SMS E-News

12 Days of SMS Holiday Cheer: Spirit Days
Congratulations to our SMS All-Region Finalists!
November Teacher of the Month
SMS Spelling Bee: Sign Up Deadline is Tomorrow!
6th Grade Choir Epic Waters Competition: Dec. 13
SMS Theatre Plays: Dec. 13
Donations Needed for Academic UIL on January 25
SMS is hosting Academic UIL on Saturday, January 25. We need help from parents to stock the hospitality room with food, snacks and drinks.
Destination Imagination: Donations Needed
SMS Raider Nation Toy Drive Ends Friday
Jr. FFA Canned Food Drive
High School Credit Courses - Semester Exams
SMS Athletics
SMS Choir Winter Concert: Dec. 17
These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things
December 20: Pep Rally & Early Release
End of Quarter Information
SMS Lost and Found - Items to be Donated
Our lost and found is overflowing with clothing and water bottles. Please have your students check the lost and found before the items are donated at the end of the day on December 20th.
Winter Break: Dec. 20 - Jan. 7
8th Grade Parent Night at SHS - January 15
Save the Date: Feb. 13th
7th & 8th Grade Valentine's Dance
Order SMS Yearbook Now!
*SMS and SHS is combined into one Yearbook!*
It's that time of year!! Raider yearbooks are on sale at Jostens.com!
Go to Jostens.com
Click on My School Store (in the top left)
Enter your school name and Texas
Click on 2025 Yearbook
Select the yearbook package you would like to order
Proceed to the payment site
The link below will take you directly to the SHS/SMS Yearbook purchasing options.
Sunnyvale Lacrosse Registration
Please help us enforce the following with your students by supporting our district and campus policies.
- Dress Code
- NO Food, Gum or Drinks allowed in classrooms!! Students will be asked to leave food and drinks behind before leaving the cafeteria. NO GUM ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING AT SMS! Students are allowed to have a water bottle in the classroom.
- No phones or smart devices/watches allowed for use around SMS.
Bell & Lunch Schedules
Attendance Information
Lunch Reminder
Join the NEW MS/HS PTA Today!
2024-2025 School Calendar
Phone: 972.226.2922
website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/o/sms/page/school-information