point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Make. It. Better.
Who smiles when you show up? What improves when you appear? Is the room brighter with you in it? Is the team more effective with you on it? Your presence is meant to make situations better. Nothing should be the same. And nothing should be worse. Only better! This means that intentionality is your friend & continuous improvement is your companion. You are ordained to boost, not burden. To encourage, not discourage. To empower, not enable. You are the multiplier…the synergizer…& the unifier. You appreciate what is, but imagine what can be. Is it better? That is the quintessential question that dominates your mind. Is it better? Is the project better? Is the team better? Is the relationship better? Whether you are leading or serving, make it better. Whether you are celebrating or coaching, make it better. Don’t stop pushing until the answer is a resounding YES. Make. It. Better. Period. 👉🏽Takeaway: No matter what you say, your heart is what will be believed. Bryan K. Williams, DM, Keynote Speaker & Author
week of April 1
Sunday - Easter
Monday, 6pm - City Council meeting
Tuesday, Election Day; 9:30am - Community Foundation Meeting
Thursday, 11:30am - SAFE
Saturday, Piccadilly
upcoming agendas
City Council will consider request to approve 33 Liquor Licenses [General Fund revenue $17,100]; final change orders for outdoor pool [Funding: Community Center Bond $27,263.11; Sales Tax Fund $30,000] & agreement with KMO Swimming for pool rental [Community Center revenue $9,540 est.]; resolution of intent to seek funds for improvements to S. McCleary Road & intersection of Corum Road/St. Louis Ave [Funding: Grant $413,918, CIP 73,046]; bid award to McAnany Construction for 2024 streetscape program [Funding: Trans Trust Sales Tax $800,000, CIP Sales Tax 115,315]; consider dedication of Right-of-Way for May & Pierson Street; agreement with University of Missouri Health Care to allow EMT students from Kearney FIre Protection District class to perform clinical ride outs with our fire department; agreement with MoDOT for sidewalk improvements along Hwy 10 in front of QuikTrip states City will be responsible for sidewalk maintenance in the future; amending city code related to Municipal Court procedures pertaining to corrections to conform to state statutes.
Community Foundation will review financial report; consider new business - ES Youth wrestling account, Meals on Wheels, Special Olympics (Joint Venture w/ESPRCC & ESSD); 50/50 Raffles (Special Olympics), ESPRCC Application for Grants through Foundation (USDA, VA & LWCF), Revolving Loan Fund; & Old Business - Education Foundation wind down plan, agreement with donors.
making a difference
Celebrating work anniversaries this week - Clint Reno, IT Administrator - 30 years; Zac St. John, Assistant Fire Chief - 18 years; Taran Svoboda, Court Administrator - 13 years; Richard Nash, Water Plant Operator - 5 years; Blake Stevens, Community Center Maintenance Facility - 2 years.
Small Town Vibes
Streetscape Program will make base repairs & UBAS overlays in Madison Park, The Vintage, & Rock Bridge Parkway Subdivisions & base repairs in preparation for chip/seal applications in 2025 for Liberty, Richmond, Murray, S. Kent, Mellwood, Line, Berton, Garland, Highland, Elsworth, Homestead, Owen, Prospect, Divide, Ridge, Grand, Hyder, Salem, Summit, Divide, Bates, Kansas, Cannon, Osage, N. Kent, Bell, Holmes, Elvira, Hyder, N. Francis, Centrailia, York, Cherry, Hazel, Ash, Bates, Bluff & Folk streets. Base repairs will also take place in the West Springs neighborhood & Golf Hill neighborhood in preparation for 2025 UBAS overlay. The selection of streets follows the recommendations of the pavement condition index report with a focus on streets that require lower cost maintenance strategies to avoid expensive replacement if protected by lower cost maintenance strategies. The chip/seal application has an estimated 8 year lifespan @ $3.7/SY; UBAS is estimated @ $10/SY with 10 year lifespan. UBAS is not a structural repair & is considered to be a surface treatment & should be applied to prolong the life of curbed streets, Chip & Seal should be used to protect the street's condition to avoid more expensive repairs.
choose your attitude!
This weekend is a perfect time to see the spring wildflowers in Isley Park Woods, a MO Natural Area! The IPWNA is located on Siloam Mountain Park along the Fishing River in historic downtown ES. It has a lower paved trail & a narrow dirt trail along the upper half of the hillside. The park is accessible from Lover's Lane & it's covered in native wildflowers in early spring, but for only a short time. Read it on FB.