GES Grey Wolf Gazette
February 14th, 2025
Principal's Corner
We just passed our 100th day of school!!!!! What a busy week as we celebrated this milestone and Valentine's Day.
As soon as we return from our winter break, we will begin our March Madness Reading Challenge and our read-a-thon. Please support our school by participating in the read-a-thon and support reading by encouraging your student to read at home.
Please consider attending the community forum on the 18th here at GES starting at 6:30 PM. It will be followed by a school board meeting.
Kindergarten Registration
Calling all 4th grade singers!
4th graders and DCS 5th graders are invited to participate in a group performance at this concert with students from PES, AES, GBS, SMS and CVHS!
Wednesday, March 19th 2025
6:30pm ConVal High School
Students are asked to arrive at 6:15pm
Attire: Wear all black!
In the interest of time, each choir will perform one song followed by the finale with all singers.
ConVal Elementary Music
PTO News
Read-A-Thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more. Our Read-A-Thon starts Monday, March 3, 2025. About one week before our Read-A-Thon starts, we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress. We've chosen a Read-A-Thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills.
We hope EVERYONE participates.
Thanks so much,
Greenfield NH Elementary PTO
Box Tops
There are lots of bonuses for the month of February! Check the app for quantities to earn the bonuses. Annie's, Progresso, Totino's, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Chex Mix/Bugles, Old El Paso, Reese's Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch products can all earn BONUS Box Tops. You can also earn 20 Bonus Box Tops when you purchase any combination of 4 Box Tops products!
As always, if you have any issues or questions, please reach out!
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Shirk
GES PTO Box Tops Coordinator
Lunch Links
Lunch & Breakfast Menus https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
Online Payments https://linqconnect.com/main
February 17-21: Music
February 19: PTO 6:00pm
February 24-28: Winter Recess
Classroom Happenings
First Friends 1
First Friends students have been singing Valentine-themed songs and making heart pictures/cards. We practice kindness every day and do team work with puzzles with many pieces.
We all love the snow banks outside that are getting higher and higher. We were watching the biggest icicle outside to see it get longer and longer. It finally fell off the building last night. We determined it was too heavy. A piece of it is taking a long time to melt today.
Ms. Trish
First Friends 2
In PS2 this week, we celebrated the 100th day with a crown and cool sunglasses. For our snack, we counted ten different snacks (10 M&M's, 10 marshmallows, 10 gummies, 10 pieces of popcorn, 10 Fruit Loops, 10 Skittles, etc.) so we ate 100 treats. Two friends had birthdays this week so we had donuts and cupcakes. Our art was all about hearts and love. We learned to sign L-O-V-E in sign language and learned that XO means hugs and kisses. We had a special Valentine's celebration with applesauce made into a love bug by Gracie and her mom, XO pretzels, and a cupcake. Each child got to make a Valentine's bag and put all the Valentine's cards they made for their friends in them. It was a very sweet week. Ms. Parker, the P.E. teacher, also invited us in to practice fancy tricks with a colored scarf of their choice.
Ms. Colleen
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
It was a busy week in kindergarten. We celebrated as kindergarten and first grade students with a glow party because they are now "100 days brighter!" It was a lot of fun to do different activities like roll to 100, read 100 words, build with stacking cups and connectors, glow hopscotch, letter find slime, and glow painting. On Friday, we played a few minute-to-win-it games with candy hearts and we passed out our valentines to our friends. In math, we have been working on number bonds. Number bonds are a visual tool that we use to show a whole number and then break the whole number into parts. This is leading us towards working on addition and subtraction.
First graders started working on Module 4 in math. This module started with comparing the length of objects and then sorting from shortest to longest. Then we compared the length of 2 objects using a third object. As an example, we compared the length of our foot to the length of a giraffe's hoof by using a paper plate as a comparison tool. We finished this week with a lesson measuring with centimeter cubes.
Ms. Hodgen
It was a big week in kindergarten and first grade! Kindergarten celebrated finishing all of their alphabet lessons with an Alphabet Party! The kindergarteners went for a letter hunt around the classroom and then sorted the letters into alphabetical order. We also enjoyed some letter cookies thanks to Maggie’s family! The children picked six cookies, practiced writing the letter shown on them and then drew a picture of something that starts with the letter sound.
