AMMS Lion's Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Monday, May 20, 2024
2023 - 2024 School Year
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Mrs. Melanie McCollum, 7th grade Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ashley Perry, 6th grade Assistant Principal
Mr. Duncan Jerrett, Assistant Administrator
May 20th - Sky Zone for 8th Grade - 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
May 21st - Remote Learning Day for Students (Election Day) Students do not come to school
May 22nd - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony - JCHS - 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
May 22nd - May Madness (Field Day)
May 23rd - Last Day of School
May 24th - Lost and Found Donation
May 21st is Remote Day.
State law requires FCS to allow voting in their facilities when requested by the Fulton County Department of Registrations and Elections. The calendar parameters the Board approved in October 2023 state that Fulton County Schools will utilize remote learning for state/national elections or other emergencies. Therefore, the Board voted to adjust the current school year calendar to make May 21st a remote day for students as it is a state election day. See the updated calendar here.
Summer is often a time when families move and transfer their children to another school. If this is something that your family is planning, please let the Counseling Office know as it is helpful to know which students are not returning and where they are going. A Fulton County Withdrawal Form needs to be filled out, if you are moving. Of course, the student's records will be sent once a Request for Records is requested by the new school through ScribOrder: https://fultonga.scriborder.com/
Please contact Barbara Pieper with any questions, 470-254-8244 or Pieperb@fultonschools.org
Congratulations to our new SCG representatives.
Autrey Mill Middle Parent/Guardian: Bethany Zampieri.
Autrey Mill Middle Teacher: Emma Cornwall.
Important Clinic Information
Please remember to pick up any medication (prescription or non-prescription) your child may have in the clinic by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 23rd
Any medication left in the clinic at the end of that day, including year-round medications, over the counter and prescription medications, will be discarded.
Remember that a new Medication Authorization form and/or Health Care Plan for your child will have to be completed by you and your physician for the 2022-2023 school year.
Authorization to Give Medicine Form
Contact Stephanie Sorina, School Clinic Assistant at sorinas@fultonschools.org or (470)-254-8258 with question.
Do you like to read? Here is our summer reading information.
Media Center Information
Device Problems? Follow These Instructions:
If a student has a cracked screen, they should complete the attached form and bring the computer/form to the media center.
***CHANGE – if the student is missing their cord or the cord is broken, teachers can complete the form linked HERE. (Please include the students first and last name. No nicknames please.) You can list all names on one form. No need to come to the media center.
If a student has a device that will not open DRC, they will need to complete the form and bring the computer/form to the media center.
8th Grade End of the Year Information:
Chaperone for 8th grade Skyzone party (May 20th) 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Please follow the Volunteer process first then the sign-up genius!
1. Badging / Register as a Volunteer (fultonschools.org)
2. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8AA22A5FECF8-48160657-8thgrade
Voluntary Donation for 8th grade Skyzone party (May 20th)
8th Grade Promotion Set Up (May 22nd at JCHS)
Location: Promotion Ceremony is at Johns Creek High School
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Please click link below for 8th Grade Promotion Set Up:
Have you gone Mad for May Madness:
May Madness (field day) (May 22nd)
Please follow the Volunteer process first then the sign-up genius!
1. Badging / Register as a Volunteer (fultonschools.org)
Cafeteria Information
Don't forget to check your students lunch accounts.
Did you know there are several ways to make payment to your student's lunch account?
1. Cash or Check- Can be handed in to the cafeteria free of charge.
2. My Payments Plus account. You can also get alerts when the lunch account is below the amount you set, when using MyPaymentPlus.
Please contact our cafe manager, Sateria Wattley, if you have further questions. wattleys@fultonschools.org
Autrey Mill Recognitions:
Sign up for the "Happy Birthday Banner" in the link below.
Paying on your student's lunch accounts.
You must create an account.
There are two categories that parents can deposit their students' lunch money:
General and Meal.
If deposited in a student's Meal account, the student can only purchase whole breakfast and/or whole lunch meals (not sides or extras).
General account is for meals, snacks, and extras.
You may also send cash with your student that can be given directly to cashier in the lunchroom.
If you pay by check, please make sure the check is made out to "Autrey Mill Middle School" and in the notes/Memo section, please put students name and student ID number. This can be handed directly to cashier in the lunchroom.
Fulton County Public Schools is now offering a secure website to facilitate student records requests and transcripts.
All requests for student records/information will be submitted and paid for (if applicable) online. Phone and fax requests will no longer be accepted.
