Innovative Partnerships Newsletter

Highlighting work-based learning and opportunities to partner with Mesa Public Schools.
Career Exploration Fairs
Career Exploration Fairs were held at all six of our comprehensive high schools and reached over 6,000 students. Students engaged with professionals from various industries, asked questions, and learned about the skills and education required for different jobs. Our 9th graders were introduced to careers they may not have considered or even knew existed. This experience encouraged them to think about their future and highlighted the importance of education.
A big thank you to our business and industry partners who are currently hosting an intern. We have close to 400 seniors working as interns throughout the east valley. An internship is a structured paid or volunteer work-based experience for qualified high school seniors that gives them an opportunity to gain real-world exposure to industries relevant to their Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. Students can earn up to two elective credits and work a minimum of 10 hours a week. We are actively recruiting juniors from our CTE classes to apply to be interns for next year. Please consider signing up to host an intern this summer or next school year, there are many benefits for your business!
Interns working at Empire-Cat
Current interns helping recruit new interns
Job Shadows
High school Career Coaches have been busy taking sophomores and juniors on field trips to local businesses and organizations. Participating in these small group experiences allows students to dive deeper into a specific area of interest and connects classroom learning to the real world. At a job shadow, students observe professionals in action, gain insight into the job’s day-to-day responsibilities and can see first-hand whether a field aligns with their interests and skills.
Allied Precision Manufacturing
Queen Creek Olive Mill
Hiring Fair
Our annual hiring fair for graduating seniors and students looking for a senior year internship will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at Mt. View High School. Last year’s event was so popular we were bursting at the seams, so the fair will be held in a larger space this year. Students will come with resumes and a desire to work! Register here if you would like to have a table at the fair.
College and Career Academies
Five Mesa high schools are adopting College and Career Academies this fall. This is a proven, systemic approach to college and career preparation that creates opportunities for students to learn through real world experiences. Academies are smaller cohorts of students with the same interests who take their usual high school classes together and learn through the academy theme. High schools will also be adopting a block schedule to allow deeper learning in longer class periods each day. Each academy will include a core class that will allow collaborative projects, career exploration activities, and interdisciplinary learning. Our goal is to have more students graduate ready for college, career and community. Academies support the District’s Graduation Plus program that gives all MPS students the opportunity to not only graduate with a diploma, but also build a portfolio of work. We are excited for the possibilities and want to engage even more business and industry partners to support and advise our academies. Find out more about academies on our website.
Partner with Mesa Public Schools
If you would like to know more about partnering with Mesa Public Schools, please complete our Business Engagement Form . Thank you in advance for making a difference by helping our students get real-world experiences that make learning more relevant!