Friday 17th January 2025
Headteacher - Mrs M Winter
Assistant Headteacher - Mrs S Humphreys
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Miss L Brook
School Office is open 8.30am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday, call 01977 722615
Extended Afterschool Club parents can call 07594650114 (4.00pm-5.30pm Monday to Thursday, 4.00pm-5.00pm on Friday)
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a wonderful week sharing our learning with you at our Inspire Afternoons. It was fantastic to see so many parents, carers and grandparents coming along to support their children and work together to produce some beautiful pieces of work linked with our learning.
We look forward to hosting more inspire sessions next week.
Enjoy a restful weekend with friends and family.
Take care,
Mrs Winter
Parents Evenings
Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 & Year 6-29th January and 5th February. Year 5 - 28th January & 5th February
We will be holding our usual parents evening meetings on the dates above. These will be held via Schoolcloud again as a video call with the teacher(s). Please find attached a parent's guide with the link to book at the top -
Bookings open at 6pm on Monday 20th January
Once booked you will receive an email with the link for the appointment. You can also use this to amend any bookings.
Please note - the names to enter will need to be exactly the same as the names we hold on the system therefore if 'Jessica' doesn't work 'Jess' will, this also applies to the parent name.
Please see the parent guide sent out on MCAS. If you have any issues booking, please call the office.
NHS Pharmacy First Service
Did you know that the NHS Pharmacy First Service enables children and adults to get convenient access to healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate, for seven common conditions without the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment? Accessing the service may mean that can help children feel better and back to school as quickly as possible, as well as supporting parents/carers to also get better if they are unwell with one of the conditions covered under the service.
There is no need to make an appointment; parents or carers can pop into their local Boots pharmacy with their child and ask for help under the service.
Support for the following conditions can be accessed under the service, free of charge (unless NHS prescription charges apply):
- Earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
- Impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
- Infected insect bites and stings (aged 1 year and over)
- Sore throats (aged 5 years and over)
- Sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
- Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women (aged 16 to 64 years)
- Shingles (aged 18 years and over)
Attendance Update
Whole School Target = 97%
Rec - 99.3%
Year 1 - 98.6%
Year 2 - 97.1%
Year 3 - 100%
Year 4 - 97.7%
Year 5 - 97.9%
Year 6 - 97.7%
Whole School Attendance Spring Term 1, Week 1 - 98.2%
Whole School Year to Date - 97.5%
Star of the Week
Reception - Oliver and Cooper
Year 1 - Elizabeth and Florence
Year 2 - Iyla and Harrison
Year 3 - Harrison and Kyle
Year 4 - Dahlia and Jess
Year 5 - Kody and Jessica
Year 6 - Oskar and Evelina
Headteacher Award for Theo W, Rosemary, Mila and Olivia C
The focus for each Headteacher Award throughout the year will be our new school values! The school values are an integral part of what we stand for at Carleton Park and are values that we believe will ensure our children are successful in not just their educational journey but life in general.
Kindness Award for Theo M and Jex
The Kindness certificates are awarded to children who have shown kindness and a caring attitude throughout the week. Children are chosen by the Student Council. Well done!
2025 ASSESSMENT DATES - If your child is in the following years please make sure they attend school during these important dates:
Year 1 - Monday 9th June to Friday 13th - Phonics Screening Check Week
Year 4 - Monday 2nd June to Friday 13th June - Multiplication Tables Check Week
Year 6 - Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May - SATS Assessment Week
Year 6 - SATS Writing Moderation will take place at some point after SATS week and over the period of June - dates to be confirmed
All events are communicated here as soon as they are confirmed
Please visit our website - Be The Best You Can Be - Carleton Park : Carleton Park ( for all the term dates.
Spring Term 1 2025
- 21st - Reception Inspire Event at 2pm*
- 22nd - Year 2 Inspire Event at 2pm*
- 22nd - Year 3 Inspire Event at 2pm*
- 23rd - Year 4 Inspire Event at 2pm*
*Inspire Events - Parents are invited into classes to work with their child on their new curriculum topics
- 29th - Parents Evening - Booking through Schoolcloud - please see message on MCAS
- 3rd - Children's Mental Health Week
- 5th - Parents Evening - Booking through Schoolcloud - please see message on MCAS
- 14th - Last Day of Term
Spring Term 2 2025
- 24th - First Day Back to School
- 25th - Scholastic Book Fayre - in school until 4th March - more info to follow
- 25th - Invite for Year 6 parents to join a SATs Booster session - 3.40pm. Please enter through the main office doors.
Summer Term 1 2025
- 21st - Easter Monday - School Closed
- 22nd - First Day Back to School
Summer Term 2 2025
- 2nd - First Day Back to School
- 2nd to 13th - Mandatory Y4 Multiplication Tables Check Week
- 9th to 13th - Year 1 & Year 2 Mandatory Phonics Check Week
- 30th - Reception Seaside Trip - more info to follow
- 30th - Year 6 Seaside Trip - more info to follow
- 3rd - The King's School and Carleton High School Transition Day for Year 6 - more info will be sent by the schools
- 14th - The King's School and Carleton High School Transition Day for Year 6 - more info will be sent by the schools
- 15th - The King's School and Carleton High School Transition Day for Year 6 - more info will be sent by the schools
- 18th - Last Day of Term/Academic Year
Please visit our website - Be The Best You Can Be - Carleton Park : Carleton Park ( for all the term dates.
Reception, KS1 and KS2 Clubs
Clubs for Reception, KS1 and KS2 run from 3.10pm to 4.10pm
Children are collected from the Main Entrance. For outdoor activities please make sure your child brings a change of clothing to school on the day which are suitable for the activity booked.
School Dinner Menu w/c 20th January
Pontefract Methodist Church
Free activities or just to sit in a warm room and have a cup of tea or coffee