Suttons Bay Elementary Newsletter
January 31st
A Note From the Principal,
We had another busy and full five day week at school this week! Our NWEA testing is off to a great start. As your student's scores come in, their classroom teachers will update you on their progress.
We will be completing our Winter NWEA tests in both Reading and Math this week. These tests help us understand your student's academic progress and growth. To ensure your student is ready to do their best, here are a few simple tips:
- Make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before the test.
- Encourage a healthy breakfast to fuel their day.
- Remind them to stay positive and take their time during the test.
We appreciate your support in helping your child feel confident and prepared!
We celebrated some very NORSE students this week at our NORSE Assembly and our students are taking on the challenge of being ORGANIZED in school between now and spring break. Please ask your student what being organized looks like in school!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
🤍 Libby Wadsworth, Elementary Assistant Principal
Morning Drop Off Reminder
Please remember that students must be with their adult until 7:55am at morning drop off! Supervision does not begin until this time and students may not wait outside unaccompanied.
We are offering care from 3:25-5:30 Monday-Thursday. Please visit tinyurl.com/NORSEcareSB to request after-school care. All families must register every school year.
Counselor's Corner
Safety Reminder
Our staff takes great pride in our safe campus, and our students-only entry doors are an important part of that safety.
Please help us by always entering through the office if you are coming to campus, and share that routine with any other adults who are coming to campus!
If any Suttons Bay staff sees you in the hall without a yellow office sticker, we will give a friendly "Hi, can I see your check-in sticker?" Thanks for your help in making sure our staff and students are safe and comfortable knowing who is in the building.
Norse Clinic News
All lunches include fruit/veggie and milk and are free for all students!
Students who do not want the hot lunch entree or the alternate PB&J lunch should bring a lunch from home.
Please remember all families MUST fill out the EBF form in order for our school to continue to receive funding for free breakfast and lunch! Please follow this link and click "Apply for Benefits".
Community Happenings
Mrs. Wadsworth
Website: https://suttonsbayschools.com/
Location: 310 South Elm Street, Suttons Bay, MI, USA
Phone: (231) 271-8601
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suttonsbaypublicschools/