Adams County 4-H Newsletter
January, 2022 Issue
In this Issue
- Note from the Extension Office
- Leaders & Parents Corner
- 4-H Council
- Youth Information
- Project Information
- 4-H Calendar
A Note from the Extension Office
We hope that everyone has taken time to unwind and rejuvenate yourselves during the holiday season. As we continue the pandemic we want to remind everyone to stay vigilant in the fight against Covid-19. We are anticipating an outstanding 4-H year. January 1st officially starts the 2022 4-H calendar year. The current edition of the 4-H Family Handbook is available on our website. The enrollment process for 2022 is an online enrollment process. Instructions on how to enroll online are on the Adams County website along with the 2022 Project Resource Central (pick-a-project). We will not have paper forms but will be happy to help you do the online form. We hope that you take some extra time this year and sign up for a project you can do as a family or together with another person. Challenge yourself by switching to a new or more challenging project. Please note again this year we will be completing the fair entry online in the static area and contest along with livestock, more to come on this at a later date. Whatever you do, we hope you continue to be part of the Adams County 4-H Program.
Communication Tool: Remind App
Adams County 4-H would like to improve our communication and outreach with our 4-H families, volunteers, and partners. Therefore, we invite you to join Adams County 4-H in the Remind App! Join today and be caught up on everything happening. Already have the Remind App? Look up for the Class Code: @adamsco4h
Checkout the Facebook Page
After lots of thought and discussion, we (Beth & Julie) decided it was time to set up our own Facebook Page that would allow us to focus on 4-H content focused for our 4-H families. You may review it at:
We still have the UNL Extension in Adams County Facebook page for all the Adams County Extension information.
Annual Soup Supper Fundraiser
Mark Your Calendars!
The 4-H Council will be holding their annual fundraiser on January 16, 2022 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Adams County Fairgrounds. With Covid on the upswing a decision has been made to have a dine out option available to you, there will be a special parking place for you to pull in and have our Jr. Leader car hops wait on you. Please mark your calendars now and plan on attending. 4-H families will be asked to bring desserts to help with this event. The CWF youth will be having their cake auction and basket raffle at this event.
Extension Office Closed
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Jan 17
Enroll Today!
Youth can start enrolling for 2022 4-H by going to and sign in by using the email address that you used to create your account last year. If you can’t remember your password select the option “I forgot my password.” If brand new to 4-H, go to and select “I need to set up a profile.” There is an enrollment fee of $5 this can be paid online (credit or debit card) when enrolling or by cash or check to the Adams County Extension Office. The enrollment will not be complete until the Extension Office has received the online enrollment submission and enrollment fee. Updated step-by-step instructions and the 2022 Pick a Project (please use at this time) for enrolling can be found on our website If you have any problems or questions, please call Gwen or Twila at 402-461-7209.
- Remember the Early Bird 4-H enrollment deadline date is February 14, 2022. If you take advantage of this enrollment time the 4-H Council is giving as an incentive a free 4-H manual of your choice. This is a great opportunity to have new resources for your projects.
Leaders & Parents Corner
Junior Leader News
Junior Leader News
“All Aboard the LeaderSHIP” The Adams County 4-H Junior Leaders next meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. on February 13, 2022. The meeting will be held at the Adams County Extension Office. Anyone is welcome to join the Junior Leader’s Club that is 12 by January 1, 2022, or older. You must be an active member of the Adams County 4-H program by being a member of an organized 4-H club or an independent member. Junior Leaders do a lot of fun, learning and leadership activities, this year the focus will be on the “new” achievement program. Some of the Jr. Leader activities are: pancake feed and food booth at the county fair, along with helping members and younger 4-H’ers with 4-H projects and being positive role model for younger 4-H’ers. Bring a friend and make new friends. Also you are eligible to earn a scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact Julie at the Adams County Extension Office (402-461-7209).
