Eagle Update
September 24th 2024
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Hello Eagles,
Here are several updates and important information to share with you. Please see the details below.
Columba Jones
Families, we need your help to improve student attendance and ensure every child gets the most out of their education! Please take a moment to read the attached flyer, which includes vital information on our attendance policy, our school calendar to help you plan vacations and appointments, and valuable resources for families. Your partnership is key to fostering a supportive learning environment. Let’s work together to keep our students engaged and thriving! Thank you for your commitment to our school community!
Counseling Office | ASPIRE Updates
The School Counselors and ASPIRE kicked off the year by assisting the Class of 2025 at our annual CollegeAPPAttack event. In mid-August, we helped around 60 seniors get a head start on their college applications. Following that, we conducted classroom presentations in all Language Arts and Writing courses, where we introduced our college application platform, SchooLinks, and highlighted various college and career learning opportunities.
On September 11, we hosted our annual College and Career Night, featuring a college and career fair along with informative breakout sessions. The event attracted approximately 150 parents and students, with over 16 colleges, military branches, and trade schools participating. The breakout sessions covered topics such as military options, community college trades, scholarships, and financial aid.
Currently, School Counselors are meeting individually with seniors to discuss graduation requirements, post-secondary plans, college application deadlines, letters of recommendation, college admission tests, and more. The next big step for seniors is getting ready for the financial aid and scholarship season that will kick off in October through December.
Next week, we will visit SOAR classrooms to speak with the Class of 2028 about graduation requirements, understanding high school transcripts, grade point averages, and creating a four-year plan.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email your child's school counselor.--
Academic Support/ Enrichment
What I Need Time (W.I.N)
Students have access to teacher support during W.I.N time Tuesday through Friday. Ask your student about this time. Are they accessing academic support or participating in an activity or club during this time? It's very important that all students schedule their weekly W.I.N time every Monday by 4:00pm. Students have time to do this during their advisory time on Mondays. In addition this, scheduling is now open 7:30-8:10 Tuesday -Friday for students to make changes as needed.
Upcoming HOCO Week activities
9/27- Kick Off Assembly Friday- Dress up in class colors
9/29- Sunday- Hall Decorating 10-4
9/30- Monday: Dress UP: PJs/Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Lunch Activity: Limbo in The Commons
10/1- Tuesday: Dress up: Patterns(plaid, animals, etc..) or Country Vs. Country Club.
- Button Day: 9th and 11th graders
- Lunch: Pie Eating Contest.
- Water Polo starting at 5:15 and Boy's Soccer @7
10/2- Wednesday: Dress up: Decades/Jersey or Sport.
- Button Day: 10th and 12th
- Lunch: Musical Chairs in the gym
- Bon Gone: 6:30-9:00 $3 entry fee and School ID
10/3- Thursday: Twin or Favorite Character/Someone Famous
- Air Guitar Schedule
- Girls Soccer @7
- Football @ 7 Coronation@ half time.
10/5- Saturday: HOCO dance 8-11 $8 single $15 couple.
- Guest forms due: 10/2
- HOCO theme: Reach for the Stars!
Athletics Updates
Fall sports have been enjoying some great success out on in the field and in the gym through the month of September. Some highlights include our 6th ranked Girls Soccer team with zero losses in 5 games and a record of 4-0-1. They have a big matchup this Thursday vs. Putnam at Henderson Stadium at 7pm as we transition into NWOC League play. The Football team is off to a 3-0 start and also has a big game this Friday at Henderson Stadium with their start to league play vs. Centennial. This Thursday and Friday will be Youth Nights showcasing some of our local youth teams at Half Time. The Boys Soccer team had a very tough schedule in non league play at enters league this week at Putnam with a record of 2-2-1 playing four 6A teams and beating Ridgeview this past week down in Redmond 4-1. Water Polo has a big matchup today at home at the Aquatic Center with girls Varsity at 515pm and Boys Varsity at 615pm vs. Barlow, please come out and support Water Polo as they head into their league play and hopefully another run to the State Championships. Cross Country has gone to two invitational races with our Boys Varsity team taking 3rd place at the Ultimook Race in Tillamook and the Girls Varsity taking 8th place. They continued their successful start to the year at the Oregon City Invitational with Boys Varsity taking 4th Place but they were the fastest 5A team in the field and Girls Varsity taking 7th place. These teams head into NWOC League meets tomorrow at Mollala River State Park in Canby. Volleyball has had a very busy start to the year with league play with big wins over Parkrose and Hillsboro and hosts Milwaukie tonight at home at 645pm. Please come on out and support the Eagles!
