The Paw Print
Volume 1.1 - Special Edition - Reopening Procedures
Procedures for 20-21 School Year
Staggered Arrival Procedures
- Students in grades 3-6 should arrive wearing a face mask or shield. Children in grades K-2 are strongly encouraged to wear face masks/shields. All students need to follow social distancing and safety guidelines.
- We will continue to serve nutritious breakfast free to all students. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15. If your child will be eating breakfast on campus, they are welcome to arrive at 7:45.
- If your child is not eating breakfast, please have them arrive between 8:00 and 8:15. Classroom doors will open at 8:00 and they can walk directly to their classroom.
- All staff will be on hand to help the first week, ensuring students know where to go when they arrive.
- If your child is new to Surfside or is likely to forget the name of their homeroom teacher, please write their homeroom teachers name on a small index card for your child on the first day. This will assist staff members in quickly directing children to their homeroom classes.
- At this time, parents and visitors are not allowed on campus.
- Instruction will begin promptly at 8:15. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after this time.
- We cannot wait for the day that visitors are allowed back on campus. In order for the first day to be extra special, we will have photo opportunities set up before and after school on the first day of school. We will have them again on the first day of kindergarten. Please maintain social distancing while using the photo opportunities. They will be located by the school sign out front and by the bike entrance on the east side of the school.
- We will have all staff on deck to help our precious kindergarten panthers get to class from all entrances. Each child will be given a colored star during their assessment appointment. This will help us identify the class in which they belong.
- If your child(ren) have an older sibling that would like to walk them, we encourage that. There will be sidewalk chalk on the ground to show kids where to go.
- We know how hard it is not to be able to walk your child to class on their first day. This is truly for the safety of our staff and students.
Cafeteria Procedures
- When going through the lunch line, students in grades 3-6 will be wearing a face mask or shield. Children in grades K-2 are strongly encouraged to wear face masks/shields. All students need to follow social distancing and safety guidelines.
- All students will use sanitizer before entering the cafeteria.
- Only students buying lunch will walk through the serving line.
- Students will sit six feet apart facing the same direction and will remove their masks to eat once they are seated.
Classroom Procedures
- Students in grades 3-6 should arrive wearing a face mask or shield. Children in grades K-2 are strongly encouraged to wear face masks/shields. All students need to follow social distancing and safety guidelines. Each child will be provided with one face shield to use at school. We are still waiting for these to arrive.
- We will have students sanitize each time they enter or exit the classrooms.
- Mask breaks will be provided for students.
- All student supplies should be labeled with student's name. We are asking students not to share materials.
- Each teacher will have additional procedures for their own classroom. Thank you for your continued support of our teachers. They are working so hard to ensure this school year is safe and educational. WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS!
Staggered Dismissal Procedures
- Students in grades 3-6 should arrive wearing a face mask or shield. Children in grades K-2 are strongly encouraged to wear face masks/shields. All students need to follow social distancing and safety guidelines.
- Car loop will still take place on the west side of the school. This is the same location as last year. Students waiting for car loop will be supervised by teachers and will remain socially distanced.
- Students attending Panther Den will be dismissed and a staff member will assist students in getting to the cafeteria.
- Our walkers and bikers will be dismissed in a staggered fashion. Siblings will be dismissed to walk together. Everyone else will be dismissed by grade level. They will then exit campus through the bike rack gates.
- If you are accustomed to picking your child up at the gates, please maintain social distancing. We need ample space for students to exit campus without having to walk through a large crowd.
- Dismissal will begin promptly at 2:45 Monday through Thursday. On Friday, dismissal will start at 1:30.
- If you need a car tag, we will be passing them out during supply drop off on Thursday, August 20 from 12:30-3:30. If you cannot make that time, please stop by the front office. You will need your ID to get a car tag.
- A staggered dismissal is new to us. Thank you ahead of time for your grace and flexibility during this process. We will constantly be reviewing procedures in order to refine our processes.
- In order for students to join us without too many hiccups the first day, please have your child(ren) login this week to Launchpad. If they do not remember their password, please email their homeroom teacher.
- Assessments will be scheduled for all e-learners in the coming weeks.
- Plan to have several independent breaks throughout the day (recess, lunch, activity, restroom/stretch).
- Please continue to support our e-learning teachers. This is not the same as distance learning that everyone experienced last spring. They are working tirelessly to provide the best learning environment possible for your child(ren).
Thank you for your grace and flexibility during this unique time. We are so excited to welcome the kids back on Monday! #SurfsideStrong
Please review the attachments and links below.
My Payments Plus
We would like to limit the exchange of cash in the cafeteria. Please create a My Payments Plus account to add money to your child's lunch account. You can also use this to review their cafeteria purchases.