Nighthawk News

Principal's Message
Happy Friday Nighthawks!
Not just today, but every day... we thank our Veterans. Please stay safe and enjoy your three day weekend!
Ty Eveleth, Principal
Del Norte High School
Nighthawks Together, One Flock Forever!
Upcoming Events
- Band/Orchestra Concert - May 23 - 24
- Del Norte High School - Ted X Event May 26
- Memorial Day/No School - May 27
- Night at the Museum - May 29
- Del Norte Dance Team Spring Concert - May 31 and June 1 6:30PM in the PAC
PUSD High School Volunteer of the Year
Evan Krecek, DNHS Alum and Library Volunteer
Evan is a Del Norte High School alum who served as the Library Teacher’s Assistant during his time as a student and requested to come back in a volunteer capacity a few years after graduating. Now, Evan comes to the library every day for a full day of volunteering.
While Evan’s day typically consists of relocating and organizing books, storage runs, and deliveries, it is the student connections and interactions that have led Del Norte to nominate him for this award. Evan always makes himself available for students and often offers advice, encouragement, and guidance. His empathy, inclusivity, and pleasant demeanor towards students and staff alike are immeasurable. He has made a lasting impact on the Nighthawk culture and students respect the guidance and structure he provides – the Del Norte High School staff feels lucky to have him as a part of their team and Evan is always looking for more ways to get involved.
Del Norte Spring Concert and Senior Recognition
May 23 and 24 at 7PM
Click on the icons below to see what's happening in the Nest...
Nighthawk Spotlight
Congressional Art Competition Winner - Kevin Tran
For 43 years, the Congressional Art Competition has showcased the country’s best artistic talent. Millions of visitors have enjoyed more than 10,000 winning pieces, by high school artists from all over the country, exhibited in the U.S. Capitol.
This year we are pleased to announce that one of our own Del Norte Nighthawks, Kevin Tran, won for our Congressional district. He and his artwork will be traveling to Washington DC in June for a reception where he will meet members of Congress and present his work for display.
Please join us in congratulating Kevin Tran in this extraordinary achievement.
Beyond the Buzzer
As the school year ends and our spring sports are winding down, we are so proud of all our athletes and teams as we believe this has truly been a historic year in sports at Del Norte High School. Here is a week in review from our Spring Sports
Softball will play in their first ever Open Championship Final on Saturday Night at 7 p.m. @ UCSD. They are sitting at 23-5, were number 1 in San Diego for 8 weeks straight, and reached 12 in the state rankings. Following the championship Saturday, they have earned a state playoff berth also, and will play next Tuesday TBD. As we swing into summer, come watch the girls play! They are amazing!
Boys Volleyball finishes top 25 in California, a school record. Finishing tied for 3rd in the SDS Open Division and making State Playoffs for the 2nd year in a row, Will Bartelt, Andrew McKinnon, and Ike Vernon were selected all league with Paul Tassos and Cameron Dale selected as honorable mention.
Swim & Dive extend heartfelt congratulations to our four outstanding Nighthawk boys—Ben Ong, Jonathan Cong, Jacob Chu, and Khalil Jaber—who represented us at the CIF States in Fresno with a robust performance in the 200 Yard Free Relay. Particularly noteworthy is Jacob Chu, the sole Nighthawk swimmer to qualify for an individual event at CIF States. A three-time CIF Division Champion in the 50 Yard Freestyle, Jacob showcased his elite skills with a remarkable swim placing him 21st out of 38 participants, and nearly securing a spot in the Top 16 for his season-ending swim. A special acknowledgement to Jonathan Cong, Jacob Chu, and Khalil Jaber, who, as seniors, participated in their final high school swim at this prestigious event.
Boys and Girls Lacrosse; Congratulations to both our Boys and Girls Lacrosse teams for their incredible season. Our Boys Lacrosse team were League Champions and CIFSD Div 2 Runner Up. Our Girls Lacrosse team finished as CIFSD Div 1 Runner Up.
Go to the WAAG link here to see the week’s athletic schedule.
WAAG - Athletics Week At A Glance
Important Dates to Know:
· DNHS Physical Night: 5/29
· Fall Sports - Athletic Clearance due date: 5/31
· NESTPYS – Athletic Awards Celebration in Performing Arts Center: 6/3
The NESTPYS News: Please join us in celebrating our amazing athletes. We will be holding the NESPTYS athletic awards celebration in the Performing Arts Center on Monday, June 3rd at 6:30 PM. This is free to all student athletes and family. This night we will honor our Nighthawk Athletes with special recognition and achievement awards.
We hope you will come out and support Nighthawk Athletics. See you on the field, on the court, in the gym, at the pool or anywhere else you can find DNHS Athletics.
