Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 11.4.22
This month's social emotional learning focus is gratitude. We have so much to be thankful for at Lake Grove. This week I'm particularly grateful for our return to an in-person conference format with families. We value the partnership we have with families in supporting students' growth. I hope that the conversations you had at conferences deepen our sense of partnership, and offer a window into your students' strengths and areas for growth.
I am also grateful for our amazing teachers and staff. They work hard behind the scenes to create joyful learning experiences for your children and to model gratitude and kindness each day. On Wednesday I attended a planning session with several of our classroom teachers to begin researching and selecting new elementary math instructional materials for out students. The potential new materials will make it easier for our staff to ensure students develop their conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and ability to apply problem-solving skills in authentic contexts.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Lost and Found (new)
iReady reports (repeated)
Suicide Prevention Training for LOSD Parents (new)
Social Emotional Learning (new)
MTSS Parent Guides (new)
Thanksgiving Baskets (new)
News from the District Nurses (updated)
****New Application for School Volunteers (repeated) ****
I Love Lake Oswego Clothes Closet fundraisers (repeated)
LHS Musical (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Lost and Found and Rainy Weather
Even when there is rainy weather, we plan to have students outside for at least one of their recess breaks during the day - in the undercover area if it's too wet for the play structure and field. Please be sure they have a raincoat that is labelled with their name.
iReady Reports
I-Ready assessment reports are now available on the ParentVUE portal for first through fifth graders. As you review your student's Reading and Math results, please remember that the i-Ready assessment is a diagnostic tool for the purpose of providing specific data to assist in instructional planning.
This tool measures student performance linked to end-of-year standards, so students have not yet been exposed to much of the material in the assessment questions. Therefore, for most students, their fall scores are likely to indicate the need for further instruction. We use these scores in conjunction with classroom work as well as daily, weekly, monthly, and term assessments to identify students' strengths and necessary areas for improvement. If you have any questions about the reports, please ask your child's teacher during your conference next week.
1.Go to the ParentVUE Login Page
2. Click "I am a Parent"
3. The reports are located under the document tab
Directions if you have forgotten your ParentVUE password
1. Go to the ParentVUE Login Page
2. Click "I am a Parent"
3. Click "Forgot Password."
3. If you are unsure whether you have a ParentVUE account or need assistance, please contact your student’s school.
Suicide Prevention Training for LOSD Parents
LOSD CARES is hosting a suicide prevention training called QPR -- Question, Persuade, Refer -- on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. The session will be held in person at one of our schools -- location to be confirmed. Parents/guardians of LOSD students are invited to participate in the training led by our School Counselor Marcy Watts and School Social Worker Kristen Guelsdorf, both certified QPR trainers.
QPR is intended to offer hope through positive action. By learning QPR, you will come to recognize the warning signs, clues, and suicidal communications of people in trouble, and gain skills to act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.
Spots in the session are limited. Reserve your spot by completing and submitting this form. A confirmation with more details will be sent by Thursday, Nov. 10. This training session is for adults only and for the parents/guardians of students enrolled in our district. In the form please let us know if you need accommodations to participate. Refreshments will be served.
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
This month, we will be investing our time and attention on the character trait: GRATITUDE in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and throughout our school community. Gratitude has been shown to be one of the best ways to reduce anxiety, increase happiness, and improve relationships. The practice of gratitude is a tool that both grounds us and also inspires hope, peace, and joy. For when we are grateful, we are stronger to “be the good” to our world.
One way to think about Gratitude is “choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.” Practicing Gratitude can increase our well-being and our happiness. Gratitude is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students “Be Well.” Throughout our school, Grovers will be developing skills like emotion regulation, positive self-talk, and stress management. We are choosing Gratitude!
Throughout the month, students will learn about having Gratitude for our emotions and for coping skills. We can bravely use those coping strategies when feelings overwhelm us.
Our monthly letters include activities to explore GRATITUDE further as a family.
Enjoy connecting together with the PurposeFull Pursuits inside the Kindergarten-5th grade Gratitude Family Letters! Thank you for teaming with us to empower our students socially and emotionally. We are all the heart of Lake Grove!
Wendy Post
Lake Grove Counselor/Social Worker
MTSS Parent Guide
Meeting students where they are at academically, personally, and social-emotionally allows us to support the whole child and provide them with a positive, supportive school experience. One way we do this is through our district Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS is an instructional framework that includes universal screening of all students, multiple tiers of instruction and support services, and an integrated data collection and assessment system to inform decisions at each tier of instruction. Review the MTSS Parent Guide here. If you have questions, please reach out to your classroom teacher or Student Support Specialist Kate Urbanski.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Lake Oswego School District has a wonderful partnership with Hope Community Church in which we collectively offer Thanksgiving food baskets for our families who could benefit from this resource.
