Center Community Chat
May 26, 2024
Dear Families,
Many people assume that schools slow down in May and June, but in reality, it is one of our busiest times of the year. It has been enjoyable to witness numerous end-of-the-year celebrations and the culmination of learning. This week, we especially enjoyed the biography presentations in the third grade and our ESL Dinner, where many families gathered to share their food and traditions.
2nd grade students were treated to a visit from the Plantmobile. Thank you to our CSPTO for providing this and the many other wonderful enrichment opportunities this year. Please do check out the CSPTO pulse below for a special dedication to our outgoing bored members, Amy Tatton, Carey Noel, Michelle Beard and Tiara Duff , who have contributed so much to Center.
Be sure to take a snap shot of the QR code posted around if you come in for an event and complete the family survey. Please see the code below.
Our third ALICE drill will be held the week of May 28th - May 31st. Students did a great job during our first two drills and teachers will review expectations prior to the final one. We will notify families once the drill has been completed. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.
Extended Day Information
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Morning Extended Day will take place in the pods due to an event happening in the school cafeteria. Please bring your children to the outside door of the pods adjacent to the playground. We will be in a classroom(s) for the duration of the morning. Thank you for your understanding.
On the last day of school on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, Extended Day will be closing at 3:00pm. Please make sure to retrieve any medications you may have on site.
Have a wonderful summer and I'll look forward to seeing you in the Fall.
Lisa Darwin
Site Supervisor
Staff Updates
Pam Thompson and Heather Tassinari will both be on leaves for the remainder of this year. We wish them both well.
Book Sweep and Swap- in desperate need of books if this is to occur
We will be having our annual Book Swap event on Field Day. It's a fantastic opportunity for students and staff to bring in any gently used books they've outgrown and exchange them for some new ones to enjoy over the summer. During Field Day, students will have the chance to choose a new book (or even a few, depending on how many are donated) from the selection available. To participate, please have your child bring in the books and place them on the counters in the lower lobby.
We will need volunteers to organize the books the afternoon of June 5th. Please email Dianna at fulreaderd@chelmsford.k12.ma.us if you are interested.
We are thrilled about our upcoming field day scheduled for June 6th, with a rain date set for June 7th. One of the center's traditions is for each grade level to wear a specific color. Please find the assigned colors below. No need to buy new clothing, just a suggestion if you have clothing of this color available.
Kindergarten: Orange
1st Grade: Green
2nd Grade: Blue
3rd Grade: Red
4th Grade: Tie-Dye
May is Prader Willi Awareness Month
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects approximately 1 in 15,000 people worldwide. It is characterized by a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms, including insatiable hunger, developmental delays, and intellectual disabilities. PWS is caused by a genetic defect on chromosome 15, which leads to dysfunction in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that regulates hunger, metabolism, and growth. There is currently no cure for PWS, and treatment primarily focuses on managing symptoms and preventing complications.
By wearing orange on the last day in May, the Center community can raise awareness about Prader-Willi syndrome in order to support those affected by the disorder and promote understanding among the general public. Together, we can work towards a greater understanding, acceptance, and support for those affected by PWS. Join us in wearing orange on Friday, May 31st.
Please check out this website for more information: https://www.fpwr.org/what-is-prader-willi-syndrome#definition
Enjoy the long weekend.
Warm Regards,
Dianna and Donna
Beach Day Reading Fun in KD
A Reminder from Mrs. Engdahl:
The Center School Book Fair begins this Wednesday! Students will visit the book fair during their library class May 29th through June 4th. Families are also welcome to visit the book fair during the Center School Art and Culture Night on June 4th from 5pm-7pm.
To learn more about the book fair, click here.
For the library schedule & volunteer information, click here.
Thank you for your support of the library!
Meaghan Engdahl, Librarian
Learning about the American Revolution in 3L
Notes from the Nurse
This is a friendly reminder to check your child regularly for ticks and be on the lookout for symptoms of head lice.
Prevention of tick-born illness begins with you!
1. The single most important thing you can do is check for ticks once a day. Favorite places ticks like to go on your body include areas between the toes, back of the knees, groin, armpits, and neck, along the hairline, and behind the ears. Remove any attached tick as soon as possible and call your doctor if you have concerns about tick-born illness.
2. Use repellents that contain DEET on your exposed skin, and those that contain permethrin on your clothes.
3. Stick to main pathways and the center of trails when hiking to avoid ticks.
4. Wear long-sleeved, light colored shirts and long pants tucked into your socks. This may be difficult to do when the weather is hot, but it will help keep ticks away from your skin and make it easier to spot a tick on your clothing.
NOTE: There is currently no human vaccine available to protect against Lyme disease or any other tick-borne disease found in Massachusetts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4vpi1L3nIY ⭐ TAKE THE #TICKCHECKCHALLENGE: bit.ly/3gC4n3n ⭐ The #TickCheckChallenge is an interactive challenge created to help educate and protect kids (and adults!) from Lyme Disease and other debilitating tick-borne diseases. Only 1 in 10 kids performs a tick check after spending time outside. We want that to change. Made especially for kids, our ...
Head lice can happen to anyone.
It is not a sign of poor hygiene habits or of being dirty. Even though they do not jump or fly, lice can spread from one person to another by sharing personal items and by being in close contact with a person who has live lice.
Unfortunately, there is no proven head lice deterrent that will prevent your child from getting head lice. The best you can do is stay alert for suspicious head scratching. Itching is an allergic reaction to chemicals in a head louse’s saliva. Not all kids will experience itching right away but catching this behavior early and treating it will help you stop a head lice problem at its roots.
If you should discover a case of head lice, please call your pediatrician for treatment recommendations, notify the health office, as well as the parents of your child’s close contacts. This is the best way to protect your family and community.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me via email or phone call.
Rose Remmetter Felzani, MSN, RN
Center School Nurse
84 Billerica Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-251-5155 (option 2)
Secure Fax: 978-926-0721
How are we doing?
Please take the time to take this brief caretaker survey so we can reflect and improve our partnership with you.
Biography Projects in 3R
Monday, May 27: No School - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 29- June 4 - Book fair
Wednesday, May 29: Kindergarten Screening 9:00-12:00
Friday, May 31: PJ day - Student Council spirit day
Monday, June 3: Be Kind Spirit Wear day
Tuesday, June 4: End of marking period - All grades
Tuesday, June 4: Unified Game Day, 11:30 -1:30
Tuesday, June 4: Art & Culture Night, Wednesday, J
Wednesday, June 5: ******Extra PTO if needed; 7:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, June 6: field day
Friday, June 7: rain date for field day
Monday, June 10: Wingmasters- 3rd Grade- 9:30-10:30 in the cafeteria
Monday, June 10: 4th grade Finale, Gym/cafeteria 12:00-3:00
Monday, June 10: co-president’s meeting; 9:15-10:15
Wednesday June 12: Last Day of School for all students, Students dismissed at 11:45