DNHS Athletic Director – Amanda Nelson
Home Court Advantage - Ted X event
Del Norte High School is having a 2024 TEDx event with the theme Home Court Advantage. The event will occur virtually on May 26th. At our school, we commonly use home court advantage to build an environment where everyone is supported, safe, and valued. TEDx provides one such platform for speakers to share their ideas and bring people together for a common experience. We'll be covering a wide range of topics from entrepreneurship to science to art performances. Please fill out the following sign up form if you are interested in registering as either a speaker or attendee: https://forms.gle/wNDCmhRzgN4onK2R7.
Del Norte Dance Team presents.......
Day Thought for the Nighthawk
Student Op-Ed by Smyan Khurana 9th grade
At last, All AP exams are over! If you didn’t already know, yesterday was Global Accessibility Awareness Day. It’s a day to acknowledge the importance of making technology and information accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Accessibility benefits everyone. Communication and thoughtful accommodations make a better experience for everyone. Spread awareness about the importance of design by sharing with your friends and family. Let’s continue to advocate for a world that has equal access to everything! Enjoy your weekend Nighthawks!
PUSD Grounds General Notice of Application Schedule May 2024
During the month of May 2024 applications will be occurring, weather-permitting, at any site location on any day in which an application would be prudent, safe and effective in the control of undesired or invasive weed/plant species.
Generally, applications will be made on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 6:00am-11:00am, however, these dates and times can change based on factors such as weather, personnel, or the needs of the department. It will be assumed that any site within the district may have an application on any day at any time, again using best management practices. Mechanical removal is primary but in some cases, application of control solutions are necessary to keep pest levels and activity to reasonable and acceptable thresholds that do not interfere with instruction or safety per the District’s IPM standards and guidelines.
- Cheetah Pro Herbicide - Active Ingredient: Glufosinate Ammonium
- Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide - Active Ingredient:: 2,4-D, dimethylamine salt, Dicamba, dimethylamine salt, Quinclorac, Sulfentrazone
- Reward Herbicide - Active Ingredient:: Diquat dibromide
- Speedzone Southern Turf Herbicide - Active Ingredient: Carfentrazone-ethyl...0.54%, 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester ...10.49%, Mecoprop-p acid . 2.66%, Dicamba acid . .0.67%
- Merit 0.5 G – Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid, 1\N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine ........... 0.5%
- Dimension 270G – Active Ingredient: Dithiopyr……0.27%
- Heritage G – Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin: methylpyrimidin-4-yloxy]phenyl}-3-methoxyacrylate* . . . .. . 0.31%
- Chipco 26019 FLO – Active Ingredient: iprodione imidazolidinecarboxamide
Attendance Tidbits
24 hour Attendance Hotline 858-676-6311
Off-Campus Passes/Early release
If your Student needs an early release pass for any reason, a Parent/legal guardian needs to call the Attendance hotline the night before or by 7:30 am the morning of the early release, to have the pass ready in time. Calls for early release passes received after 7:30 am will be delayed.
It is the Student’s responsibility to pick up their pass at the Attendance Office before school, during passing period, at break or lunch. Passes will not be delivered to Students. Students may not leave class to pick up their pass. Students that have picked up their pass are expected to exit school at their assigned time to leave.
Reporting all day absences
To report an absence, please call the hotline at (858) 676-6311 each day the student is absent.
All absences must be cleared within 48 hours or they will be coded as truant.
Arriving to school late
Students arriving less than 15 minutes late to school must go straight to class even if a parent has
called to excuse the tardy. Students arriving later than 15 minutes must stop at the Attendance Office before heading to class regardless of parent calling to excuse the tardy.
Illness during school
Students who become sick after arriving on campus must report to the Health Office.
If the student is in class, they must obtain a pass from their teacher to go to the Health Office.
The Health Technician will assist the student and contact the parent. Students who leave through the Health Office will obtain their off campus pass there, not the Attendance Office.
Sick students are not checked out through the Attendance Office.
Nighthawk Tutoring - Proudly Sponsored by the Del Norte Education Foundation
Nighthawk tutoring is held from 6:15pm to 8:15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at the DNHS library. Nighthawk Tutoring is a great opportunity for students to work in small collaborative groups, get individualized tutoring, and/or work independently on homework. All the resources in the DNHS library are available during tutoring. These include access to textbooks, printing, and computers. In addition to the Math and Social Science teachers that are at Nighthawk Tutoring, we also have peer counselors and National Honor Society volunteer students there to help. Hope to see you there!
