August 2024 Newsletter
For St. Paul's
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
226 E. Madison St.
Waterloo, WI 53594
Shared Ministries
Bristol Lutheran Church
6835 County Hwy N
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
Worship Time
August - November
Bristol 8:30AM
St. Paul's 10:30AM
Dates To Remember
Aug. 17th – 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Brat giveaway
Sept. 8th - 8:30 a.m. Sparks Carnival Kickoff (Bristol)
9:30 a.m. Pie Auction (Bristol).
Sept. 29th – 10:30 a.m. St. Paul’s – Joint outdoor service/Picnic
Dec. 15th – Sunday School Christmas Program (Bristol)
Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve Worship
- 4:30 p.m. – Bristol
- 6:30 p.m. – St. Paul’s
From The Pastors Desk
Dear Friends in faith,
Churches do all kinds of wonderful things: They feed the hungry and house the homeless. They visit the sick and imprisoned. They comfort the dying and the bereaved. They educate children and care for the elderly. Churches do all kinds of good things: And it is right that they do. In fact, we’re expected to. Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
But all those good things that the church does are done by other organizations and groups too. Sometimes even better than the church does. Except for one thing: Worship! It is the one thing that the church does exclusively; and it is the thing that defines us. It is the thing that gives us our purpose.
Psalm 100 says:
1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.
3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his
people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him,
bless his name.
5 For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to
all generations.
We worship: TOGETHER: because God calls us into relationship with each other as well as
with God.
WITH MIND AND HEART: because God is only fully known if we use all the gifts
God has given us; mind to understand God’s wisdom and heart to understand God’s
IN WORD & SACRAMENT: because the Word tells us of God’s love and the
Sacraments assure us that the love God has to give IS GIVEN TO ME.
Now, after Covid and with a troubled world around us, we need to worship, we need to
do it together, and we need to experience it in Word and Sacrament. We need to come
to worship to embrace God and to be embraced by God!
Pr. Bob Moberg
Council Highlights
- Lutheran social services asking for increase in donation, 5.5% to 10%. Motion to approve by Traci 2nd by Marilyn
- Pr. Bob & Pr. Tim have been going over homebound with Marilyn, have approx. 12-14 people
- Beer & Bible Study on break until September
- Fireside was great success!
- Brat Giveaway on August 17th
- 4th of July Pie Sale made $800
- September 29th joint service at Fireman's Park Bingo Hall Motion to approve by Helen 2nd by Debra
- Pine Lake Confirmation Camp was a great success!
- Next Step Ministries Weekend Local Service towards the end of confirmation. They supply step by step programming material for three days free of charge, we would facilitate and lead. Pr. Tim will be bringing to his test study group, more churches more kids and help. We have 2 adult leaders from BLC who will help with the programming. We will need lots of voluteers.
Ministers Of Worship Needed
We are in need of Usher help especially the third Sunday of the month. We could also always use greeters, lectors, communion assistance and prayer leaders. Please see Russ if available to usher and Debra for any other questions.
Norwegian Specialty Goods
I am Tammy Weiss and I am interested in putting a committee together to help make and sell Norwegian specialty goods (e.g., Lefse, Kransekake, Pecan Tassies, Sandbakkels, and Rosettes) and wondering if there are others like me that want to keep this tradition alive at Bristol Lutheran. If so, contact me at (608) 837-4898 or sign-up on the Norwegian Specialty Goods Sign-Up Sheet located in the church’s narthex.
Technology Committee
If you are interested in serving on the technology committee please see Jill O. Thank you!
Brat Givaway
Brat giveaway at Sunshine Place - Aug. 17th – 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will have sign up sheets for help for this. We have sent donation requests to several area stores and hope to have the majority of this covered this way. We will be giving away brats, chips and bottled water to 500 people at this drive through event. Come down to get yours that day.
Sunshine Place Summer Lunch Program
Sunshine Place is having their Summer Lunch Program again this year and is looking for sponsors. They deliver lunches to kids in Sun Prairie neighborhoods during the summer. They expect to provide 300 kids with lunch every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
As a sponsor, we would provide $550 and need 5 volunteers to help 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. on the day we would choose. At this point they have many days to fill in July and August.
We would like to raise the money and then sign up for a time. If you can donate, please designate “the Sunshine Place”. Once we have the money, we will sign up for a date. If you can volunteer, please contact Linda Campbell (text or call 608-217-8012).
Happy Birthday To Those Celebrating In August
Please make sure the office has your birthday so you can be included!!!
8/3 Elizabeth Converse
8/3 Kellie Lewellin
8/3 Cassidy Mattson
8/5 Parker Hansen
8/7 Rickey Abendroth
8/8 Larry Silha
8/9 Dale Ellenfeldt
8/10 Jaxson Billings
8/10 Robert Schutz
8/11 Paytn Hauptli
8/11 Jo Schutz
8/13 Rachel Stock
8/14 Jacqui Huebner
8/14 Braya Lauersdorf
8/14 Colin Meyer
8/16 Gavin Pederson
8/17 Cabella Ellis
8/17 Haydn Hauptli
8/21 Mason Lewellin
8/24 Marilyn Connell
8/25 David Lenius
8/30 Troy Yohn
8/31 Jan Galston
8/31 Teresa Heiman
8/31 Eli Marshall
Ministers Of Worship
August 11th
Usher: Dennis & Jean B., Stephen P.,
Greeter: Marilyn C. & Russ P.
Lector: Stephen P.
Prayer Leader: Debra M.
Comm. Asst: Debra M.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.
August 18th
Usher: Bob S, David B, Rob R.
Greeter: Russ P. & Marilyn C.
Lector: Val S.
Prayer Leader: Val S.
Comm. Asst: Val S.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.
August 25th
Usher: Russ P, Michaela L, Dale E
Greeter: Kris W. & Jan C.
Lector: Judy G.
Prayer Leader: Judy G.
Comm. Asst: Judy G.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Debra M.
September 1st
Usher: Leroy & Helen H., James K, Lyndon S.
Greeter: Jean & Ed T.
Lector: Jean T.
Prayer Leader: Jean T.
Comm. Asst: Jean T.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Debra M
September 8th
Usher: Dennis & Jean B., Stephen P.,
Greeter: Marilyn C. & Russ P.
Lector: Stephen P.
Prayer Leader: Debra M.
Comm. Asst: Debra M.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.