CIMS Weekly Update
Week of May 12, 2024
🌎 This week 🌎
Monday is formal uniform day. This includes a button up shirt and tie or sweater vest. There will be an end of season pizza party on Monday the 13th from 4-5 in the cafeteria. All athletes need to bring laundered track uniforms and bags, to turn in following the girls picture for the school banner. Any uniforms not turned in will be billed to the athlete's account on Wednesday the 15th.
On Tuesday, 4th graders attend the Symphony field trip. On Tuesday evening, 8th grade families are invited to view the 8th Grade Goodbye performances by the Drama students at 5pm in the auditorium.
Travel Club will have our pre-trip meeting on Wednesday, May 15th at 5:30 in room 130. We will discuss final trip information, order shirts and receive items specific for travel. Please plan to attend. Bring All your questions and any paperwork that has not been returned.
Thursday is a busy day at CIMS! 4th graders go to Bent's Fort and 5th graders present their Exhibition projects to the community. Thursday evening, we are hosting CIMS Arts Night! Join us from 6-8pm for performances, live music, dinner from In-N-Out and more!
CIMS families are invited to join the InterACT Club for our final project of the school year, next Friday, May 17th. Those interested should bring an adult driver/partner, close-toed shoes to wear, work gloves, water bottles, and a light snack and meet in the CIMS parking lot at 9:00 A.M. to caravan to the Pueblo Dream Catchers Equine Rescue, north of town.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Richards.
The riddle of the day is brought to you by CIMS InterACT.
Q: A man rode his horse to town on Friday. The next day he rode back on Friday. How is this possible?
A: The horse's name was Friday.
Finally, our 5th graders are looking for donations for their Exhibition projects. If you have any gently used sports equipment or pet food and/or toys items, please bring them to the boxes outside of our main office.
That concludes our announcements. Have a great evening.
~Mrs. Masciotra
- Formal Uniform
- FIMS Transition Day to CIMS
- 4th Grade to Symphony
- 5pm: 8th Grade Goodbye to CIMS Performances
- Travel Club Meeting
- 4th Grade to Bent's Fort
- 8am: 5th Grade Exhibition
- 6-8pm: Arts Night & In-N-Out Dinner