North Coventry News
September 12, 2024
From Mrs. Esposito
I hope I will have the chance to see many of you at the ice cream social this evening. This annual PTO event is an enjoyable, family friendly, first event of the year!
While the initial weeks of any school year are set aside to teach behavior expectations and classroom routines, we are also busy getting underway with our academic studies. This week students completed math assessments to provide teachers with a baseline or starting point for the year. This coming week will be set aside for English Language Arts (ELA) assessments so that reading supports can be identified for students demonstrating a need. As you heard me share in my Back to School Night remarks, working to ensure that every student is successful is our number one priority at North Coventry. In order to do this, we look at data to see where additional reinforcement could help students achieve success. Over the course of the next two weeks teachers will gather with our MTSS coordinator, Mrs. Lemuell, along with our reading and math specialists, to identify the best ways to support all of our students. Rest assured, you will hear from us before any small group work begins. Your child's classroom teacher will reach out if areas of concern or need are noted as a result of their work during these first few weeks of school. Should focused work with a reading or math specialist be advised, you will hear from these specific individuals to further explain how they will help your child make progress in our efforts to help all students achieve success. As always, if you have questions, please reach out.
September 15th is International Dot Day, a day intended to encourage creativity, promote courage and celebrate collaboration. Dot Day is inspired by the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. The book speaks about a teacher encouraging a student to "make her mark." It is a powerful message about how each of us can make his/her mark when we have the courage to take chances. Since Dot Day falls on a Sunday this year, I have encouraged the teachers to find time next week to think about how they can incorporate these concepts in their lessons.
Today we announced our first Recognition Board winners for the year. Based on the theme of emotional awareness, students were chosen by their teachers and the paraprofessionals who work with their grade level. Following Ms. McClatchy's first counseling lessons of the year, students were identified who demonstrated an ability to identify their own emotions and understanding how those emotions influence behaviors and thoughts. Congratulations to all of these students.
Teacher Focus:
Math Specialist Team
Mrs. Kristin Colfer and Mrs. Betsy Palumbo are North Coventry's two math specialists. These ladies work collaboratively to support the math needs of our students. In reviewing data they identify trends within classrooms and across grade levels. They then work with the teachers to create lessons to meet the needs of the students creating opportunities for them to achieve success and build their confidence in math. Our math specialists have been working with students in classes since the first week of school, so hopefully now you will recognize the names when they are mentioned at home.
Important Upcoming Dates:
9/12: NCPTO Ice Cream Social, 5:00-7:00pm
9/16-9/20: Start with Hello Week (see below for further information)
9/17: NCPTO Meeting, 7:00-8:00pm
9/20: NC Spirit Night at OJRHS, 7:00pm
10/2: National Custodian Day: Celebrate our Housekeeping Staff
10/3: No School
10/7-11: Fire Prevention Week
10/15: Picture Retake/Make Up Day
10/16: Unity Day - Wear Orange
10/29: 1st Quarter Ends
10/31: Halloween Parade & Parties
Pick Up Patrol
Please take a moment to log onto Pick Up Patrol and update your information for your child. At the start of the year, all information from last year is cleared from the system so parents must update their information at the start of each school year. Thank you for your help in ensuring we know your child's plans for dismissal.
If your student's information is not updated on Pick Up Patrol, your student will be placed on their assigned bus at dismissal.
Questions? Need the link? Contact Mrs. Ficca,
Skyward Update Reminder
We kindly remind you to log into your Skyward Family Access account and ensure that all your contact information is up to date. This includes your phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, and any changes to your household details.
Keeping this information current ensures that you stay informed about important school updates, your child's progress, and any emergency notifications.
Thank you for your cooperation!
9/16-9/20 Start with Hello Week
Start With Hello is one of Sandy Hook Promise’s Know the Signs programs and teaches students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. With activities and curricula available for all ages, students are empowered to end social isolation in three easy steps. For more information, Click Here!
Monday, September 16 - Start With Hello Day/Hey Day- students and staff are invited to wear a name tags and say hello to someone you don't know.
Tuesday, September 17 - Green Day! Wear green and mix it up at lunch. Sit with someone you don't know.
Wednesday, September 18 -Random Act of Kindness Day- Complete a random act of kindness for another student or staff member.
Thursday, September 19 - Take the pledge to #STARTWITHHELLO. Take the pledge by adding your name to our "Inclusive Tree."
Friday, September 20 - Make a Friend at Recess Day- Wear an NC shirt today and make it a point to ask someone that you do not know well to play with you at recess!
School Year Safety Drills
On Monday, September 23rd (date changed), NC will hold the first fire drill of the school year. All other drills throughout the year will be unannounced, except for the first fire drill and the bus evacuation drill.
