Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School -1/12/24 - Week 18
Principal's Message :
Good Evening, Maple Place,
It was another very busy week at Maple Place. Tomorrow our 7th and 8th Grade Gifted and Talented Students will participate in the Future City Competition at Rutgers. We are wishing Mrs. Goldsmith and our students the best of luck.
As a reminder, school is closed on Monday, January 15th in honor and remembrance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King left a legacy built on compassion, empathy, and kindness in his fight for equality. Take a moment this weekend to talk with your children about Dr. King's contributions to our world, and remind them of the values that made Dr. King such an important and valued person in our country's history!
Don't forget that the Maple Place Student Council is collecting full size soap bars in their original packaging to support S.A.C.K - Supporting A Community with Kindness. You can send in bars of soap until Friday, January 26th.
Also, please mark your calendar for our Dine to Donate night to support our eighth grade class of 2024. Monday, January 22nd is our first Dine to Donate night at Enzo's. Thank you for your anticipated support!
Wishing you a wonderful long weekend,
Melissa Keiser
Winter Sports:
Wednesday, January 17th - Boys - Away vs. Monmouth Beach - 3:30
Wednesday, January 17th - Girls - Home vs. Monmouth Beach - 3:30
Thursday, January 18th - Boys - Home vs. Shrewsbury - 3:30
Thursday, January 18th - Girls - Away vs. Shrewsbury - 3:30
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, January 15th:
No School
Tuesday, January 16th:
NO Cadet Band
Advanced Art Club - Grade 8 - Art Room - 3:00-4:00
Mean Girls Jr. - Lead Characters - Cafeteria - 2:45-5:00
Wednesday, January 17th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Maple Place Alliance - 2:45-3:45 - Room 131
Mean Girls, Jr. - Lead Characters - Cafeteria - 2:45-5:00
Thursday, January 18th:
NO Cadet Band
Art Club - Grades 7 & 8 - Art Room - 3:00-4:00
Mean Girls, Jr. - Full Cast - Cafeteria - 2:45-5:00
Friday, January 19th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Debate Club - 7:20am - Room 109
8th Grade Information:
Shore Regional High School Honors Placement Assessments for our current 8th graders will be administered during the month of March. If you would like your child to take any of the placement assessments being offered, please click on the link below for more information. The students will need to register in order to take a placement assessment. The link for registration is below, and it is also included within the information provided in the first link.
Dine to Donate:
Dates to Remember:
Monday, January 15th - No School - MLK, Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 17th - Board of Education Meeting - Wolf Hill - 6:00pm
Monday, January 22nd - Dine to Donate at Enzo's to benefit the 8th Grade Class of 2024!
Tuesday, January 23rd - Regional Band Concert - Shore Regional High School - 6:00pm
Friday, January 26th - Marking Period 2 Ends
PTO News:
Save the Date!
February 9: Bingo Night
March 8: Spring Auction
March 16: Bowling for boys in Grades Pre K-8th with their special gal pal
April 26: Sweet Heart Dance for girls in Grades Prek-6 and their special guys
Shore Regional Little League:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS
Instagram: @MaplePlaceOP