Leader & Volunteer Enrollment
We depend on and use leaders and volunteers throughout the Adams County 4-H program. Every year the Leaders and Volunteers are required to enroll/re-enroll in 4-H Online. h
Once enrolled for 2022, your status in 4-H Online will be “Pending” until we have verification that you have cleared the Volunteer Screening. Once you have submitted your enrollment, if you are a new volunteer, you will receive an email with instructions on what to expect next as we will submit your name to the State 4-H Office. We need every Leader/Volunteer to complete all the steps if you are planning to continue as a Leader/Volunteer in 2022. See enrollment information at
Save the Date!
4-H 101
Are you new to the 4-H program and need some extra guidance? This group will navigate you through your first or second year of 4-H, you will be instructed on deadlines, projects and exhibits, guided on proper 4-H proceedures all while having a great time. This special interest group will meet on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Extension Office. Mark your calendar for the first meeting on January 18th, this meeting will be covering enrolling in 4-H and selecting projects, please RSVP the Extension Office at 402-461-7209.
4-H Council
January Agenda:
- Council Nominations
- Review Adams County 4-H Council Scholarship Form & Requirements
- Nebraska 4-H Month
- YQCA Update
- 4-H Kick-off
- Committee Sign-ups
2022 4-H Council Officers
We would like to thank the 2021 4-H Council for their dedication and support to the Adams County 4-H Council. We are happy to announce the 2022 4-H Council Officers. They are
President: Neal Gerloff
Vice President: Heather Mohling
Treasurer: Brian Theesen
Secretary: Russ Hermann
Executive Committee: John Copple & Amy Hoagland
New Council Members: Jamee Bockerman, Jenny Hartman, Kiley McCoy, John Scheideler & Will Rathje - 1 more new member will be added.
Youth members: Jenna Cecrle, Mikeayla Samuelson & Wyatt Russell.
Youth Information
Awards Application for National 4-H Congress
4-H members that are 15 and older may apply, using the state Achievement Application, to be selected to attend the 2022 National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia. To view the application, visit the Nebraska 4-H website. Applications are due to the state by January 15. Please contact the office for submission details and questions.
Citizenship Washington Focus Trip
Citizenship Washington Focus Trip
A decision has been made to suspend the trip for 2022, changing it to a 2023 trip. Youth who are 15 to 18 years old in the years of 2023 & 2025 are invited and welcomed to sign up for a trip of a lifetime! If you are interested please contact NE Extension in Adams County at (402)461-7209. It is never too early to sign up. Fundraising is ongoing; Money earned at any fundraising activity will be applied to your 2023 or 2025 CWF trip fund.
BRAG - Big Red Ag Growers
"New Program" Community Connectors!
Attention youth in grades 10 - 12. Join the Community Connectors program to develop real friendships while building connections and engaging in your community. Connect with others through this 8-week virtual and self-guided program, while discovering more about yourself and your community. All while growing your resume! Apply soon -
Program begins February 1, 2022. Designed for Adams, Buffalo and Hall county youth.
Rural Youth Loans
As you begin looking for your project for next year, you may want to consider an opportunity that is available to you. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency makes operating loans of up to $5,000 to eligible individuals between the ages of 10-20 to finance income producing, agriculture-related projects. The individual must be participating in 4-H, FFA, or a similar organization. The program must be planned and supervised with the assistance of the organization’s supervisor and the individual’s parent or guardian. This assistance will help the individual to produce a sufficient income to repay the loan and provide the youth with practical business and educational experience in agriculture-related skills. The loan funds may be used to purchase livestock, feed, seed, equipment, and supplies for the project. They may also be used to buy, rent, or repair needed tools or equipment. Rural Youth Loans have a maximum loan amount of $5,000 (total principal balance owed at any one time on the loan) and the term can range from one to seven years. After the loan is made the interest rate will not change for the entire term of the loan. A parental signature is required on the application for the loan, but not on the promissory note or the other documents used to secure the loan. You can contact your local County FSA for more information.