Fulton County Schools Transcripts and Records Requests (scriborder.com)
From the desk of our Social Worker, Dr. John B. Burger, LCSW
Attendance Information
Parent's Responsibility When a Child is Absent
- Parents should notify the school before or after the absence(s)
- Notes should be directed to attendance owner at the school
- Handwritten note or email
- Notification from parents should happen no later than 5 days after absence
Middle School
- Middle School messages begin going out around 4:30 p.m. on the day of the absence.
- If your student is absent or misses one or more periods of the school day, they will be marked with an "A" (for absent) in our attendance system, and you will receive an automated phone call and email message to the designated contact info you provided in Infinite Campus. This includes excused absences that are approved in advance.
- Errors can occur and if you feel you received a phone call by mistake, contact your school front office to verify that your student’s attendance record is accurate.
- If your student's absence was unexpected, please remember to contact your child's school by sending in a note or email so the absence can be marked "excused" in the system.
FCS COVID 19 Reporting Procedures
FCS COVID 19 Reporting
Due to the ever-changing nature of this pandemic, the district will continue to monitor COVID data and recommendations, consult with public health officials, and make additional adjustments as necessary. If your child is sick, please keep them home. Families are still required to report a confirmed positive case of COVID-19, a pending COVID-19 test result (regardless of the reason for testing), and a direct contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive. FCS student/parents must use the Parent Reporting Portal to make the COVID-19 report.
Community News
Link is ready for registration:
6th - 8th Grade — Junior Gladiator Football (juniorgladiators.com)
Flag Football Rising 9th grade girls only.
Attention all 8th grade girls interested in playing flag football at Johns Creek next year. Tryouts for JV and Varsity will take place in May at Johns Creek. Go to tinyurl.com/24JCHSFlagFootball to get on the interest list and email Coach Sweigart at sweigart@fultonschools.org with any questions. Tryouts in May will be the only tryouts for the team so don't miss out.
Attention JCHS Cross Country Runners!
Check out our new website! johnscreekxc.org
- Step One: Register on Rank One
- All JCHS athletes must be registered in Rank One with all forms and a current physical (within the last year) uploaded and ready to go before he/she can participate.
- Step Two: Register and Pay
- To register for summer running, please fill out this Google Form for each student.
- The cost for the summer running program is $150. You will also get a t-shirt with your registration. Please pay through PayPal here or by using our email address (gladiatorcrosscountry@gmail.com).
- Step Three: Let’s Train!
- First day of summer running is Monday, June 3rd. Summer running will take place throughout the summer, with the exception of GHSA “Dead week” July 1st-July 5th.
- Running schedule/locations:
- Mondays: 5:30PM Northview H.S. track
- Tuesdays: 7:00AM Chattahoochee Pointe Park
- Wednesday: 7:00AM Chattahoochee Pointe Park
- Thursday: 7:00AM JCHS
Email gladiatorcrosscountry@gmail.com with questions. See you on 5/7!
Summit Counseling Summer Information
Hello parents,
The Summit Counseling Center, our on-site therapy partner, is offering free summer therapy groups to students at our school. These groups cover topics like anxiety, healthy relationships and social skills, self-esteem and confidence, and preparing for college. The groups meet once per week for 5 weeks of the summer. Registration will close on May 10, so go ahead and sign your student up today at the link below!
Summer @ The Summit - The Summit Counseling Center
Charles Smith, M.S. Licensed Associate Professional Counselor Staff Associate Therapist (O) 678-893-5334 2750 Old Alabama Rd, Suite 200 Johns Creek, GA 30022 Visit our website for a complete listing
Summer is just around the corner and the students need a variety of activities to do! Start summer break off right with the JCHS Drama Camp. Hosted by JCHS Drama Students and their director, Debbie Prost.
Registration now open at CAMP 2024 — JCHS THEATRE. Book by May 17th to get discounted pricing!
Dates: May 29th-31st
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Now being offered for Rising 8th - 12th Grade Students.
The Summit Counseling Center
2750 Old Alabama Road, Suite 200, Johns Creek, GA 30022
“The Summit Counseling Center provides professional counseling, consultation and education services utilizing an integrated approach to care for the whole person – Body, Mind, Spirit, and Community.”
http://summitcounseling.org/ – Now scheduling video therapy appointments. The initial assessment is often the first step toward adding years to your life or the life of someone you love. Call 678-893-5300 and ask our friendly front office staff to set up your first appointment with one of our alcohol and substance use specialists today.
District News
The first link is to the Summer Learning Page for 2024.
Extended Learning / Summer Learning 2024 (fultonschools.org)
The second link is to the Middle School Summer Learning Page for 2024.
Extended Learning / Middle School Summer Learning (fultonschools.org)