The Wilmot Word: 2-7-25
Reminder: No School for Students on Friday, 2-14 and Monday, 2-17
Happy 100th Day!
Wilmot Talent Show, is Tonight at 5:30
The talent show is coming. The talent show is open to students in 2nd - 5th grades with opportunities for 4th and 5th graders to work on stage crew or serve as an emcee. All are welcome to come out to see the show on February 7 at 5:30 pm in the Wilmot gym.
Save the Date - Spring Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign-Up Information)
Mark your calendars! Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 20 from 1:00-4:00 pm & 5:00-8:00 pm and on Friday, March 21 from 8:30-11:30 am. All DPS109 schools will hold in-person parent-teacher conferences this year with an option to Zoom for parents/guardians who are not available for an in-person conference. Parents will sign up for a conference using Sign-Up Genius. I will share links for all teacher sign-up forms on Thursday, February 13, at 12:00 pm (noon)
It is best practice to hold one parent conference per child, to ensure that both parents receive the same information regarding their child’s strengths and needs. Therefore, I ask that parents sign up for one joint conference per student. If this is a concern, please reach out to me directly. We look forward to seeing all of our parents during conferences. Conferences are a discussion between parents and teachers. At this time elementary conferences do not include students and therefore we ask that children not attend the parent-teacher conference.
Wilmot BINGO Night - February 21
Please join us for our annual PTO BINGO night on Friday, February 21. This event will be held in the Wilmot gym from 6:30-8:00 pm.
- $10 per family
- Preregister with Zelle: paywilmot@gmail.com
- Admission at door $10/family- CASH OR CHECK ONLY
- Concessions- CASH ONLY
- Teachers’ Raffle Tickets… (cash only) - $3/ticket, $10/4 tickets or $20/10 tickets
- Silent Auction you don’t want to miss!
It will be a fun night with friends, food, teachers and great prizes!!
- Those who pre-pay will enter through the gym doors (by the stairs)
- Those who pay at the door will enter through door 4 (4th grade entrance between the main doors and the gym).
News from the Library!
We are so excited that author Eleanor Spicer is coming for an author visit for 2nd and 3rd grades on Tuesday, February 11th!
Reminder: Please look at the back of your child’s library books before you return them to the Deerfield Public Library. All of our books are labeled Wilmot Elementary School on the barcode. We have had over 40 titles returned to the public library this year by mistake- thanks for your help with this!
Valentine's Day 2025
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13, 2025 with classroom parties (students are not is session on February 14). If you are making or purchasing Valentine's Day cards, please note that these may not include any type of food or candy (due to our food allergy guidelines). This includes cooked and uncooked food items.
We will also hold our annual Valentine's Day philanthropy project in collaboration with Fill a Heart 4 Kids. Buddy classes will pack breakfast bags for at-risk, homeless, and foster children. This will take place on Monday morning, February 10.
Social Emotional Learning Survey - Revised Dates
Building students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) skills is important at Wilmot. As a part of the learning process, we will be asking students in grades K-8 to reflect on skills related to social-emotional learning and the school environment. The survey will now be administered to all students in grades K-8 between February 18 and February 28, 2025. Per policy, if you would like your child to opt out of taking the survey, please contact me no later than February 13.
A Note for Fifth Grade Families From the Caruso Administration
Hello, 5th-grade families!
Please join us online February 20, 2025, from 6:30 to 7:00pm for a middle school World Language night, where members of the DPS 109 World Language Team will share information about the middle school language offerings. Here is the Link to Zoom.
Following the meeting, a copy of the presentation will be emailed along with a form to submit your student's first and second middle school language choice. Please be advised that minimum enrollments are needed to run 6th grade sections. Language selections will be due by Wednesday, March 5 at 8 a.m.
Also, on February 21 your 5th graders will have the opportunity to see our current middle school students perform skits and answer their questions about taking French, Hebrew, and Spanish in middle school.
D109 Tech Tips
Missed a Tech Tip? We got you covered!
In October, we began sharing weekly tech tips in our newsletters to encourage digital safety. If you missed a tech tip or just want to review them, we have a Digital Hub for you to view them at your convenience. Make sure to keep your eyes open for more tech tips to come in the following weeks!
Save the Date - Grade Level Music Concerts and Art Share
As we did last year, we will combine our grade level music concert with an art share. Below are the dates for all music concerts and art share events. The Art Share will begin at 5:45 pm and the music concert will begin at 6:00 pm.
- 5th grade - Tuesday, Feb. 18
- 2nd and 3rd grade Combined Music Concert and Art Share - Thursday, March 6
- 1st grade -Tuesday, April 15
- Kindergarten -Tuesday, May 6
PTO Corner
Check out the PTO website and weekly newsletter which are linked below. You will find information about:
Important Dates
- Monday, February 10
- All school philanthropy project
- Thursday, February 13
- Wilmot celebrates Valentine’s Day
- Friday, February 14
- Teacher Institute Day - students are not in attendance
- Monday, February 17
- Legal Holiday - Presidents' Day
- Tuesday, February 18
- 5th grade Music Concert and Art Share
- 5:45 pm - Art Share
- 6:00 - Evening music show
- PTO meeting - 1:30 pm - Zoom
- Friday, February 21
- Monday, March 3
- School is in session