You may have noticed some changes at Henderson Stadium at our home Soccer and Football games with the addition of Mt. Hood BBQ, FFA BBQ and Columbia Gorge Crepes as well as Snow Cones and our Lions Club Food Trucks. In our hopes to provide our fans a better experience in Henderson Stadium we working with these community partners to provide excellent food and overall a better gameday atmosphere. We would like to thank all our fans who have come out to support the Eagles and enjoy the new look Henderson Stadium. With these new additions you have probably noticed we have closed off the grass practice field behind the visiting bleachers in an attempt to preserve this practice space for our Football and Soccer teams. For fan safety and security of our event site, we will have to take the next steps in closing off the hillside between the stadium field and the JV Baseball field near the Flagpole. Our stadium is unique in the amount of space we must cover with security to keep our fans safe and with this in mind we have made the decision that the space on the hillside near the flagpole cannot be sufficiently staffed to keep everyone safe. We are now asking all fans to enter through the main gate at the northeast parking lot. You will see this week at the football game that the entrance from Golden Eagle Park parking lot will be closed off and everyone will be asked to walk along the practice field on the east side to the main parking and ticket booth. All fans are asked to bring only sealed water bottles, if you happen to have a reusable water bottle we will ask that you empty that water bottle and refill once inside the stadium. All fans will be asked to enter the stadium facility and enjoy the game inside the arena and hopefully enjoy some of the food and drinks from our community food trucks. We will no longer allow fans to sit in their own pop up chairs on the hillside outside the arena. That area is on our campus and we have to be sure we can properly staff the event. We thank everyone for your understanding. Our last ask is that if you are bringing a child younger than a high school student, that they are accompanied by an adult into the game.
As we head into October you will see the Eagles taking on our league partners from the NWOC, or Northwest Oregon Conference in our OSAA sports and Water Polo will be competing with our Mt. Hood League partners in our attempts to qualify for the State Playoffs. The next month will be action packed and we cannot wait to welcome fans to Aquatic Center, Vannet Court and Henderson Stadium to cheer on the Eagles.
Starting September 30th our Winter and Spring Sports will enter the "Open Season" meaning those teams can do six hours a week of workouts in preparation for their upcoming seasons. If you are interested in signing up for tryouts or joining one of these teams, please visit our new website to access our registration system Final Forms. Be sure to have a current physical within the last two years to be able to tryout or join a team. Our new website has all team schedules and links to information regarding all our teams.
Go Eagles!
Phone Free Environment
Students are doing a really good job of staying off their devices during classroom time. In the classroom the expectations are as follows:
- Phones will be put away in the wall pockets charts, and other devices (airpods, smartwatches, etc) will be out of sight in a backpack.
- Phones will not be used as incentives or for free time
- Phones will stay put away in pocket charts if a student takes a hall pass
- Phones can not be used instead of iPads for school work even if your iPad is dead or was left at home. Instead, students will be sent to the library to borrow an iPad for the day.
(please note, we understand that there are medical exceptions to these rules)
We have also been encouraging students to keep phones away during hallway passing and lunch times. We realize this can be challenging, but it is so important for students to take a screen break and interact with their peers in a face to face format during these times.
HRV will continue to explore different strategies to encourage this practice as we continue to work towards a phone free environment. If you would like to share ideas around this please reach out. We are meeting as a staff and will have more information to come as well.
HRVHS Site Council
The main goal of the Site Council is to work together with the school district, school staff, and the community to help improve student success at our school. This includes creating and updating plans to keep improving the school, supporting staff in their professional growth, and helping to put school programs in place.
Our Site Council meets on a monthly basis.from 3:45-4:45
If you are interested in joining our Site Council please email - HRVHS Principal - Columba Jones at columba.jones@hoodriver.k12.or.us.
Testing Information Update
SAT and pSAT Registration
Hood River Valley High School will offer the pSAT and SAT tests this fall. Tests take place during the school day at the high school. Students must register by September 23, 2024 to participate.
October 9 & 10, 2024
$18 Fee (Pay online or in person AT HRVHS)
Only current HRVHS and HROA Juniors can register
October 17, 2024
$60 Fee (Pay online or in person AT HRVHS)
Only current HRVHS and HROA Seniors can register
For more information, please see the HRVHS Website.
Booster Club
Think of Boosters as the PTO's older sibling—no longer just organizing bake sales, but now managing high school fundraisers for various activities. Last year, Boosters contributed $32,000 to 30 teams and 26 clubs, benefiting a total of 1,700 participants. Whether you can help with just one event or want to contribute throughout the year, your involvement will make a real difference for HRV students. To join our volunteer communication list click below.
Facebook | hrvhsboosterclub@gmail.com