Project Information
Shooting Sports
Adams County Shooting Sports Classes
There are still spots available! Are you interested in Archery, Firearms (BB Gun, Air Rifle & Air Pistol) and Shotgun or .22 Rifle? All past and new 4-H participants that want to participate in the Adams County 4-H Shooting Sports program must currently be enrolled in 4-H Online and then need to stop by the Adams County Extension Office during this time frame and sign up & pay for your discipline and class time. Class numbers are limited. Each discipline will be charged a fee of $20 to participate in these 8 week classes. Again, this year Archery fees - will be an additional $24.00 Facility fee in 2022.
Shotgun fees will be the $20 as the other disciplines are charged and at each session you will be expected to pay a $5 fee per round shot. Shooting Sports classes will be starting the week of January 24th.
Calendar for Adams County Shooting Sports Activities:
- Shotgun parents meeting, January 22, Extension Office @ 2:00 PM
- Shooting Sports Starts (Archery, BB Gun, Air Rifle & Air Pistol) – Week of January 24th
- Shotgun Starts – January 29th
- Shooting Sports Celebration – March 27th, Fairgrounds East Activity Building @ 5:00 PM
Shooting Sports Leader Certification Workshop
Volunteers have the opportunity to become certified as an adult (21 years and older) or apprentice (14-20 years old) leader. Four project areas will be offered at the Lincoln Workshop - rifle, pistol, coordinator, and archery. The Coordinator certification being offered in Nebraska
The registration fee is $110.00 per person for initial certification and those individuals adding an additional discipline except for Apprentice Instructors. The registration fee for Apprentice Instructors (14 to 20 years of age) is $90 for this workshop. This fee includes meals, supplies and program materials. Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Registration on Saturday runs from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Participants are requested to bring their own mask and hand sanitizer. Face coverings are required to be worn inside the Outdoor Education Center. If you feel sick at all, please stay home.
For more workshop information and registration link, go to the 4-H Shooting Sports web page, Or contact your local Nebraska Extension Office or Steve Pritchard at (402)395-2158 or (308)536-2691. Registration is available only online at the link provided in the brochure or they can register directly by clicking
Shooting Sports Leader Update Session
A paid registration fee by January 26th guarantees participant a spot at the session providing that the discipline session is not full. Early bird registration by January 26th is $25 for the session. Late registration fee, after January 26th, is $40. Fee includes program materials for the Update session. It does not include lodging or meal.
For more workshop information and registration link, go to the 4-H Shooting Sports web page, Or contact your local Nebraska Extension Office or Steve Pritchard at (402)395-2158 or (308)536-2691. Registration is available only online at the link provided in the brochure or they can register directly by clicking
Family & Consumer Science
Quilts of Valor Sewing Day
Join with Quilters across the nation in sewing for Quilts of Valor on February 19th at the Extension Office. The quilting workshop starts at 9:30 AM thru 11:30 AM, come and sew with Julie anytime during this time frame. There is no charge for this workshop the quilts made during this time will be a group effort and will be exhibited at the fair, then donated to the National QOV Foundation. Please RSVP at 402-461-7209 to sew with Julie.
Plant Science
Special Garden Project
The Special Garden Project is a way to offer 4-H members the chance to grow unusual and fun projects in their gardens. The 2022 Special Garden Project is focused on the tasty Rubenza Cosmos. The flowers of the Rubenza are unique, the petals change color as they age. Pollinators and beneficial insects are attracted to the blooms all summer long. These cosmos make great cut flowers. Be sure to enjoy a bouquet of Rubenza indoors. Youth should enroll for the Special Garden Project through 4-H Online.
4-H members enrolled in the Special Garden Project will:
· Receive a “packet” of
· Receive a newsletter about:
o Planting/Growing
o problems & insects
o Harvesting & using
If interested in participating, youth need to be enrolled in 4-H and in the special garden project area, please contact the Extension Office by January 31 so seeds can be ordered for you. Seed packets will be $0.50 each.