Kindergarten and first grade also celebrated the 100th day of school this week with a glow party. Students were challenged to read 100 words, find letters in slime, find 100 hidden ducks (each duck had a letter on the bottom that they matched to an ABC chart) and neon hopscotch. It was a great time celebrating 100 days of learning!
We wrapped up our week celebrating Valentine’s Day. The children were so excited to share kindness with their friends. What a wonderful week!
Ms. Harrington
2nd Grade
It was another great week in 2nd grade. This week in math, we finished up talking about fractions and started discussing time. We talked about am, pm, seconds and minutes. In literacy this week, we continued to learn about prefixes with a prefix write the room. We also continued to learn about vowel teams. We learned about ie and igh. In social studies, we continued to talk about kindness. We created kindness clouds for a person we knew who showed kindness to us. We also decorated our Valentine's bags with kind words about each other. We also celebrated the 100th day of learning. We celebrated with several 100th day activities. These included a science experiment, roll to 100 game, and writing prompts. The science experiment was to find out how many licks it would take to finish a lollipop. The students did a great job of making a hypothesis and testing it.
Ms. Quinn
3rd Grade
3rd grade had a zig-zaggy week! On the 100th day, we celebrated by writing about our 100 year old selves. Students wrote about what they would say, wear and do. Their stories were very entertaining. We started our science unit on weather and climate. This week, we focused on clouds (what makes a cloud and how to identify cloud types). Students finished the week with creating a poster using different materials to create cloud types. In Literacy, we read about the history of Valentine's Day and talked about the process involved in making chocolate. In Math, we continue to look at ways to multiply and divide, and the relationship between the two. Our read aloud that students picked is The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo. It is a story of a boy, his struggles to fit in, and how a tiger helps guide him and gives him strength. Thank you to all the 3rd grade families for providing the tasty treats for our Valentine's celebration. It was a huge success!
Ms. Cook
4th Grade
Happy Valentine's Day Families! The students had a great day celebrating Valentine's Day and enjoyed the Harris Center. They got to see an animal from the camera they set out on the trails last week. They decided the camera location based on the animal tracks they located a couple weeks ago. They also made stained glass hearts and enjoyed valentines from friends. Enjoy another snowy weekend!
Ms. Slossar
Wellness Week at GES
This week in wellness...
GES students were busy playing, learning, and moving their bodies in Wellness. Grades three and four completed their second round of Fitnessgram challenges - curl-up, plank, and PACER. They really pushed to improve from their first round of challenges.
Grades kindergarten, first and second learned some new yoga poses playing 'roll-a-pose' and Disney yoga. We celebrated the 100th day of school with a 'this or that' game. Students are definitely 100 days smarter and stronger!
Additional games included Pirates of the Caribbean, bump tag, secret agent tag, Valentine's Day tag, scooter relay and Battleship.
All classes talked about the importance of sleep and how it allows their body to recharge for the next day. Students were surprised to hear how important sleep is for the brain to consolidate, sort and file what they have learned throughout the day. Thank you for encouraging healthy choices!
Mrs. Parker
A Note from our Counselor
In recent classroom counseling lessons, the Kindergarten students completed a series of lessons about kindness and compassion. They also began a series of lessons about problem solving. In First, Second, Third and Fourth grade, all of the students are learning (and/or reviewing from previous years) the 3 R's of Bullying: Recognize, Report, and Refuse. Students also are learning the difference between bullying and other types of mean behavior. Here is the definition of bullying that we are using, consistent with the ConVal School District bullying policy: Bullying is when someone keeps being mean to someone else on purpose, The person it's happening to has not been able to make it stop. Bullying is unfair and one-sided. Usually, the person doing the bullying has more power than the person being bullied (for example, they are older, bigger, faster or stronger).
Robin Gregg, School Counselor (she, her, hers)
Contact Information
Email: shilliard@conval.edu
Website: https://ges.conval.edu
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-3334