The Hope Church will be hosting pick-up days on Saturday November 19th, 11:00am-2:00pm or Sunday November 20th, 2:00pm-5:00pm. Ideally, families will pick up the food due to the large number of families being served and they are unable to deliver to everyone. However, they may be able to deliver to some families, as necessary, so please let me know if you need this service.
Your personal information will be kept confidential and please note the church members who are present at food pick-up are sensitive to maintaining family privacy.
If your family would benefit from this resource, please contact me no later than November 10th.
Best wishes always,
Wendy Post
(503) 534-2357
News from the District Nurses
Please follow this link to see when and for how long to keep your student home due to various symptoms.
Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation will soon be conducting their annual vision screening of K,1,3,and 5th grades. Click for more information.
On the day of your school's vision screening, please consider donating any old glasses you have to the Lions Club. Click for more information.
Is your child up to date? Check here and be sure to update school records before you leave for Winter Break.
New Application for School Volunteers - Please apply!
For the safety of children, volunteers are required to have an approved background check when volunteering in schools.
To help streamline compliance with state and school board policies, which require that all volunteers have background checks and knowledge of other board policies -- as well as state-mandated proof of vaccination (or a qualified exemption) -- we are introducing a new all-in-one volunteer application and approval process through ou Raptor Visitor Management System.
Submitting an online application initiates the background check process. Once submitted, applicants will receive an email upon approval of your background check and you will be given access through the onsite Raptor System at all schools. Please allow up to three weeks to process your approval.
Volunteers need to submit only one application for volunteering in all LOSD schools. Applications need to be submitted annually to capture changes in background checks, policies, and/or vaccination requirements.
Volunteer Application for LOSD
Thank you for applying promptly, and for your service to our students and schools. We are grateful for our volunteers.
I Love Lake Oswego Clothing Closet Fundraisers
Do you have any empty bottles and cans? Please come donate them at the ILLO Clothing Closet’s Refundable Bottle and Can Drive! We will be collecting cans Saturday, November 5th from 10am to 2pm at Lake Oswego High School. We’re also open to volunteers! Come volunteer and get community service hours! We hope to see you there!
Additionally there is a fundraiser benefiting this organization on November 14 at Mod Pizza. Details at this link:
LHS Musical
LAKERIDGE HIGH SCHOOL is bringing "The Music Man" to our community! This family-friendly musical production will run November 10, 12, 17 and 19, 2022 for a total of 6 performances on the Lakeridge High School main stage. The cast for the show features Brock Woolworth as Harold Hill and Lizzie Bryan as Marian Paroo, along with a lively ensemble of musical and dancing talent. Tickets can be purchased in advance at
Safe Oregon
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Save the date!
11/7 - Dining for Dollars at Centerpointe Chipotle 4-8 p.m. (Code M4F93HK)
11/7-11/10 Stocking Stuffers for With Love
11/11 - No School - Veterans Day
11/14 - Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
11/15 PTA General Meeting, 7pm via Zoom (link here)
11/21-11/25 No school for students -Professional Development and Thanksgiving
PTA News
The Lake Grove Elementary Directory Spot student directory for the 2022-2023 school year is now available! This is your directory for accessing basic contact information for LGE students and families. Download Directory Spot for free from the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (Android users), or you can also access the data from the web. If you are a returning family, you can use your previous log in and password to access this year's information. If you are new to LGE, Directory Spot sent you an invitation to set up an account on Tuesday, October 25. For any families who have joined LGE in the last two weeks, we are working on getting your information into Directory Spot and will send you an invite to set up an account in the next few days.
Please note that teachers' and staff contact details can be found on the LGE website and not in Directory Spot. If you have any questions or data changes throughout the year, please contact referencing Directory Spot in the subject line. Thank you!
Join the PTA General meeting via Zoom on November 15 when all PTA members will be eligible to vote on the “on hold” line items in the 2022-23 budget. Any LG family (members and non-members) are welcome to listen in to any PTA meetings. You will learn more about our plans for the year in support of our mission to serve the students, teachers and staff at Lake Grove. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via text message to all families who are signed up to receive school text messages on the morning of the meeting. Questions? Contact
Lake Grove Elementary will participate in Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, an annual day of dialogue to commemorate the historic steps Ruby Bridges took when she stepped into history books in 1960. At the age of six, Ruby became a very public face of desegregation when she participated in the integration of the New Orleans school system, eventually becoming a national icon for the civil rights movement. The Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day initiative helps students continue the conversation and take part in their own forms of activism to bring an end to racism and all forms of bullying. Wear purple in support of Ruby Bridges and walk to school on Monday, November 14.