Special Agronomy Project
Newsletter Info:
The Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project gives 4-H members an opportunity to experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska. Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live. The project allows 4-H members interested in agronomy to grow something fun, new, and different.
The focus of the 2022 Special Agronomy Project is Broomcorn Sorghum. Broomcorn can be used for ornamental uses in floral arrangements or harvested for broom-use prior to seed maturity. To participate in the Special Agronomy Project, enroll in the project through 4-H Online or call your local extension office to reserve seed.
There are three ways to complete this at the county or state fair. First, an educational exhibit that can be in a poster format can include what you learned. Secondly, let your creativity go wild and create a video-type presentation explaining what you have learned, showing the growing process, etc. Finally, you can enter the crop itself. To do this, cut 4 stalks at the ground level and bound-together with supporting information about the project. For project specifications and details, be sure to go to the Nebraska State Fairbook at
Beef Weigh Day
This year the 4-H council has decided to offer only one weigh day for Beef, so be sure to Mark your Calendars! Beef Weigh Day is scheduled for Sunday, February 27th at the Animal Clinic, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. If cancelled, there is no reschedule. The 4-H Council has also decided that it is not mandatory for exhibitors planning on showing Market Beef at fair to weigh their beef at a weigh date. However, animals will need to be weighed at Adams County Weigh Day to participate in the Rate of Gain Contest.
If you do not weigh in your animals you will need to stop by the Extension Office to pick up tags and complete your paper work. The Carcass Contest has been suspended for 2022 due to processing complications.
If you plan on showing a heifer that you are questioning whether to show it as a market heifer or a breeding heifer please be sure to weigh her in as a market animal, you may change it to a breeding heifer later by using the proper tag or tattoo prior to Livestock Identification Day (June 1, 2022).
- There will be no cost for the County ear tags
Also remember that you have the opportunity for DNA to be taken for State Fair. The cost of this will be paid online when you nominate your animal. EID tags are required for State Fair. You may complete the DNA requirements at home by picking up DNA envelopes and EID tags at the Extension office and returning them prior to June 1st.
Livestock Judging Opportunity
Save the date of February 12, 2022 for the Cattleman’s Classic Beef Judging Competition in Kearney, NE. This is a Beef Animal judging contest only for youth ages 8 to 18. Please let Beth know if you are interested by January 15th to create teams for the event. Learn more by visiting -
PASE - Premier Animal Science Event
The PASE dates are official, June 22nd & 23rd at UNL, East Campus. Please mark your calendars if you are interested in participating in PASE. Please let Beth (402)461-7209 know if you are interested. Practices will begin soon.
YQCA In-person Trainings
Any 4-H’er except Clover Kids showing livestock (beef, sheep, pig, goat, poultry, and rabbit) at the county and/or state fair, must complete the YQCA Program requirements by June 15th. Youth may attend in-person trainings or complete online modules specific to their age as of December 31, 2021. Youth must pre-register to attend the in-person trainings. Register for the in-person training or complete the online training must use your 4-H Online Login email and password at
In- Person YQCA Dates and locations:
2/11/2022, 9:30 AM @ Blue Hill Community Center
2/11/2022, 3:00 PM @ Red Cloud Community Center
3/4/2022, 9:30 AM @ Webster County Fairgrounds
3/20/2022, 2:00 PM @ Adams County Extension Office
4/18/2022, 10:00 AM @ Adams County Extension Office
4/18/2022, 3:00 PM @ Webster County Fairgrounds
6/7/2022, 6:00 PM @ Adams County Extension Office
6/9/2022, 6:00 PM @ Webster County Fairgrounds
Clover Kids
What is Clover Kids?
The 4-H Clover Kid program is designed to provide 5 to 7 year olds with a variety of educational and recreational experiences in a non-competitive environment. The program fosters the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional and physical maturation of young children. Clover Kids may participate in activities led by an adult that will help them:
· Explore different interests
· Build self-confidence
· Practice communication skills
· Get along and share with others
· Be a part of a group
· Explore science with simple experiments
· Strengthen motor skills through arts and crafts
· Make friends
Announcing Clover Kid Saturday Fun 2022!
