Larsen Roadrunner Newsletter
October 2024
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Principal's Message
Thank you for coming to our Back to School Night. It was great to see all the families enjoying tacos, ice cream, visiting our community tables and enjoying their child's classroom.
October is also National Bullying Prevention Month (NBPM) and it is an important time to have conversations about addressing and preventing bullying. Fall Picture Day is also coming up on October 8h. We will also have International ShakeOut Day and Red Ribbon Week celebrations..
Reminder that EVERY Wednesday is an early release day!
TK - Kinder Dismiss at 12:07 pm.
Grades 1 - 3 Dismiss at 12:07 pm.
Grades 4-5 Dismiss at 12:27 pm.
If you have any questions or need any support at school or home, please stop by, call us at 805-986-9740 or email.
Ms. Jimenez - Principal
Thank you Ms. Chavez and Ms. Robles for selling our spirit wear
Thank you for coming to our Back to School Night
Proud to share his classroom
Open Campus Beautiful Morning
Our School Resource Officer came to visit us
Hispanic Heritage Month Presentations
Important Dates
10/07:Open Campus@8:07AM
10/02: National Custodial Appreciation Day
10/11: Cafe con leche/Coffee and cream Parent Meeting @8:30AM
10/04: Progress Notices sent home
10/14: - No school -Staff Development -
10/08: - Picture Day
10/17: - Great Shake Out Earthquake (Drill) @ 10:27 am.
10/25: - 10/31: - Red Ribbon Week
11/08: - Trimester 1
11/11: - Veterans Day - No school
11/25: - 11/29: - Thanksgiving Holidays - No School
National Bullying Prevention Month (NBPM) This is an important time to have conversations about addressing and preventing bullying.
Bullying is the aggressive use of power, targeting another person or group of people with repeated, unwanted words or action, hurting them emotionally or physically. Bullying impacts the education, health, and safety of children and adults.
“The negative effects of bullying can last a lifetime,” said Julie Hertzog, director of the National Bullying Prevention Center. “Calling out bullying behavior and supporting those who are bullied can make a big difference for those who experience bullying.”
Wear Orange on October 17 to stand up to bullying.
No Bullies!
Anti-Bullying Policy:
Larsen and the Governing Board recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning, and school attendance and desire to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint resolution process.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-986-8740.
Join us at the beginning of every month at 8:07 am behind the cafeteria. We will share a mindful moment and feature the character trait for the month. At Larsen we inspire everyone to demonstrate good character through the six pillars of good character . Each of the Six Pillars of Character help instill a positive school climate and a culture of kindness, making schools a safe environment to learn. We will feature a pillar every month.
This month our trait is: Trustworthiness.
tell the truth, knowing that a consequence might result
are willing to try again even if they did not do as well as they would like the first time
return things that they borrow and in the proper condition as they received them
keep their promises and don’t tell secrets
are following through on their chores and responsibilities
are loyal to their friends, family, teams, etc.
Picture Day
October 8 is Picture Day. It will be a uniform Free Dress Day. Students can wear school appropriate clothes but no open toe shoes. Forms were sent home. Please call the office if you have any questions.
CAFE CON LECHE/COFFEE AND Cafe con leche/Coffee and CREAM PARENT Meeting
We are proud to bring our educational partners, "Cafe con Leche"Coffee and Cream to Larsen! These parent and staff meetings are designed to help you learn more about Larsen, how schools operate, valuable community resources, ask questions and receive any support you may need.
Please join us Friday, October 11 at 8:30 am in Rm 5. will be joining us to share important information with us! We are asking parents to sign in at the front office and then join us for some fresh coffee and pan dulce!
This year's International ShakeOut Day is October 17, when millions of people worldwide will participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home!
Participating in an earthquake drill will help you and your loved ones understand what to do in case you are not with them during an earthquake. Make sure you and your children u
nderstand what to do at home and our school's emergency procedures for disasters.
Learn more about how to prepare for an earthquake here: https://www.shakeout.org/
Safety is our number one priority at Larsen. We ask that during morning and afternoon Drop Off and Pick up, you do not park in the roundabout in front or back of the school. The Parking lots are for district staff and individuals who need accessible parking only except for a few labeled visitors parking spots. We recommend you park in the street and walk up to pick up your child.
If you use the roundabout, you must drive through and if your child is not visible, you must drive out of the roundabout and reenter at the street. There is NO PARKING on the roundabout. Please continue to follow all traffic rules, courtesy and respect at all times.
The roundabout is a single lane, there is NO passing on the left. Students are boarding and exiting vehicles and NO HONKING.
Remember to use crosswalks and sidewalks when walking to campus. Please be respectful to staff as we work together to enforce safety for all. Please continue to follow all traffic rules, courtesy and respect at all times.
TK and Kinder parents remember to please wait patiently your turn in line for your child to be dismissed. There should be no loading of students in the parking lot. No parents are allowed in the staff parking.
Thank you in advance for making our school safety a priority!
Join our PTA Membership Drive! Help us reach our Goal. Join PTA by sending the envelope your child brought home or click on the link. https://jointotem.com/ca/oxnard/ansgar-larsen-elementary-pta
Thank you for the donations you've sent. We will continue to accept donations to help PTA support school activities.
Book Exchange
PTA wants to continue to foster the love for reading and we want to start a book swap table every first Monday of the month. We want to organize our first book swap table for Monday 10/7/24 at 7:45a.m. WE NEED BOOKS AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! PTA will start collecting book donations from families as soon as possible! If you are interested, please, donate! We are accepting new or used books (in good condition) . If you happen to have books at home please send them our way. We need any level from K-6th grade.
Toppers Pizza Family Night Fundraiser
Join us Tuesday October 15 for Toppers Pizza Family Night Fundraiser
Where: Toppers Pizza Place
Donde: 2100 Saviers Rd. Oxnard
805•385•4444 or 495•4444
When: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Cuando: el martes, 15 de Octobre 2024
3:30pm to 9:00pm
What: Toppers Pizza will donate back 20% of sales generated by our group!
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Today many schools use Red Ribbon Week as a chance to discuss drugs and alcohol with students. In the early grade, many teachers focus on safety with prescription medication. Older students spend more time learning about how to stand up against peer pressure and the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Red Ribbon activities will be forthcoming for the end of the month.
Dressed and Ready to GO!
Dressed and Ready to GO!
Gentle reminders for dressing for success when coming to school: Please wear school uniforms.
Items that are not allowed:
gang-related insignia/graffiti on clothing, backpack or school supplies/work,
clothing with inappropriate writing (alcohol, drugs, weapons, disrespectful statements)
No clothing, hats or personal items with team/sports logos
Pajamas (except on celebration days)
sleeveless tops, see through blouses/shirts, low cut or bare midriff tops; spaghetti straps
Nothing that distracts from the learning environment is allowed.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff .
Parent Square Communication
Parent Square Communication
Parent Square supports communication with staff , students in the class, school, district level and integrates with our information system.
Existing Users: Parent Square can be accessed https://www.parentsquare.com/signin by using the 'Sign-in with Google' button.
New Users: Parent Square can be accessed at https://www.parentsquare.com/signin by using the 'Sign-up/Register.
One page Eng/Span updated flyer
Attendance Matters
Please make sure your child is present and on time every day.
If your child is absent, please call our office at 805-986-8740 to report your absence. Bring any doctor's notes or necessary documentation to excuse any absences to the school office.
We have our counselor Ms. Cristina Rodriguez-Kelly to support our students.
Please visit our HESD Counseling Corner Website for information on counseling services available to students and parents.
Dual language immersion is a research-proven instructional approach that prepares students to think, read, and write in two languages, resulting in students becoming bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural.
Dual Language Immersion programs are additive, meaning that a child does not lose their native language but instead strengthens their native language and adds a second language.
Bilingualism and biliteracy prepare students to think more broadly and critically, results in higher language arts and math achievement and increases career pathways opportunities in adulthood.
Ansgar Larsen’s Dual Language Program follows a 90/10 model. This model begins in Kindergarten with 90% of the academic instruction delivered in Spanish and 10% of the academic instruction delivered in English. This ratio is adjusted as students matriculate from grade to grade. For example: Kindergarten = 90% Spanish, 10% English. First grade = 80% Spanish, 20% English. Second Grade = 70% Spanish, 30% English. Third Grade = 60% Spanish, 40% English. Fourth Grade = 50% Spanish, 50% English. Fifth Grade = 50% Spanish, 50% English
The 90/10 model requires a closely aligned curricular program where instruction in key content areas such as language arts and math so that the skills are not retaught in both languages but are built upon in each language.
Evelyn Jimenez
805-986-8740 xt 2499
Lucila Gomez Perez
Assistant Principal
805-986-8740 xt 2488
Cristina Rodriguez - Kelly
School Counselor
805-986-8740 xt.2420