Share the joy this holiday season by collecting stocking stuffers for local children in foster care! The Lake Grove PTA will collect new or gently used stocking stuffers (see flyer for details) for infants and little kids all week Nov. 7-10. There will be a white basket in each classroom for your student to drop off items any day of the week. The grade level that collects the most items will receive a special, festive prize! For more information, contact JulieAnna Giannini at Thank you for participating in the With Love #givewithlove stocking stuffer drive!
Support our students by volunteering during 4th/5th grade recess on Thursdays! We have some openings 12:30-1:15 p.m. on these upcoming dates for our Fall session:
- November 10
- November 17
SIGN UP HERE: Lake Grove PTA: Fall 2022 Cougar Run Club ( Run Club questions? Contact
The Lake Grove PTA is excited to announce this year’s yearbook cover contest! It’s an easy and fun way to be involved in the yearbook while letting your creativity shine!
Download and print the yearbook cover template from: (note it is double-sided). Or find one in the front office at the Yearbook Cover Contest Mailbox. Please include your name, grade, and teacher on the back.
Design and draw a picture that represents what you think this year will be like at Lake Grove. Please include the school name and year (Lake Grove Elementary 2022-2023). Consider the following themes:
- Cooperation
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Courage
- Creativity
- Gratitude
Drop your cover entry in the Yearbook Cover Contest Mailbox in the front office by Monday, November 14. Students will receive a survey to vote on their favorite cover (only one vote per student). The favorite drawing from each grade will be featured on the cover. All cover art submissions will be included in the yearbook. Yearbook questions? Contact
The training session on the artist Renoir was held last week. Please watch the recording here. This recording includes a demonstration of the hands-on portion at the end of the video. Additional information about Renoir is available at Renoir | Lake Oswego Art Literacy with the password volunteer4loartlit. Sign up for future Art Lit training sessions here.
The Art Literacy team invites you into our elementary school classrooms for art education!
Just visit this SignUp Genius and look for your student’s classroom, organized by teacher name. Simply add your name to the list.
If you are new to Art Lit and want to better understand the program before you volunteer, contact Kim MacKay ( to hear about the benefits of this program for our students and learn how you can help support art education. We invite any new volunteers to attend your student’s first classroom session to observe and learn how Art Lit works at Lake Grove. Questions? Contact Kim MacKay (
Do you have a passion for math games, logic puzzles and Lake Grove students? Then we need your help! The Lake Grove PTA seeks volunteers who are enthusiastic about mathematics and want to share their love of learning. One chair has already stepped forward to lead Math Club and they are looking for a co-chair to join them. Together, the Math Club co-chairs will create their vision for LG Math Club, which could be a weekly after school activity for Grovers. To sign up for Math Club volunteering, please visit To serve as a Math Club co-chair, email
Lake Grove will earn 33% of sales at the Centerpointe Chipotle on Monday, Nov 7 from 4-8 p.m. When ordering online, use code M4F93HK or show the flyer in the store.
Our Volunteer Spotlight this week is Alexei MacPherson! Alexei has three daughters at Lake Grove and enjoys serving as a room parent for her daughters. She shares that being a Room Parent helps build meaningful relationships with her daughters' teachers. With a full-time career, her in-person availability is limited, so she's found being a Room Parent works well since she can squeeze things in and stay involved. She enjoys showing her daughters that she is supporting their learning experience through this role. Thanks for your support at Lake Grove, Alexei!
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357
Check out the new options for Lake Grove Spirit Wear and show your Cougar pride! Order forms went home with students earlier this month but if you need a form, contact
The Lake Grove Elementary Directory Spot student directory for the 2022-2023 school year is now available! This is your directory for accessing basic contact information for LGE students and families. Download Directory Spot for free from the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (Android users), or you can also access the data from the web. If you are a returning family, you can use your previous log in and password to access this year's information. If you are new to LGE, Directory Spot sent you an invitation to set up an account on Tuesday, October 25. For any families who have joined LGE in the last two weeks, we are working on getting your information into Directory Spot and will send you an invite to set up an account in the next few days.
Please note that teachers' and staff contact details can be found on the LGE website and not in Directory Spot. If you have any questions or data changes throughout the year, please contact referencing Directory Spot in the subject line. Thank you!