To ensure that our students and staff are well-prepared for emergencies, we have scheduled several practice drills throughout the year. These drills will include routine procedures like monthly fire drills, as well as others that occur less frequently. We wanted to inform you about these drills so that you can discuss them with your child if the topic comes up at home.
1. Monthly Fire Drills – students and staff evacuate the building and report to a predetermined site outside the building.
2. Run, Hide, Fight Drills - Run Hide Fight is a safety protocol recognized by law enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security. The OJR School District chose to implement the Run Hide Fight method because it shows students and staff they have options in threatening situations. While this is sometimes the best option, the Run Hide Fight concept illustrates there are other options. The District believes that knowing your options — run, hide or fight — increases your chance of survival.
3. Exterior Lockdown Drills – students and staff remain in rooms with doors locked, windows closed, and blinds pulled down.
4. Medical Emergency Drill –students and staff remain in rooms with doors closed and unlocked. Class will continue as normal. Doors will remain closed until Medical Emergency is over.
5. Administrative Lockdown Drill - students and staff remain in rooms with doors closed and unlocked. Class will continue as normal. Doors will remain closed until Administrative Lockdown is over.
6. Weather Emergency Drill - Close all windows and doors. Orderly evacuation to designated shelter point within the school.
7. Suspicious Package Drill - Sheltering in place or evacuate surrounding area depending on location of device/package.
8. School Bus Evacuation Drills – bus students exit the bus upon their arrival to school to practice for an emergency evacuation.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Math Challenge
Are you looking for a little challenge for your student in math? We are excited to announce that the Math Challenge is back at NC this year! This is an optional enrichment program that differentiates by the number of problems the children are expected to do. You can either print from the link below or have your child stop by Mrs. Beaver's room.
The first challenge is available September 13th and due to Mrs. Beaver by 3:00 on September 27th.
Gifted Support Teacher
Head Teacher
North Coventry Elementary School
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders:
Morning Arrival: Cars may NOT arrive to drop off before 8:15 am.
Afternoon Dismissal: Cars may NOT start arriving before 3:15 pm.
This system is meant to work when cars are continually flowing; therefore, if many cars arrive early, the backup could affect the buses being able to get in the main drive to the bus lot and/or access to the building in the event of an emergency. We ask that you please park IN a parking spot if you have to arrive before 8:15am and/or 3:15pm and not block other parking spots. Again, this is for emergency reasons.
Please also keep your name tag visible in your car until after your child is in and you pull away. In addition, please obey the stop signs around school. Safety of everyone at North Coventry is priority, so please take the extra moment to truly stop at the signs (unless OJR security is here waving you on).
Thank you for your help!
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast: $0
Lunch: $3.15
Snacks: Prices vary
A La Carte: between $0.50 - $3.00ea
For more info from Food Services click here. Breakfast/Lunch Menus can be found HERE! (meals subject to change)
Important Skyward Information:
Skyward is where you will get your student's information like which teacher they have, their grades, bus information and more...
For Events, Trips, Meal payments, and more!
SchoolPay is also the site you will need to log into to make meal payments for your student(s). No cash will be taken in the cafeteria. Make sure to deposit $$ in your child's SchoolPay account so they can enjoy our district's yummy lunches and snacks.
**All students will receive 1 free ticket to attend. Please check your child's backpack for the flyer/ticket which has more information.
Interested in Volunteering at NCES?
To better serve our students and community, Owen J. Roberts has transitioned to a new volunteer database last year called "Raptor" and introduced an updated application process for all volunteers. We ask all interested volunteers to take a few minutes to enter their information into this new system and upload their clearances to the online application, as paper forms will no longer be accepted.
We are excited to offer opportunities for you to get involved and volunteer at our school. Your participation is crucial in supporting our students and fostering a positive learning environment.
If you are interested in volunteering or chaperoning, please visit for more information about the required clearances, helpful resources on volunteering with the district, and to submit your application.
Thank you for your dedication to our school community. We look forward to working together to create a great experience for our students!
Have you already been approved through the Raptor system and want to check when your clearances expire with the district? Don’t forget to visit the Raptor Volunteer Portal, where you can find your expiration date. Additionally, Raptor will send you a reminder email one month before your clearances expire, prompting you to update them.
*Please note that all school volunteers and visitors are subject to Raptor screening. Be sure to bring your driver’s license when visiting or volunteering at the school.
The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at North Coventry Elementary School; to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement; and to improve the environment at our school through volunteer and financial support. Membership is open to all parents and guardians of our school students, plus all staff at North Coventry Elementary.
There are no dues required to be a member of the PTO. The NC Elementary School PTO is a 501(3)c non profit organization. Donations will gladly be accepted any time throughout the year and a tax receipt will be supplied. We appreciate your support!
Contact us!
Contact Us
Location: 475 Kemp Road, Pottstown, PA, USA
Phone: 610-469-5105