Hilltop Elementary School
February 28th
Spring Conferences
Please see the letter regarding spring conferences
Read Across America- March 3rd- March 7th
We are looking forward to celebrating Read Across America Week at Hilltop! We will have a spirit week connected to our One School, One Book novel Crenshaw!
Feedback Wanted
The Mendham Borough School District is seeking parent feedback on the school lunch program. Please take a moment to complete the survey below (please submit only one response per family).
Announcements and Updates
- Kindergarten Registration is now open! Current preschool students entering kindergarten do not need to register, but should reach out to Mrs. Austin
- Reminder that students are not supervised until 8:15. Please refrain from dropping off your child before morning supervision
- Reminder to all parents to please send your child in with a snack for the day and an extra snack if they are in enrichments.
- Please make sure to update pick-up-patrol before 1:30pm
Hilltop Highlights
Whole School Meeting
Whole School Meeting
Whole School Meeting
3rd Grade Writing Celebration
3rd Grade Writing Celebration
3rd Grade Writing Celebration
Literacy Corner-Crenshaw at Home Activity
Please make sure to return your Crenshaw book if you have borrowed a copy!
Jackson’s imaginary friend is Crenshaw. Crenshaw is a large, outspoken cat who has come into Jackson’s life to help him through the difficult times.
If you have an imaginary friend or if you had an imaginary friend, what would your imaginary friend look like?
Draw your imaginary friend on a piece of paper! Bring your drawing in by Thursday, February 27th. Your drawings will be displayed throughout the hallways for all to see!
This week's Crenshaw trivia winners were Mrs. Novak and Ms. Flemen!
Keep reading so you can participate in the trivia!
Notes From The Health Office
Around Mendham
Follow Us!
Mark Your Calendars
3/3-3/7- Read Across America Spirit Week
3/24- Earth Day Assembly
3/27 & 3/28- Spring Conferences minimal day
3/31-4/4- Spring Break