M 'n M
August 13, 2021
From the Desk of Mrs. Boytim, SMS Principal
What a great week we had opening our doors to all of our students, old and new, training student leaders, collaborating with staff, welcoming new staff and preparing for the year and our first days of school; this is an exciting time and we are looking forward to next week!
Our first day of school is August 18th. Students are to be in their first period class by 7:55a.m. and will follow their schedule 1st-9th period. Students can bring a backpack only on this day with their materials, until their locker is assigned on Wednesday. Students will enter the main doors beginning at 7:40 a.m.
Students 7-8th grade picked up their Chromebooks this week. If your student did not do this, they will have a chance to do so on Wednesday, August 18th during the school day.
6th Graders who did not attend orientation today, please know you can access your schedule on PowerSchool at this time. Please print your schedule and bring it with you on your first day. You will also have time to get your Chromebook on this day as well.
Breakfast and Lunch are provided to you for free this year, students can come in at 7:40a.m. and enjoy breakfast and will have access to school lunch during their designated time.
Morning Drop Off and PM Pick-Up:
- Please expect traffic getting into SMS on Pearl Road when you drop off and pick up your student. When you pull into the parking lot, please stay to the left and use the left side parking lot, as we use the right side for busses.
- Pull to the left and use the curb lane to drop off your student. Please wait to let your student out of the car until you have pulled up as close to the stop sign , near the far end of the school. This will allow all cars to move forward, pulling in traffic off of Pearl. Please use the outside lane to pull out of the drop off line or to leave the parking lot. Do not drop your student off in the far lane, as they can get hit by a car.
- Encourage your students to use the cross walk at the stop sign if you plan to park and drop off. This is the safe option, so that they do not cut off traffic and put themselves in harms way.
Please be patient, as this is a congested area, and will take time for all to get used to. Give yourself time to get to school and anticipate traffic. Thank you.
Please feel free to call at 440-572-7090 or email us with any need. We hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th!
Mrs. Boytim
SMS Virtual Tour
First Week of School Important Dates
SMS Open House: August 19, 2021 (6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.)
Open House Arrival Schedule:
- Last Name A-I= 6:30-7:10p.m
- Last Name J-Q- 7:10-7:50p.m.
- Last Name R-Z- 7:50-8:30p.m.
Open House
SMS Open House - Thursday, August 19th
This year's SMS Open House will be on Thursday, August 19 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
We are asking that families stagger their attendance by following the schedule below:
Family Last Names Arrival Schedule:
A-I= 6:30-7:10p.m
J-Q- 7:10-7:50p.m.
R-Z- 7:50-8:30p.m.
Families are encouraged to join us for a unique Open House night on our campus. SMS Teams will be outside around the track to meet and greet families, and provide specific team and grade level information. Families will be able to walk the track, meet their teachers, learn about activities and events offered at SMS, and meet SMS Administrators and Guidance Counselors during this time.
The building will be open to tour and walk with your child(ren), however the event is being structured to eliminate large groups inside the building and provide an outdoor venue to further assist with social distancing.
We look forward to seeing our families on the 19th! Thank you for your help and support with this event.
New 7/8th Grade Orientation
Welcome 6th Graders!
Announcements & Reminders
Schedules and Team
Please be sure to write your schedule or print it so you can use it on your first days of school.
Please note: we do not take requests to change classes and teams. If you have an error to your schedule, please contact your grade level counselor.
First Day of School Signs
We want to see pictures of students celebrating their first day of school! To help with your first day pictures, we have created printable signs for your students. Click HERE for signs for all of our grades and schools. No matter how you are documenting the memories of the first day of school, make sure you tag your posts with #MustangsFirstDay. Good luck to all of our students on this very special day of the school year!
School Supply List
SMS School Hours
School Day Starts: 7:55 a.m.
School Day Ends: 3:00p.m.
Lockers and Locks
Lockers will be assigned on the first day. Students may use their Bookbag to carry their school supplies throughout the first day, ONLY, until they are assigned their permanent locker.
*Students taking PE need to supply their own lock for their PE locker.
All students will be given the option to partake in free lunch at SMS this year. Students will be able to go through the lunch line and obtain the school provided lunch, at no charge. Please note that all extras, such as ice cream, water bottle, snacks, chips, etc... will be available at a cost.
Chromebook Cases
If a student lost theirs and need a new one, we can provide one at cost or they can purchase their own at a retail store.
New Students to the district will receive a case.
SMS Athletics (7/8th Graders)
SMS Families,
All athletic information can be found on here: Athletic Newsletter link, in the shortcuts on the SMS home page. Please see below for information for the start of the season in August. Please contact Mr. Ryan Mester, with additional questions at rmester@scsmustangs.org. Thank you.
- Contacts:
- SMS (7-8) Chris Miller cmiller@nebancorp.com
- SHS (9) Lou Cirino lcirino@scsmustangs.org
- Sign-Up: fill out the form linked to sign up to get information for summer and next season. This is for grades 7-9 next year.
- Google Classroom: 7-8 Graders for next year join the SMS Football Google Classroom code: ioborqu
- Contacts:
- SMS (7) Alex Weimken wiemken.alex@gmail.com
- SMS (8) Nicole Morris nickimorris121@gmail.com
- SHS (9) T.R. Harker THarker@swgeneral.com
- Sign-Up: fill out the form linked to sign up to get information for summer and next season. This is for grades 7-9 next year.
Cross Country
- Contacts:
- SMS (7-8 boys & girls) Danielle Blackman dblackman@scsmustangs.org
- SHS Girls: John Syroney jsyroney@scsmustangs.org
- SHS Boys: TBD
- Information Document (everything you need for SMS XC)
Boys Basketball
- Contact:
- SHS: Kevin Sapara ksapara@scsmustangs.org
Girls Basketball
- Contact:
- SHS: Dawn Thall dthall@scsmustangs.org
- Contact:
- SMS & SHS Adam Cletzer acletzer@scsmustangs.org
Track & Field
- Contact:
- SMS (7-8 boys & girls): Danielle Blackman dblackman@scsmustangs.org
- SHS Boys: Chris Koval ckoval@scsmustangs.org
- SHS Girls: John Syroney jsyroney@scsmustangs.org
SMS Administrative Team
Mrs. Jessica Boytim, Principal
Mrs. Jamie Bailey, Assistant Principal
8th Grade Teams
Mrs. Justina Peters, Assistant Principal
7th Grade
SMS School Counselors
Mrs. Elissa Ray
6th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Kristen Gerber
7th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Stacy Pietrocini
8th Grade Counselor
Follow Mrs. Boytim and School News @MrsBoytim and @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim