McKinley Elementary Newsletter
August 2023
Week of Aug 28 - look for a letter from your new teacher
Sep 5 - Back to School Open House Grades K-5 5:00-6:30 PM
Sep 6 - First Day of School Grades 1-5 (Late Start Wednesday)
Sep 6, 7, 8 - Kinder Assessments - Families will be called to schedule a time
Sep 11, 12 - Kinder Transition (Mon A-L, Tue M-Z)
Sep 12 - PTC Meeting 6:30-7:45 PM in the cafeteria
Sep 13 - First Day of School for Kinder (Late Start Wednesday)
Sep 14 - Leslie Band Fitting Night 5:30 or 6:30
Oct 2 - First Day of 5th Grade Band
Oct 6 - McKinley Fun Run -Lots of volunteers needed
Oct 13 - NO SCHOOL, State Inservice Day
Oct 16 - Picture Day (Retakes Nov 29)
Every Wednesday is a 1 hour late start at 8:50 AM - the other days 7:50 AM
Who is my child's teacher?
Children in 1st-5th grade should expect a letter from their new teacher to arrive via mail after the 28th of August. The staff has put a lot of thought into class lists that will encourage a successful learning environment for all students. We are looking forward to a great school year.
(Kindergarten class lists will be completed by the afternoon of Sept 8th. A letter from their teacher will be sent out via email that evening)
Back to School Night
- Meet your child's teacher
- Drop off school supplies
- Pick up a popsicle
School Hours
EVERY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:30 Breakfast available in cafeteria (free to all students)7:35 Doors Open for all students
7:50 School Starts- tardy bell rings
2:20 School Ends
EVERY Wednesday
8:30 Breakfast available in cafeteria (free to all students)
8:35 Doors Open for all students
8:50 School Starts- tardy bell rings
2:20 School Ends
Arrival and Dismissal doors will be the front courtyard and back breezeway doors for grades 1-5 and Kindergarten in the garden area.
Bus Rider?
Before & After School Care
Fun Run is coming and other volunteer opportunities!
Yay, McKinley PTC is hosting the annual Fun Run this year! This is a FUN opportunity to volunteer. Important requirement for ALL volunteers: Make sure you have your background check up to date. They are good for 5 years. Click here to submit your background check right now, today. These can take up to 3 or 4 weeks to process so please fill yours out ASAP.
Field trips will also be a great volunteer opportunity. In order to be ready to volunteer for any fall field trips, you need to submit your background check today.
3 back to school tips
1. Get Back Into a Regular Bedtime Routine
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that kids between the ages of 6 and 13 get nine to 11 hours of sleep, so plan your child’s bedtime to account for earlier mornings. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to your child’s health and ability to learn and play at school.
2. Plan a Visit to Your Family Doctor
Make sure your child is up-to-date on any immunizations and get flu vaccine
3. Teach the Importance of Washing Hands
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs at school is to teach your kids just how important it is to wash their hands throughout the day. Let them know that it’s especially important to wash their hands:
· Before eating
· After sneezing or coughing
· After playing outside or with toys, which can harbor bacteria
First PTC Meeting
Childcare provided
See agenda below
Year at a Glance
- 1st Tuesday of most months - PTC Meeting 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
- 2nd Tuesday of most months - Take Out Tuesday - fundraisers at local restaurants
- October 6th - Fun Run
- November 28 - 30 Scholastic Book Fair
- December thru February OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books)
- February - Read-A-Thon
PTC officers: Beth Gallini, Thomas Wells and Raina Wickstrom
Questions? Contact the PTC exec team at ptcmckinley@gmail.com.
Changes over the summer?
- a move
- new daycare provider
- change in school (private, home school, etc)
- new parent contact information
- updated immunizations
Student Medication
Parents are encouraged to administer medication to their children before and/or after school hours. When a child must take any medication during school hours and a parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, the parent must obtain a "Daily Medication Administration Record" form from the school. This signed written request is submitted along with the following:
- The original container with the label containing the name of the medication, dosage, time interval, and method of administration. Prescription medication containers must include the physician’s name and written instructions or prescription label.
Please do not send medication with your student. All medications (even nonprescription cough drops) must be kept in the school office unless special arrangements have been made.
If your child needs medication at school, please bring it in to the office at Back to School night, Sept 6th 5:00 PM - 6:30PM or during the first week of school.
Conference Schedule
Fall Conferences
· November 1 – NO SCHOOL – Elementary Conferences 7:30 am-7:30 pm
· November 2 – NO SCHOOL – Elementary Conferences 7:30 am-7:30 pm
· November 3 – NO SCHOOL
Spring Conferences
· March 21 – NO SCHOOL - Elementary Conferences 7:30 AM- 7:30 PM
· March 22 – NO SCHOOL
Salem-Keizer Public Schools is now using the ParentSquare platform for district, school and teacher communications, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number.
Download the app or log into the ParentSquare web portal using the contact email used for your child’s school.MONTHLY MEAL MENU
Thanks to the USDA’s Seamless Summer Option, we will be able to feed all students breakfast and lunch at school for free this year.
Lunch Menus Food Services will not be printing lunch menus to send to the schools. They will post on each schools website, as well on the District website. They are having a hard time getting anything on a consistent basis and cannot depend on suppliers to have what is needed. The food chain/Supply and Demand is ever flexing.
2023-24 DISTRICT CALENDAR - click the calendar to go to the website for details
Read our newest format of the school Newsletter via email, remind or on the school website!
Follow us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/mckinML
Follow us on our school website. https://mckinley.salkeiz.k12.or.us/
Download the free ParentSquare App on your phone. https://parentsquare.com
Check your email inbox. Update your email in Parent Vue if it's not accurate.
School hours: 7:50AM - 2:20PM (M,T,Th,F) 8:50AM - 2:20PM (Weds Only)
Doors open at 7:35AM
Principal Michelle Nelson
Office 7:30AM-3:50PM
Address: 466 McGilchrist St SE Salem OR 97302
Phone: 503-399-3167