Fang Family Newsletter
October 2021
It's hard to believe we only have two weeks left and we will have completed our first 9 week grading period. Our students have been working hard in the classroom. If your child is struggling with any classes, please reach out to his/her teacher to set up tutoring. All teachers offer extra time to work with students to get them caught up.
We are hosting our first fall family night this Monday, October 4th. We would love to see all of our NJH families at this event.
-Monica Guerrero
Celebraremos nuestra primera noche familiar de otoño este lunes 4 de octubre. Nos encantaría ver a todas nuestras familias de NJH en este evento.
-Monica Guerrero
Important Dates in October /Fechas importantes en octubre
Oct. 5th - Progress Report PR2 sent home
Oct. 5th - JH Football vs Davila (8th grade at home/7th grade away)
Oct. 6th - College/Military/Trade School Shirt Day!
Oct. 12th - JH Football vs Wellborn (7th grade at home/8th grade away)
Oct. 14th - NJH Pep Rally (Volleyball - pink out)
Oct. 14th - NJH Volleyball @ Home (Davila)
Oct. 15th - End of 1st 9-weeks
Oct. 18th - Student Holiday / Staff workday
Oct. 19th - JH Football vs Huntsville (8th grade at home/7th grade away)
Oct. 20th - 2021 JH Cross Country District Meet - Huntsville
Oct. 21st - NJH Volleyball @ Wellborn
Oct. 21st - Report Card (RC1) sent home with students
Oct. 26th - JH Football vs Brenham (7th grade at home/8th grade away)
Oct. 28th - NJH Volleyball Playoff - TBD
Vision Statement
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About Us
Location: 9038 Hwy 90 South Navasota, T
Phone: 9368254225
Twitter: @navasotajh