Headlines & Virtual Backpack
Week ending June 19, 2020
Board meets Monday
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Robert Hunter Talent Show
Meals available June 22
Meals can be picked up on Monday, June 22, at RFIS, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pick up is also available from 9-9:30 a.m. at Copper Hill; 9:45-10:15 a.m. at Barley Sheaf; 10:30-11 a.m. at Francis A. Desmares; 11:15-11:45 a.m. at Robert Hunter. At Copper Hill, Barley Sheaf, Francis A. Desmares, & Robert Hunter schools, meals are distributed from a district-marked vehicle. To view information about meals available over the summer, please click here.
June 23 Clap Out
On June 23, at 11 a.m., drop everything, head outside to your porch, patio, driveway, balcony, front yard or even on your doorstep as we collectively clap to mark the dismissal of all students on their last day of school. Mark your calendar, and come on out to the CLAP OUT! Let us hear you!
Send a Student Shout Out!
Summer Reading Links
Translations Available
This newsletter can be translated by readers into multiple languages using the translation bar at the top of the screen. For reference, the translation bar looks like the image shown here.
Virtual Backpack Flyers
Barley Sheaf - none
Copper Hill
Copper Hill June 2020 Newsletter
A Note from the Nurse
12th Week of Spirit (6/16/20)
HFC Summer Soltice Webinar 6/16/20)
Garden Slate Flyer (6/16/20)
Virtual Day of Reading (6/12/20)
Scholarship Winners (6/12/20)
District Clap Out (6/11/20)
Congratulations FAD Retirees (6/11/20)
4th Grade Lawn Sign (6/05/20)
2019 - 2020 Yearbook Order! (4/30/20)
Robert Hunter - none
Attention 6th Grade: JP Case Fall Sports Information (6/1/20)
RFIS 5th Grade Orientation Resources
Message from the Health Office
Message from the Health Office-Spanish
JP Case
Important Information for J.P. Case Fall Sports (6/9/20)
High School Health Office Information (5/22/20)
Summer Food Service (6/19/20)