Join Julie on Saturday morning from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. for some fun while learning! You must pre-register a week prior to each session by calling the Extension Office at 402-461-7209. Each workshop session is $8.00 to attend. Workshops are as follows and will feature:
January 29, Extension Office – Making Food for Me; Learn how to correctly measure ingredients to create successful snacks.
February 26, Extension Office – Exploring Science; Details in the next newsletter.
March 26, Extension Office – Watching it Grow; Details in the next newsletter.
April 30, Extension Office – The Great Outdoors; Details in the next newsletter.
Calendar of 4-H Events
Jan 3 - 4-H Council, Extension Office @ 7:30 PM
Jan 4 - 6 - Shooting Sports Registration, Extension Office during reg. business hours, with extended hours on Jan 5th until 7:00PM
Jan 6 - Extension Board, Extension Office @ 6:00 PM
Jan 9 - Jr Leader Meeting, Extension Office @ 5:00 PM
Jan 10 - BInterested (FCE)
Jan 11 - Ag Society, Fairgrounds @ 7:30 PM
Jan 15 - 4-H Council Prep for Soup Supper, Fairgrounds @ TBA
Jan 16 - 4-H Council Soup Supper, Fairgrounds @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Jan 17 - Ext Office Closed
Jan 18 - 4-H 101, Extension Office @ 6:30 PM
Jan 22 - Shotgun Parent Meeting, Extension Office @ 2:00 PM
Jan 24-Jan 29 - Shooting Sports Classes Start
Jan 29 - Clover Kid Fun Saturday, Extension Office @ 9:30 AM
Feb 3 - Extension Board, Extension Office @ 6:00 PM
Feb 6 - 4-H Kick Off, Extension Office @ 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Feb 7 - 4-H Council, Extension Office @ 7:30 PM
Feb 8 - Ag Society, Fairgrounds @ 7:30 PM
Feb 11 - YQCA, Red Cloud & Blue Hill
Feb 13 - Jr Leader Meeting, Extension Office @ 5:00 PM
Feb 14 - Love 4-H Enrollment – Free manual incentive deadline
Feb 15 - 4-H 101, Extension Office @ 6:30PM
Feb 19 - Quilts of Valor Workshop, Extension Office @ 1:30 PM
Feb 21 - BInterested (FCE), Extension Office @ 7:00 PM
Feb 21 - Ext Office Closed
Feb 26 - Clover Kids Fun Saturday, Extension Office @ 9:30 AM
Feb 27 - Beef Weigh In, Animal Clinic @ 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM
2022 Adams County 4-H Council
Neal Gerloff – Pres.
Heather Mohling – V.Pres.
Russ Hermann – Sec.
Brian Theesen – Tres.
Jamee Bockerman
Michele Burnham
John Copple
Jenny Hartman
Amy Hoagland
Kiley McCoy
Mathew Raney
Will Rathje
John Scheideler
Jr. Leader Rep – Mikeyla Samuelson
Youth Reps – Jenna Cecrle & Wyatt Russell
Chamber of Commerce Rep – Bob Herbek & Bekah Martin
Ag Society Rep – Patrick Niles
Please take time to THANK these above individuals for their
hard work and dedication to the Adams County 4-H Program!!!
Adams County 4-H Staff
Elizabeth "Beth" Janning
Julie Ochsner
Nebraska Extension Adams County Staff
Ronald C. “Ron” Seymour, Ph.D.
Lynn DeVries –
Elizabeth “Beth” Janning –
Julie Ochsner –
Gwen Rodocker –
Twila Bankson –
Alise Verhage –
Angie Katzberg –
Pat Evans –
Nebraska Extension in Adams County
Location: 2975 South Baltimore Avenue, Hastings, NE, USA
Phone: 402-461-7209