Welcome to the DN'ERo Store
The DN'ERO store is part of Del Norte's PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) program. It is a schoolwide system aimed at establishing positive student culture. Students that are displaying outstanding Nighthawk characteristics are rewarded with "DN'ERO's". The DN'ERO store is fully funded by our Education Foundation and is open every other Friday. Not only is this program aimed at reinforcing positive behavior, it also gives some of our students an opportunity to work a "store" with some real world retail experience. Ask your Nighthawk about it today! Everyone wins when we all work together.
Homelessness or Housing Insecurity Assistance
Dear Poway Unified School District Families
Poway Unified’s Youth in Transition (YIT) program assists children and youth experiencing homelessness with food, transportation, school supplies, and additional support during the school year. Those students who qualify lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes children and youth who are:
- Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. This can be doubled (living with one other family) and even tripled (living with two other families) up.
- Living in motels, hotels, due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations.
- Living in domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, transitional living programs, housing paid for by programs/vouchers, etc.
- Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings, or in a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
- Unaccompanied homeless youth who are living away from the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
- Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are children who are living in similar circumstances listed above.
If any of the above housing descriptions reflect your current housing situation, please fill out the attached short form and email it to Laura Upson at lupson@powayusd.com. You can learn more information about Youth in Transition here. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Del Norte Housekeeping
Communication Expectations for Resolving Concerns
Concerns involving Grading, Curriculum, or Instruction
Classroom procedures
Classroom behavior
Individual student grades
Step 1: Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Assistant Principal supervising specific content area, if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Principal
*Please know that you will be referred back to a previous step if that step has yet to be completed. At Del Norte High School, we believe in resolving concerns at the lowest level.
Student Behavior
If behavior is occurring in the classroom
Step 1: Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Assistant Principal supervising specific content area, if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Principal
If behavior is occurring outside of the classroom
Step 1: Site Assistant Principal of your student’s last name alpha, if not resolved…
Step 2: Site Principal
Step 1: Coach; if not resolved...
Step 2: Site Athletic Director; if not resolved…
Step 3: Site Assistant Principal over Athletics; if not resolved…
Step 4: Site Principal; if not resolved…
Please reference the DNHS Athletics Guide/Handbook regarding student, parent, and coach expectations.
Food Deliveries
At Del Norte we cannot accept items to be picked up or delivered to students during the instructional day in the front office. Please ensure that your Nighthawk has their lunch, phone, homework, clothing, athletic equipment, computer/Chromebook, books, etc. that they need for school before dropping them off.
ADA Accessible Parking on Campus
Attention Nighthawk Families!
It has been brought to the attention of the Administration Team that some of our ADA compliant parking spaces are being used by individuals that are not legally permitted to use them. In an effort to provide access for all, we ask that you not park in our ADA spots unless you are legally permitted to do so. As a reminder, California Penal Code 22507.8 states that illegally using an ADA parking spot can result in a $421 fine. Thanks for you attention to this matter.
Building Culture and Nighthawk Spirit
Part of the positive experience of high school is being involved and engaged in the learning community. In my message to our student body the first day of school I spoke about the importance of establishing strong and meaningful relationships. To build relationships, it requires us to step outside of our comfort zone at times, as well as engage in similar and different experiences. That is why we encourage each of our Nighthawks to join clubs and organizations, participate in extracurricular activities, and engage in community service projects. These experiences will not only help them develop new skills and interests, but they will also provide them the opportunities to connect with like-minded peers and make memories that will last a lifetime.
As parents and guardians, you are important members of the Nighthawk Nation! We hope that you will become involved in our various adult organizations, PTSA, Del Norte Education Foundation, Athletic Foundation, Music Foundation, and other various booster groups that exist to help our faculty and staff provide a world class high school experience for your student(s).
Parking and Dropping Off
Traffic is extremely heavy the first few weeks of school as we welcome back all our Nighthawks to the Nest. Plan accordingly and drive with extra caution as the community settles in. Please be respectful of each other and our neighbors when parking on side streets around campus. On time attendance to classes is critical to student success, please see that your Nighthawk gets to school on time.
If you will be dropping your student off in the front of the school, use the traffic circle off the main school entrance on Nighthawk Lane. Do not enter the staff lot off Nighthawk Lane. The traffic circle gets congested in the morning and immediately after school, so be cautious and patient when dropping off your student.
Campus Security
As a reminder, Del Norte High School is a closed campus and all visitors to campus must check-in at the front desk. To continue our efforts to increase campus safety, the door to the front office has been equipped with a new door buzzer. This means the front door remains in a locked position throughout the day. When approaching the door, you will knock on the door and school staff will “buzz” you into the office. We remain committed to welcoming and supporting all families coming to Del Norte High School and appreciate your patience in working with us to assure all Nighthawks remain safe.