camp
Glenn High School will host a girls Basketball Camp this summer.
Click here for all the details.
Afterschool Enrichment - Session 4
Registration for our 4th and final 23-24 Afterschool Enrichment Session is open!
The 4th ASE session will run from April 8th - May 17th, with registration closing April 2nd. The registration site can be found here.
Yearbook Sales
The 2023-24 Naumann yearbook is now available for pre-order!
Go to http://www.balfour.com and enter "Naumann Elementary" in the school finder. Use a credit or debit card to order online. The ALL COLOR yearbook is only $20.
Yearbooks will be sold online only and there are a limited number of copies available, so make your order soon.
The yearbook will be delivered to your student the last week of school.
Naumann Elementary
Email: naumann@leanderisd.org
Website: naumann.leanderisd.org
Location: 1201 Brighton Bend Lane, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-5800